Kızım kiraz, karpuz ve şeftali gibi yaz meyvelerini seviyor.
- My daughter likes summer fruits, such as cherries, watermelons and peaches.
Kirazların içinde kurt var.
- The cherries are wormy.
Bir kiraz veya ananas ile kokteyli dekore edebilirsin.
- You can decorate the cocktail with a cherry or a pineapple.
Kiraz ağaçları tamamen çiçeklenmişler.
- The cherry trees are in full blossom.
Bu kiraz koyu kırmızı.
- This cherry is dark red.
Bahçemizin iki kiraz ağacı vardır.
- Our garden has two cherry trees.
Parkta kiraz ağacının altında bankta yatan genç bir adam gördüm.
- I saw a young man lying on the bench under the cherry tree in the park.
'Cherry, then,' said Bailey. 'Cherry's short for it. It’s all the same.'.
She did not believe that life was a bowl of cherries, and she never had.
In any case it’s ironic, considering there hasn’t been a cherry in the white house since Chelsea Clinton was fourteen.
A few years earlier, I’d restored my ’65 Mustang convertible to cherry condition—fire engine red, with matching tuck-and-roll—and I wasn’t surprised that it drew attention.
Step 3: Output the tree T. The edge lengths of T are determined recursively: If (x,y) is a cherry connected to node z as in Step 2….