change management teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organizations from a current state to desired future state, aimed at employee empowerment for accepting change in the work environment
the controlled implementation of required changes to some system; includes version control and planned fallback
Process of controlling changes to the infrastructure or any aspect of services, in a controlled manner, enabling approved changes with minimum disruption
Change management is a style of management that aims to encourage organizations and individuals to deal effectively with the changes taking place in their work. She is hoping to go into change management or IT management when she graduates
The activity of controlling and tracking changes to artifacts See also scope management 1
The process of maximizing performance throughout the PeopleSoft implementation by minimizing disruption and accelerating the acceptance of change This is being accomplished at UMass through four change management work streams: Training, Communications, Liaison Program/Site Readiness, and Sponsorship
The activity of controlling and tracking changes to artifacts See also scope management
Making changes or having changes made in such a way as to minimize interference and irregularity in the service level resulting from these changes For this purpose, care is taken that only tried and tested methods and techniques are used for the preparation, building, testing and implementation of new or changed Configuration Items
An integral part of good management, but one on which managers often seek advice from CONSULTANTS (Added March 1998)
Anticipating, preparing and undergoing change Topic areas: Governance, Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Operations Management and Leadership
The process of managing change from one state to a newer state i e replacing an computer system will a newer system
The process of tracking and monitoring changes in order to maintain control and understand the technical progress toward delivering an acceptable end-user product
Methods and processes that assist individuals in adjusting constructively to new systems, procedures, processes, workflow, organizational relationships and other differences as they occur
activities involved in (1) defining and instilling new values, attitudes, norms, and behaviors within an organization that support new ways of doing work and overcome resistance to change; (2) building consensus among customers and stakeholders on specific changes designed to better meet their needs; and (3) planning, testing, and implementing all aspects of the transition from one organizational structure or business process to another
a process to define and implement a new management approach to deal with new issues
Transformation from a traditional business to an e-business requires changes in management structures, processes, skills and business language Understanding e-business terminology is critical to exploiting the emerging business models and services and to communicating and facilitating change Enterprises should immerse managers and key employees in developing a working vocabulary in the language of e-business
The term used to describe activities involved in (1) defining and instil-ling new values, attitudes, norms, and behaviors within an organization that support new ways of doing business and overcoming resistance to change; (2) building consensus among customers and other stakeholders on specific changes designed to better meet their needs; and (3) planning, testing, and implementing all aspects of the transition from one organizational mission, structure, or business process to another As with Business Process Reengineering (BPR), the term "change management" is more commonly, and increasingly, associated with total organizational change programs, vice changes to any one particular business process
The Service Management process responsible for controlling and managing requests to effect changes (RFCs) to the IT infrastructure or any aspect of IT services to promote business benefit while minimising the risk of disruption to services Change Management also controls and manages the implementation of those changes that are subsequently given approval
a systematic process of taking into account the global conditions affecting an organization, as well as specific conditions in the organization The change management methodology examines the current environment with respect to organization culture, communication, organization design, job design, infrastructure, personnel, skills and knowledge, people/machine interfaces, and incentive systems (Brandenburg & Binder, 1992, p 667)