
listen to the pronunciation of certificate
İngilizce - Türkçe

Leyla hemşirelik sertifikası aldı. - Layla obtained a nursing certificate.

İki başarı sertifikası alacaksın. - You shall receive two certificates of achievement.

{i} belge

Doğum belgeni görebilir miyim? - May I see your birth certificate?

Uzun bir bekleyişten sonra, ona kimlik olarak onun doğum belgesinin onaylı bir nüshasını alması gerektiği söyleniyor. - After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.

durum belgesi
(Kanun) zeyilname
onay belgesi
health certificate sağlık belgesi
{i} diploma

Eğer bir tıp diploman varsa, onu getir. - If you have a medical certificate, bring it.

(Askeri) BELGE: Bir şeyin gerçeğe uygun olduğunu ifade eden yazılı ve basılı vesika
{i} ruhsat
certificate of origin menşe belgesi
{i} kimlik

Uzun bir bekleyişten sonra, ona kimlik olarak onun doğum belgesinin onaylı bir nüshasını alması gerektiği söyleniyor. - After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.

certificate of registry gemi tasdiknamesi
{i} tasdikname
birth certificate nüfus kâğıdı
{f} ruhsat vermek
{f} belgelemek
{f} belge vermek
(Sigorta,Ticaret) lisans belgesi
(Kanun) beyanname

Jill'i hisse senetlerini çalmakla suçlayacak hiçbir dayanağın yok. - You have no grounds for accusing Jill of stealing the stock certificates.

(Kanun) tevsik etmek
bitirme belgesi
(Hukuk) şahadetname
doğrulama belgesi
(Hukuk) vesika
certificate no
cüzdan no
certificate of birth
(Kanun) hüviyet cüzdanı
certificate of origin
menşei şahadatnamesi
certificate of proof
(Kanun) onay belgesi
certificate account
tasarruf hesabı
certificate of baptism
vaftiz belgesi
certificate of birth
nüfus hüviyet cüzdanı
certificate of bonds
tahvil sertifikası
certificate of death
vefat ilmühaberi
certificate of debt
borç senedi
certificate of deposit
mevduat sertifikası
certificate of incorporation
tescil belgesi
certificate of inspection
ekspertiz raporu
certificate of manufacture
imalat sertifikası
certificate of origin
köken belgesi
certificate of origin
menşe belgesi
certificate of quality
kalite belgesi
certificate of secondary school
ortaokul diploması
Certificate of Free Sale
(İthalat, İhracat) Serbes satış sertifikası

A certificate of free sale in Italy permits the commercial sale of the product in that country.

Certificate of free sale
Serbest satış sertifikası
certificate check
tasdikli çek
certificate of Occupancy
(Kanun) Oturma izni, ikamet belgesi
certificate of achievement
başarı sertifikası
certificate of appreciation
Teşekkür/Takdir belgesi, teşekkürnâme/takdirnâme
certificate of attendance
Katılım belgesi
certificate of citizenship
Vatandaşlık belgesi
certificate of delivery
teslim sertifikası, teslim pusulası
certificate of free circulation
serbest dolaşım belgesi
certificate of good conduct
iyi hal belgesi
certificate of insurance
sigorta sertifikası
certificate of need
ihtiyaç belgesi
certificate of no marriage
hiçbir evlilik belgesi
certificate of origin
Menşei şehadetnamesi
certificate of origin
Menşei, çıkış şahadetnamesi
certificate of register
gemi tasdiknamesi
certificate of transfer
devir belgesi
certificate authority
Özgünlük Yetkilisi
certificate authority
Sertifika Yetkilisi
certificate for decoration
(Askeri) NİŞAN BERATI, NİŞAN BELGESİ: Bir nişan verildiğini gösteren kabartma yazılı belge
certificate holder
(Ticaret) sertifika sahibi
certificate of achievement
(Askeri) BAŞARI BERATI, NİŞAN BELGESİ: Bir nişan verildiğini gösteren kabartma yazılı belge
certificate of analysis
analiz belgesi
certificate of approved type
(Ticaret) onaylanmış tip belgesi
certificate of authenticity
(CA) Özgünlük Belgesi
certificate of capacity
(Askeri) MÜSPET SİCİL BELGESİ: İsmi yazılı subayın belgede yazılı rütbeye yükselme niteliğinde olduğunu ifade eden rapor
certificate of damage
(Askeri) hasar belgesi
certificate of death
defin ruhsatı
certificate of disability for discharge
(Askeri) DAİMİ ÇÜRÜK RAPORU: Bedeni ve akli sebeplerden askeri hizmete, daimi olarak elverişsiz durumdaki bir askerin bu halini ve terhis edilmesi gerektiğini gösterir belge
certificate of expenditure
(Askeri) SARFİYAT BELGESİ: Sarfa tabi malın tükendiğini veya muhasebe kayıtlarından düşüldüğünü ifade eden rapor. CERTIFICATE OF FAIR WEAR AND TEAR: KAYIT SİLME BELGESİ: Malzemenin, bir ihmal veya hasardan değilde, askeri hizmette normal olarak kullanılmasından sonra elden çıktığını veya hasara uğradığını gösteren belge. Bak. "report of supply". CERTIFICATE OF GAINS, LOSSES AND DISCREPANCIES: FAZLALIK, NOKSANLIK VE FİRE TUTANAĞI: Bir satış mağazasında, tespit edilmiş miktarlar dahilindeki işletme zayiatını belgelemek için kullanılan form
certificate of honorable service
(Askeri) ŞEREFLİ HİZMET BELGESİ: Askerlikte ölen bir kimsenin, yaptığı hizmetleri takdir mahiyetinde, en yakınına verilen yazılı belge
certificate of oath
(Ticaret) yemin zaptı
certificate of origin
(Avrupa Birliği) menşe şahadetnamesi
certificate of share
(Ticaret) hisse sertifikası
certificate of share
(Ticaret) hisse ilmühaberi
certificate of standardization
standart kontrol belgesi
certificate of stock
(Ticaret) hisse ilmühaberi
certificate of stock
(Ticaret) hisse sertifikası
certificate of warranty
(Avrupa Birliği) garanti belgesi
certificate of weight
çeki listesi
certificate request file
Sertifika İstek Dosyası
certificate server
Sertifika Sunucusu
certificate server configuration
Sertifika Sunucusu Yapılandırma
certificate server configuration wizard
Sertifika Sunucusu Yapılandırma Sihirbazı
certificate, certification

Şu sıralar BT sertifikasyonlarına çalışmaya çok vakit harcıyorum. - I've been spending a lot of time studying for IT certifications recently.

Bu aralar IT sertifikasyonlarına çalışmak için epey zaman harcıyorum. - I've been spending a lot of time studying for IT certifications recently.

project completion certificate
İş bitirme belgesi
accreditation certificate
(Ticaret) akreditasyon belgesi
calibration certificate
(Ticaret) kalibrasyon sertifikası

İki başarı sertifikası alacaksın. - You shall receive two certificates of achievement.

Bir pasaporta başvuru yapmak için hangi sertifikalar ve belgeler gereklidir? - What certificates and paperwork are needed to apply for a passport?

(Askeri,Havacılık) sertifikasyon

Şu sıralar BT sertifikasyonlarına çalışmaya çok vakit harcıyorum. - I've been spending a lot of time studying for IT certifications recently.

(Kanun) doğrulama
(Kanun,Ticaret) tasdik etme
(Askeri,Teknik,Ticaret) belgelendirme
education certificate
(Eğitim) öğrenim belgesi
employment certificate
çalışma karnesi
iso certificate
(Ticaret) iso belgesi
pledge certificate
(Ticaret) rehin senedi
poverty certificate
fakirlik belgesi
project completion certificate
Proje bitiş sertifikası
receive a certificate
sertifika almak
receive certificate
ruhsat almak
bankrupt's certificate
birth certificate
doğum belgesi
onay belgesi
death certificate
defin ruhsatı
death certificate
ölüm ilmuhaberi
dividend right certificate
intifa senedi
encouragement certificate
teşvik belgesi
exporter's certificate
ihracatçı belgesi
face amount certificate company
itibari kıymet
health certificate
sağlık raporu
import certificate
ithalatçı belgesi
interest certificate
faiz belgesi
interim certificate
geçici belge
investment certificate
yatırım belgesi
marriage certificate
evlenme cüzdanı
medical certificate
sağlık raporu
partnership certificate
ortaklık belgesi
proprietorship certificate
provisional certificate
geçici sertifika
scrip certificate
geçici sertifika
share certificate
hisse senedi
stock certificate
hisse senedi sertifikası
treasury certificate
kâğıt para
Temporary Operation Certificate
Geçici faaliyet belgesi
certificate of origin
(İthalat, İhracat) menşei şahadetnamesi
circulation of goods certificate
dolaşım belgesi
damage certificate
hasar belgesi
delivery certificate
teslimat sertifikası
face amount certificate company
itibarı kıymet
guarantee certificate
garanti belgesi
incentive certificate
(Kontrat, Sözleşmeler) Teşvik belgesi
phytosanitary certificate
Phytosanitary certificates or Fumigation certificates are issued to indicate that consignments of plants, plant products or other regulated articles meet specified phytosanitary import requirements and are in conformity with the certifying statement of the appropriate model certificate. Phytosanitary certificates should only be issued for this purpose
shareholders certificate book
ortaklar pay defteri
transfer certificate
transfer sertifikası
{s} onaylanmış
{s} belgeli
{s} resmi
(Ticaret) tevsik edilmiş
(Nükleer Bilimler) belge verme
[n] tasdikname
(Tıp) Hastayı zorunlu olarak akıl hastanesine yatırma
{i} belgeleme
{i} ruhsat
{i} onaylama
(Tıp) Belli bir dalda uzmanlaştığına dair belge kazanam
(Tıp) Bildirilmesi zorunlu bir hastalığı gerekli yerlere bildirme
{i} onay
İngilizce - İngilizce
To supply with a certificate, especially following certification
The information needed in order to verify a positive answer to a problem
A document containing a certified statement
A document evidencing ownership or debt
{n} a testimony given in writing
A written assurance that identifies at least the name and address of the enterprise certified, effective date of certification, certification number, categories of organic operation, name and address of certification body, and standards to which the enterprise is certified
In cryptography, an electronic document binding some pieces of information together, such as a user's identity and public key Certifying Authorities (CA's) provide certificates
In cryptography, an electronic document binding some pieces of information together, such as a user's identity and public-key Certifying Authorities (CA's) provide certificates
{f} confirm; authorize by certificate, license
A written declaration legally authenticated
In cryptography, an electronic document binding some pieces of information together, such as a user's identity and public key A Certificate Authority (CA) provides certificates
A certificate is a digitally signed statement from one entity (person, company, etc ), saying that the public key of some other entity has some particular value If you trust the signature on the certificate, you trust that the association in the certificate between the specified public key and the other entity is authentic
Certificates are data which is used to verify digital signatures A certificate is only as trustworthy as the agency which issued it A certificate is used to verify a particular signed item, such as an Email message or a web page The digital signature, the item and the certificate are all processed by a mathematical program It is possible to say, if the signature is valid, that "According to the agency which issued the certificate, the signer was (some name)"
A written testimony to the truth of any fact; as, certificate of good behavior
One of the basic elements of Grid security, used to certify your identity on Grid resources See Certificates
a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"
To furnish with a certificate; as, to certificate the captain of a vessel; a certificated teacher
To verify or vouch for by certificate
digital certificates similar to X 509 self-signed (root) certificates, except there can be more than one signature on PGP certificates
A certificate is an identifier for a secure server In Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, both the secure server and the browser use certificates to see if secure transactions may take place
A message (see definition for MESSAGE) that, at least, states a name or identifies the IA, identifies the subscriber, contains the subscriber's public key, identifies the certificate's operational period, contains a certificate serial number, and is digitally signed by the IA All references to a "Class [1, 2, or 3] certificate" or to a "certificate" without a modifying adjective are intended as references to both "normal" and "provisional" certificates, unless the context requires otherwise References to a certificate refer exclusively to certificates issued by an IA (Cf , PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE)
A digital credential A certificate is an electronic identity document conforming to the ISO X 509 authentication protocol The X 509 protocols make up the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) authentication framework The framework provides for authentication across networks Part of X 509 defines the structure for public-key certificates Certificates typically contain a user's name or other identifying information and public key A Certificate Authority, (CA) authorizes certificates by signing the contents using its CA signing private key
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
A certificate is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or training. The qualification that you receive is sometimes also called a certificate. To the right of the fireplace are various framed certificates. the Post-Graduate Certificate of Education
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts authorize by certificate present someone with a certificate
certification approval or identification; 1) when dealing security, an entity grants certificates to those that pass their criteria for security and identifies the bearer; 2) when dealing with privacy, the certificate identifies the bearer; in both cases a granting entity is known as a Certificate Authority and is usually a private company; also see digital signature
A document that is used to certify that a user or organisation is who they say they are They contain information about who it belongs to, who it was issued by, expiry date and information that can be used to check out the contents of the certificate It is as an important part of the SSL system for establishing secure connections See Also: Certificate Authority , SSL
The public key and identity of an entity together with other information rendered unforgettable by signing the certificate with the private key of the certifying authority
Cryptographic systems use this file as proof of identity It contains a user's name and public key
{i} official document (birth certificate, license, etc.)
authorize by certificate
A certificate is an official document stating that particular facts are true. birth certificates. share certificates
A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and secure exchange of information on open networks, such as the Internet, extranets, and intranets A certificate securely binds a public key to the entity that holds the corresponding private key Certificates are digitally signed by the issuing certification authority and can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service The most widely accepted format for certificates is defined by the ITU-T X 509 version 3 international standard See also certification authority; private key; public key
A digitally signed record that states the properties of some entity
The public key and identity of an entity together with some other information, rendered unforgeable by signing the certificate with the private key of the certifying authority which issued that certificate In the X9 59 Standard the term certificate shall mean a public-key certificate (X9 59)
A digital certificate is an electronic document which links a public key to a person or a company in a public key infrastructure enabling the user(s) to send encrypted and digitally signed electronic messages The certificate identifies the user and is required to verify his digital signature The certificate contains information about the identity and public key of the person/company as well as the certificate's expiration date Furthermore, the certificate may contain information about the usage of the certificate Each certificate is signed with the private key of the CA It vouches for an individual or organisational identity A digital certificate can be compared to a driver's license or an ID card in that it authorises the bearer to conduct certain operations, hence making it possible to secure e-business activities
A data record used for authenticating network entities such as a server or a client A certificate contains X 509 information pieces about its owner (called the subject) and the signing Certificate Authority (called the issuer), plus the owner's public key and the signature made by the CA Network entities verify these signatures using CA certificates See: SSL/TLS Encryption
A certificate is an award for the successful completion of a specified number of units in a vocational/technical program General education courses are not required for a certificate Upon completion of the required units a petition for the certificate must be completed with a counselor
Can refer to either an Attribute Certificate or a Public Key Certificate certificate Where there is no distinction made the context should be assumed to apply to both an AC and a public key certificate
present someone with a certificate
A digital "passport " A certificate is a secure electronic identity conforming to the X 509 standard Certificates typically contain a user's name and public key A CA authorizes certificates by signing the contents using its CA signing private key
Often called "digital certificates", this is a credential that includes security information and keys
Certificate of Need
A legal document issued by a federal or state regulatory agency with authority over an area which affirms that a proposed acquisition, expansion, or creation of a facility falling under that authority is required to fulfill the needs of a community
certificate authorities
plural form of certificate authority
certificate authority
an organization which issues digital certificates for use by other parties
certificate of deposit
A type of bank account representing a time deposit, which is insured, with a specific, fixed term, and, usually, a fixed interest rate
certificate of deposit
The certificate issued to the holder of such an account, verifying that he owns it
certificate of deposit
Receipt from a bank acknowledging the deposit of a sum of money
certificate of free sale
Document required in certain countries or for certain commodities (such as pharmaceuticals), certifying that the specified imported goods are normally and freely sold in the exporting country's open markets and are approved for export
certificate of occupancy
(Mimarlık) A certificate issued by a local authority indicating that a building meets building-code requirements
certificate of origin
A Certificate of Origin (often abbreviated to CO or COO) is a document used in international trade. It is a printed form, completed by the exporter or its agent and certified by an issuing body, attesting that the goods in a particular export shipment have been wholly produced, manufactured or processed in a particular country
certificate of origin
a document used in international trade which traditionally states from what country the shipped goods originate, but "originate" in a certificate of origin (CO) does not mean the country the goods are shipped from, but the country where there goods are actually made.The purpose of the CO is to authenticate the country of origin of the merchandise being shipped.This certificate indicates that the goods, which are being exported, are actually manufactured in a specific country mentioned therein
Certificate Authority
company authorized to issue digital certificates which are used to authenticate a user or organization's identity during secure Internet transactions, CA (Computers)
certificate of analysis
A listing of actual test results for a particular lot of component, in-process item or finished product
certificate of analysis
A document, often required by an importer or governmental authorities, attesting to the quality or purity of commodities The origin of the certification may be a chemist or any other authorized body such as an inspection firm retained by the exporter or importer In some cases the document may be drawn up by the manufacturer certifying that the merchandise shipped has been tested in his facility and found conform to the specifications
certificate of analysis
(C of A) A document used to demonstrate that a product has been produced in compliance to a stated specification by recording actual analysis results (0301)
certificate of analysis
A certificate issued by a competent office regarding the quality and composition of food products or pharmaceuticals
certificate of analysis
A certificate issued by a competent office regarding the quality and composition of goods
certificate of analysis
Documentation from a supplier guaranteeing the content and quality of raw materials or components
certificate of compliance
(Ticaret) The certification of goods or services by a third party or trusted supplier to a specification or agreement
certificate of conformance
A certificate provided by a manufacturer's QA organization to confirm that all material in that lot conforms to all applicable specifications
certificate of conformance
A certificate signed by a contractor representative that the supplies or services required by the contract have been furnished in accordance with all applicable contract requirements
certificate of conformance
(C of C) Warranty of sale declaring that a product produced at a facility meets or exceeds a stated specification (0301)
certificate of conformance
A certificate provided by a manufacturer's QA organization to confirm that all material in that lot conforms to all applicable specifications (TI*)
certificate of deposit
Short-term investments issued by banks that pay fixed principal and interest over a specified period of time Unlike mutual funds, CDs are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for up to $100,000 CDs are subject to fluctuating rollover rates and early withdrawal penalties See also Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
certificate of deposit
A certificate of deposit or CD is a certificate issued by a bank or thrift that indicates a specified sum of money has been deposited The certificate guarantees to repay your principal - the amount you deposited - with interest on a specific maturity date The amount of interest you receive depends on prevailing interest rates, the length of maturity and how much you deposited There are often significant penalties for early withdrawal of your money CDs are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) That makes your investment safe from everything but inflation and a raging bull market See "CDs: Low Risk, Low Return " BACK TO TOP
certificate of deposit
a certificate from a bank stating that a customer, such as a union, has a specific sum on deposit which will earn a specific rate of interest for a specific period of time
certificate of deposit
(CDs) A certificate given to someone who agrees to deposit a certain amount of money in a bank for a specific period of time, often several months or years In exchange, the bank pays the depositor interest on the money <top>
certificate of deposit
A form of time deposit at a bank or savings institution which cannot be withdrawn before a specified maturity date without being subject to an interest penalty for early withdrawal Small-denomination CDs are often purchased by individuals Large CDs of $100,000 or more are often in negotiable form, meaning they can be sold or transferred among holders before maturity [FRBSF] A form of time deposit at a bank or savings institution; a time deposit cannot be withdrawn before a specified maturity date without being subject to an interest penalty for early withdrawal Small-denomination CDs are often purchased by individuals Large CDs of $100,000 or more are often in negotiable form, meaning they can be sold or transferred among holders before maturity [FRBC][FRBM] (see also bank, interest)
certificate of deposit
A document written by a bank or other financial institution that is evidence of a deposit, with the issuer’s promise to return the deposit plus earnings at a specified interest rate within a specified time period
certificate of deposit
a type of investment that requires you to invest money for a certain length of time and guarantees the same rate of return (interest) for that entire time CDs usually require a minimum deposit
certificate of deposit
A certificate issued for a deposit made at a banking institution The bank agrees to pay a fixed interest rate for the specified period of time, and repays the principal at the maturity CDs can be purchased directly from the banking institution or through a securities broker
certificate of deposit
This is a type of savings account You invest your money for a specific time period at a certain interest rate Report any interest you earn on a CD on Form 40S, line 9a
certificate of deposit
An insured bank product that pays a fixed rate of interest (e g , 5%) for a specified period of time
certificate of deposit
An instrument issued by a bank or other financial institution that is evidence of a type of savings deposit The document includes the institution's promise to return the deposit plus earnings at a specified interest rate within a specified time period
certificate of deposit
A promissory note issued by a bank in which the bank promises to repay money it has received, plus interest, at a time certain
certificate of deposit
A certificate, usually negotiable, evidencing an interest-bearing time deposit with a bank; a certificate issued by a bank or thrift that indicates a specified sum of money has been deposited A CD usually bears a maturity date and interest rate
certificate of deposit
A receipt for a deposit of funds in a financial institution that permits the holder to receive interest plus the deposit at maturity
certificate of deposit
document which shows that a deposit has been made, certificate which shows that money has been deposited in the bank
certificate of deposit
Represent formal evidence of indebtedness, issued by a bank, subject to withdrawal under the specific terms of the instrument Often issued in $10,000 and $100,000 denominations, they normally mature in 30 to 360 days and generally pay interest at the short-term interest rate in effect at date of issuance
certificate of deposit
Also called a time deposit this is a certificate issued by a bank or thrift that indicates a specified sum of money has been deposited A CD has a maturity date and a specified interest rate, and can be issued in any denomination The duration can be up to five years
certificate of deposit
An investment which allows a bank to have the use of depositors' money for a set period of time in exchange for a specified interest payment CDs are most notable because their interest rate and the return of principal is guaranteed and insured by the US government (Unlike mutual funds, which are neither insured nor guaranteed by the US government ) CD maturities range from under a month to several years
certificate of deposit
a debt instrument issued by a bank; usually pays interest
certificate of deposit
A type of bank account that is one step less liquid, and thus one step less money-like, than a savings account You give your money to the bank In return it gives you a 'certificate of deposit' that you can redeem after a fixed period of time to get your money back with interest However, if you try to cash in your certificate of deposit early, you will suffer, as the advertisements all say, 'substantial penalties for early withdrawal '
certificate of deposit
A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate Large-denomination CDS are typically negotiable
certificate of deposit
An arrangement between an investor and a financial institution which calls for the financial institution to pay a specific rate of interest over a set period of time Certain deposits are FDIC insured up to applicable limits
certificate of deposit
A certificate from a bank stating that the named party has a specified sum on deposit, usually for a given period of time at a fixed rate of interest. Receipt from a bank acknowledging the deposit of a sum of money. The most common type, the time certificate of deposit, is for a fixed-term interest-bearing deposit in a large denomination. It consequently pays higher interest than a savings account, though the investor who withdraws money before its maturity date is subject to a penalty. Introduced in the early 1960s, CDs have become a popular method of saving
certificate of deposit
A document written by a bank or other financial institution that is evidence of a deposit, with the issuer's promise to return the deposit plus earnings at a specified interest rate within a specified time period
certificate of deposit
A certificate issued by a bank, savings and loan association or other financial institution indicating that a specific dollar amount has been deposited with the institution for a fixed period of time at a predetermined rate of interest
certificate of incorporation
state approval of the articles of incorporation of a corporation
certificate of merit
certificate of excellence, certificate of high achievement
certificate of origin
Certificate issued by an approved body in the country of origin which attests to the origin of goods Chambers of Commerce are normally approved bodies For exports from South Australia email: paulb@saecci asn au, tel: +61 8 8300 0000, fax: +61 8 8300 0207
certificate of origin
A signed statement required in connection with shipments of merchandise from one country to another for tariff purposes or simply for confirmation of the origin of the goods Usually it is required that such a statement be made by a specific independent party like a Chamber of Commerce For some countries the signature of the consul of the importing nation may also be required
certificate of origin
Document certifying the country of origin of goods which is normally issued or signed by a Chamber of Commerce or Embassy
certificate of origin
Document used to assure the buying country precisely which country produced the goods being shipped Usually completed by a recognized Chamber of Commerce
certificate of origin
A written statement attesting to the country of origin of goods
certificate of origin
A document certifying which country the goods were produced in Used in international commerce
certificate of origin
A document, required by certain foreign countries for tariff purposes certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods
certificate of origin
A document, required by certain foreign countries for tariff purposes, certifying the country of origin of specified goods
certificate of origin
A document, certified by the Chamber of Commerce, required by some countries for tariff purposes, confirming the origin of specified goods For Arab and Egyptian markets, the certificate contract may require the certificate to be legalised by the relevant Embassy
certificate of origin
A certificate which identifies the country of origin is typically required for international shipments Certain countries may entirely bar shipments from certain other countries In select countries, a notarized certificate of the country of origin may significantly lower the taxes levied
certificate of origin
A document in which certification is made as to the country of origin of the merchandise
certificate of origin
A certificate, showing the country of original production of goods Frequently used by customs in ascertaining duties under preferential tariff programs or in connection with regulating imports from specific sources
certificate of origin
A document containing an affidavit to prove the origin of imported goods It is used for Customs or foreign exchange purposes or both Certificates of origin are commonly certified by an official organization in the country of origin such as a consular office or a chamber of commerce
certificate of origin
A document required by certain countries which certifies the actual origin of the goods May be incorporated as a clause appearing on a Commercial Invoice
certificate of origin
Certificate signed by an authorized agent of the seller or other designated person, such as the secretary of the local chamber of commerce, specifying the country of origin of the goods Sometimes the certificate of origin is visaed by the consul of the country of importation
certificate of origin
A document required by certain foreign countries that certifies the country of origin of specified goods for tariff puposes
certificate of origin
is a document that states where the goods were made This document is legally required for many countries for the importation of merchandise
certificate of origin
In foreign commerce, this certified document, which shows the national origin of goods, is presented to customs authorities upon their importation
certificate of origin
A document, required by certain foreign countries for tariff purposes, certifying the country of origin of specified goods (see Chapter 12)
certificate of origin
A document required by certain foreign countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods
certificate of origin
A document, required by certain foreign countries during the entry process for tariff purposes, certifying the country of origin of specified goods
certificate of origin
Documents that may be asked for by the authorities of the importing country, as evidence of the country of manufacture of the goods and hence qualification for preferential tariffs etc
certificate of origin
A certificate stating the country in which a commodity has been grown, milled, produced, manufactured or assembled
certificate of origin
A document containing an affidavit to prove the origin of imported goods Used for customs and foreign exchange purposes
certificate of recognition
letter of recognition, evaluative document
certificate of release
document which states that all debts have been settled; document which states that someone may go free
certificate of title
A document signed by a title examiner or attorney stating that the seller has a good marketable and insurable title
certificate of title
A certificate issued by a title examiner stating the condition of a title
certificate of title
Written opinion of the status of title to a property, given by an attorney or title company This certificate does not offer the protection given by title insurance
certificate of title
An opinion rendered by an attorney as to the status of title to a property, according to the public records This certificate does not the same level of protection as title insurance
certificate of title
A statement provided by an abstract company, title company, or attorney stating that the title of real estate is legally held by the current owner
certificate of title
A certificate issued by a title company or a written opinion by an attorney that the seller has good marketable and insurable title to the property which he is offering for sale
certificate of title
A document prepared by an attorney or a title company certifying that a property has good and marketable title Not title insurance, the certificate of title only covers title defects normally evident in a title search
certificate of title
a document provided by a qualified source (such as a title company) that shows the property legally belongs to the current owner; before the title is transferred at closing, it should be clear and free of all liens or other claims
certificate of title
In areas where attorneys examine abstractor chains of title, a written opinion, executed by the examining attorney, stating that title is vested as stated in the abstract
certificate of title
A written statement furnished by an abstract or title company or attorney to a client stating that the title to a piece of property is legally vested in the present owner
certificate of title
A statement of opinion rendered by a title company or attorney stating that a title to real property is legally held by the current owner
certificate of title
A certificate issued by the title company or a written opinion rendered by an attorney that the seller has good marketable and insurable title to the property which is being offered for sale A certificate of title offers no protection against any hidden defects in the title which an examination of the records could not reveal The issuer of a certificate of title is liable only for damages due to negligence The protection offered a homeowner under a certificate of title is not as great as that offered in a title insurance policy
certificate of title
A statement provided by an abstract company, title company, or attorney stating that the title to real estate is legally held by the current owner
certificate of title
A certificate issued by a title company verifying that the current owner holds title to the property
certificate of title
A written opinion by an attorney setting forth the status of title to the property as shown on the public records The certificate does not certify as to matters not of record and affords no protection unless the author was negligent
certificate of title
A document issued by a title company or a written opinion from an attorney stating that the seller of a property has good marketable and insurable title to the property for sale
certificate of title
A certificate issued by a title company or a written opinion by an attorney that the seller has a marketable and insurable title to the property being offered for sale A certificate of title offers no protection against any hidden defects in the title not revealed by an examination of the records The issuer of a certificate of title is liable only for damages due to negligence The protection offered a homeowner under a certificate of title is not as great as that offered in a title insurance policy
certificate of title
A document that assures you, the buyer, that the person selling you his house is indeed the legal owner of the property and that no one else has any legal claim to the property This certificate does not protect you against loss if a hidden claim emerges after you buy the house, only a title insurance policy can do that
certificate of title
A statement provided by an abstract company or attorney stating that the title to real estate is legally held by the current owner
certificate of title
Document rendering an opinion on the status of a property's title based on public records
certificate of title
A certificate issued by a title company or a written opinion rendered by an attorney that the seller has good marketable and insurable title to the property, which he is offering for sale A certificate of title offers no protection against any hidden defects in the title, that an examination of the records could not reveal The issuer of a certificate of title is liable only for damages due to negligence The protection offered a homeowner under a certificate of title is not as great as that offered in a title insurance policy
certificate of transport
packing list that includes a description of goods and their price
certificate program
A specified interdisciplinary program of study leading to an official certificate and notation on the transcript A certificate program draws from more than one department, rather than a single department (as with minors) The certificate program must be taken in conjunction with a formal degree program
certificate program
A non-degree program, usually six months to a year in length, that trains and certifies you in a specific field
certificate program
Some departments offer Certificate Programs that may be available both to regular degree-seeking SDSU students and to members of the community Details of programs may be found in the General Catalog (will open in a new browser window)
certificate program
An academic program whose completion is recognized by conferring upon the student an award referred to as a certificate
birth certificate
official document certifying the details of a person's birth. Name, date, and parents' names are always included; details such as parents' occupation and religion may be included
That has been subject to certification
Simple past tense and past participle of certificate
The act of certifying
A professional qualification that certifies a person's ability
The granting of a certificate
digital certificate
a public key certificate
gift certificate
A voucher entitling the bearer to a free product or service, intended to be purchased as a gift
marriage certificate
an official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony
public key certificate
a certificate which uses a digital signature to bind together a public key with an identity — used to verify that a public key belongs to an individual
stock certificate
A paper certifying its bearer's ownership of shares (in a certain quantity) in a corporation
gift certificate
A certificate usually presented as a gift that entitles the recipient to select merchandise of an indicated cash value at a commercial establishment
{s} certified, authorized, licensed, guaranteed
officially documented; "a certified public accountant"
A certificated person has been awarded a certificate to prove that they have achieved a certain level or standard. a genuine certificated physician. = certified. having successfully completed a training for a profession
officially documented; "a certified public accountant
Encrypted code that identifies a person, Web site, or company; also called digital IDs, or digital signatures 13 26
The top section of the certificate is the counterfoil and the bottom section is the voucher Certificates are issued in sets of two   A yellow set for leaving or re-entering the U S , a white set for entering or exiting a foreign country, and a blue (transit) set for passing through or stopping over in one country in order to enter another
Institutions will award certificates to students in non-degree programs as certain levels of achievement are reached, though some programs are offered with credit hours In theological education, a certificate program would include a basic curriculum of Bible, history, ethics, theology, practical ministry, etc A certificate is awarded upon completion of this basic core of classes top^
Legal instruments, entitling a qualified bearer to a specific dollar value of USDA surplus commodities Payment-in-kind (PIK) "certs" either can specify the types of commodities or be generic Certificates were heavily used during the 1980s as a means of meeting financial obligations and simultaneously disposing of CCC-owned commodities
plural of certificate
College certificates are generally 30 - 50 credit hours (about 10-16 classes) and concentrate on specific skills with few general education courses
A digital form of authorization, given by a third trusted party or by the company's cIPro-CA It indicates that the source cIPro-5000 belongs to the company's VPN
An official notice, either on the transcript or on a certification form provided by a community college, verifying that a transfer student has completed courses satisfying all or a portion of the lower division general education requirement Certification of CSU GE or IGETC is an important step in the transfer process
State certification is designed to increase professionalism in the field In general, it involves setting and enforcing professional standards, similar to the process of certifying teachers Often a test is administered to beginning probation officers Certification is usually for an initial time period, such as a year Thereafter, renewal generally requires additional training
The process of creating a public key or attribute certificate for an entity [WD15782] (see also certificate) (includes Certification Authority, certificate, certification path, certification practice statement, cross certification)
{i} endorsement, accreditation
(1) Comprehensive evaluation of the technical and nontechnical security features of an AIS (automated information system) and other safeguards, made in support of the approval/accreditation process, to establish the extent to which a particular design and implementation meet a set of specified security requirements Note: There remain two other definitions in active common usage that differ according to circumstances (2) The issue of a formal statement confirming the results of an evaluation, and that the evaluation criteria used were correctly applied Synonym for IT (information technology) security certification
The process of confirming that a system or component complies with its specified requirements and is acceptable for operational use
(1) official recognition of advanced status, outstanding performance or a high level of expertise in the profession, usually granted to incumbent teachers who have several years of teaching experience (2) sometimes certification is used as a synonym for credential or license See Credentialing, License, NBPTS
A comprehensive evaluation of the technical and non-technical security features of an IT system Also, other safeguards in support of the accreditation process in order to establish the extent to which an IT system meets a set of specified security requirements
Process for officially documenting that a participant can competently provide a service(s) (e g , IUD or Norplant implant insertion and removal, safe and clean delivery) Certification is bestowed by an authorized organization (e g , Ministry of Education or Health), educational institution (e g , medical or nursing school) or agency Generally, training organizations do not certify participants (See also Qualification and Competency)
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
  [The] comprehensive evaluation of the technical and nontechnical security features of an AIS [automated information system] and other safeguards, made in support of the accreditation process, to establish the extent to which a particular design and implementation meets a set of specified security requirements [NIS]
The process of validating performance and/or compliance with the requirements of established standards Typically, this means obtaining written verification of an employee's compliance with specific requirements Another example would be laboratory certification
is a process by which a non-governmental organization grants recognition to a person who has met certain predetermined qualifications specified by that organization and who voluntarily seeks such recognition NAST does not certify individuals or units
Formal evaluation of a security system to determine whether the system conforms to a specified set of security requirements and standards The main certification standards are the US TCSEC and the European ITSEC schemes These and others are expected to be replaced by the Common Criteria (CC), which is a new certification standard incorporating the best features of the existing standards
The technical evaluation performed as part of, and in support of, the accreditation process that establishes the extent to which a particular computer system or network design and implementation meet a pre-specified set of security requirements This evaluation may be performed internally or by an external accrediting agency Part of administrative procedures to guard data integrity, confidentiality, and availability
The action of the Governor when he or she assures that the General Assembly's acceptance of the Governor's amendatory veto of a bill conforms to the Governor's specific recommendations for change The bill becomes law if the Governor certifies the bill The bill is returned to the General Assembly as a vetoed bill if the Governor does not certify the bill
The process by which a state Medicaid agency evaluates and approves a provider for receipt of reimbursements from the Medicaid program For example, a nursing facility may not receive Medicaid reimbursements or enter into a provider agreement with the state under which reimbursements are authorized unless it is certified An institutional provider will usually receive certification for participation in the Medicaid program after its facility has been inspected and surveyed by state surveyors for compliance with applicable federal regulations The term is also used in connection with peer review programs to refer to the approval of particular services rendered to a patient for payment by third-party insurers and payors such as the Medicare and Medicaid programs Services must be certified as being medically necessary and appropriate if the provider rendering the services is to be reimbursed
The process by which a non-governmental agency or association grants professional recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualifications specified by that agency or association [The National Board for Professional Teacher Standards grants advanced certification ]
Certification of a product as sustainable or ecologically preferred requires the careful and thorough examination of the product from its raw material extraction through its manufacturing, using a preset list of guidelines established and administered by an independent certifying agency
validating the authenticity of something or someone
The comprehensive evaluation of the technical and nontechnical security features of an AIS and other safeguards, made in support of the accreditation process, that establishes the extent to which a particular design and implementation meet a specified set of security requirements [8]
Acknowledgement that a validation was completed and criteria established by the certifying organization for issuing a certificate (or branding) has been met
a procedure introduced by the 1993 Act, it allowed the Secretary of State to remove the right to appeal to the Tribunal by certifying that a claim for asylum fell within one of the categories set out in the act This principle has been maintained by Schedule IV, Paragraph 9 of the 1999 Act, and the certification procedure has been applied to other areas such as certification that a human rights claim has been made simply to delay removal, or certification that a third country EU member state has accepted responsibility for determining the asylum-seeker's claim
refers to a procedure by which a third party (certification body or testing laboratory) gives written assurance that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements
confirmation that some fact or statement is true
the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on
The process of testing and evaluation against specifications designed to document, verify, and recognize the competence of a person, organization, or other entity to perform a function or service, usually for a specified time
The Federal government calls upon a new optional Classification service offered by UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc ) to certify surge suppressor performance to their 1996 purchase specification (CID) A manufacturer should be willing to share their test results to this new testing, but may be unwilling if the test results are not favorable This testing is referred to as UL 1449 Adjunct Classification, and will show the performance and endurance of a surge suppressor as certified by UL testing
is the written statement, required annually by the availability pay regulations, that a criminal investigator is expected to meet the substantial hours requirement in 5 CFR 550 183 [5 CFR 550 183 and 550 184] [HRO Part 2, Chapter 1, Availability Pay]
The procedure by which third party gives written assurance that a product, process, or service conforms to specific requirements See also registration
Türkçe - İngilizce

certificate teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

certificate of neutrality
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