(Ev ile ilgili) insanları etkilemek amacı ile onların güvenini kazanmak ve kendini sevdirmek için bir dizi eylemlerde bulunmak. Politikacıların oy kazanmak için yaptıkları kampanyalar gibi
(Ev ile ilgili) a series of actions intended to get people to like and trust you so that you can influence them
charm offensive teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
a campaign of deliberately using charm and flattery in order to achieve some goal; especially in a political or diplomatic field
a concentrated attempt to gain favour or respectability by conspicuously cooperative or obliging behaviour
(Ev ile ilgili) a publicity campaign, usually by politicians, that attempts to attract supporters by emphasizing their charisma or trustworthiness
a campaign of flattery and friendliness designed to achieve the support or agreement of others
disapproval If you say that someone has launched a charm offensive, you disapprove of the fact that they are being very friendly to their opponents or people who are causing problems for them. He launched what was called a charm offensive against MPs who might not support the Government