
listen to the pronunciation of cardinal
İngilizce - Türkçe
katolik başpazarı
(Dilbilim) asal
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kardinal kuşu

Kardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, papa seçildi. - Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected pope.

Kardinal Bergoglio, konklav tarafından papa seçildi. - Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope by the Conclave.

en önemli

Ana yönler kuzey, güney, doğu ve batıdır. - The cardinal directions are: north, south, east, and west.

parlak kırmızı renkli ve tepeli bir çeşit Amerikan ispinozu
koyu kırmızı/kard
Gardinalship kardinallik
cardinal numbers esas sayılar
{s} parlak kırmızı
{s} asıl

Bazı ülkeler bin yıllık dönemi saymak için sıra numaralarını kullanırken, diğerleri asıl sayıları kullanarak sayarlar. - Some countries use ordinal numbers to count millennia, whereas others count them using cardinal numbers.

cardinal point dört esas yönden her biri
(isim) kardinal
{s} önemli
{s} başlıca
belli başlı
cardinal fish
(Denizbilim) apogon
cardinal number
asal sayılar
cardinal numbers
(Matematik) asıl sayılar
cardinal numbers
(Matematik) esas sayılar
cardinal points
(Teknik,Ticaret) ana yönler
cardinal number
asıl sayı
cardinal number
sayal sayı
cardinal number
nicelik sayısı
cardinal point
cardinal principles
ana ilkeler
cardinal wind
ana rüzgar
cardinal fault
kardinal fay
cardinal flower
kardinal çiçek
cardinal number
Asal sayı: Kendisinden ve 1'den başka böleni olmayan, 1'den büyük sayı: 2, 3, 5 vb
cardinal sin
büyük günah
cardinal sound
asal ses
cardinal traits
ana özellikler
cardinal utilitarianism
kardinal faydacılık
cardinal vowel
asal ünlü
cardinal winds
ana rüzgârlar
cardinal bird
cardinal form
(re: numbers) Sıra sayıların yazıyla gösterimi
cardinal heading
(Havacılık) ana noktalara yönelme
cardinal number
cardinal numbers
Sayma Sayıları
cardinal numbers
asal sayılar
cardinal point
(isim) dört ana yönden biri
cardinal point
{i} dört ana yönden biri
cardinal point effect
(Askeri) ANA CİHET ETKİSİ, ESAS NOKTA ETKİSİ: Yansıyan bir hat veya hatlar grubunun, radar osiloskopu üzerine artan yoğunluğu. Bu hal; radar huzmesi yer madelindeki bir hattın veya benzeri şekilde bir hizada bulunan cisimlerin dörtgen yüzeyine dikey olduğu zaman meydana gelir
cardinal point effect
(Askeri) esas nokta etkisi
cardinal point effect
(Askeri) ana yön etkisi
cardinal points
(Askeri) DÖRT ANA YÖN: Kuzey, güney, doğu ve batı yönleri
cardinal principles
ana prensipler
cardinal sauce
(Gıda) kardinal sosu
cardinal system
(Askeri) bir şamandıralama sistemi
cardinal vicar
kardinal vekili
cardinal vowel
(Dilbilim) asal ses
cardinal vowel
(Dilbilim) temel ünlü
cardinal vowels
(Dilbilim) temel ünlüler
cardinal winds
(Denizbilim,Meteoroloji) ana yön rüzgarları
the cardinal point
ana yön
İngilizce - İngilizce
A sports team or a player on a sports team at Stanford University
A player on the team "Arizona Cardinals"
A player on the team "The St. Louis Cardinals"

Smith became a Cardinal as the result of a pre-season trade.

A student or player on a sports team at the University of Louisville
A shade of scarlet associated with the colour of a Catholic cardinal's cassock

cardinal colour:.

A songbird of the finch family, Cardinalis cardinalis
Describing a "natural" number used to indicate quantity (e.g., one, two, three), as opposed to an ordinal number indicating relative position
A number indicating quantity, or the size of a set, e.g., one, two, three. (See Wikipedia article on Cardinal number.)

The commonest numerals in Latin, as in English, are the cardinals...and the ordinals... — F. M. Wheelock, Wheelock’s Latin, 6th ed. revised (2005), p97.

Having a bright red color (from the color of a Catholic cardinal's cassock)
An official in the Catholic Church, ranking only below the Pope and the patriarchs. (See Wikipedia article on Catholic cardinals.)
Of or relating to the cardinal directions (north, south, east and west)

a cardinal mark.

Any of various related passerine birds of the family Cardinalidae. (See Wikipedia article on cardinal birds.)
Of fundamental importance; crucial, pivotal

a cardinal direction.

of prime or special importance
Of fundamental importance
{n} a dignitary of the Romish church, American bird, a kind of woman's cloak
{a} principal, chief, leading eminent
The team "The St. Louis Cardinals"
A sports team at the University of Louisville
The team "The Arizona Cardinals"
A cardinal rule or quality is the one that is considered to be the most important. As a salesman, your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer = chief, principal
A dignitary close to the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy
A member of the ecclesiastical body known as the Sacred College of Cardinals, which elects the pope and constitutes his chief advisory council
High ecclesiastic appointed by the pope to the College of Cardinals and ranking above every other ecclesiastic but the pope [9]
One of the modalities for expressing elemental energies The cardinal expression of an element is the initial or beginning phase of that element, its most straightforward or direct expression It is usually simple and unencumbered, forceful, enthusiastic (though with little "staying power"), a pure representation of an energy-in-itself The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
An official in the Catholic Church, ranking only below the Pope and the patriarchs
Cardinals have a long history in the western Church, but today they are peculiar to the Roman Catholic Church Cardinals are bishops who serve as advisers to the pope The pope can make any priest or bishop a cardinal; however, when a priest becomes a cardinal, he is consecrated a bishop Upon the death of the pope, they administer the affairs of the Roman Catholic Church and elect the new pope Cardinals are the only clergy in the Roman Catholic Church who wear red vestments
a bright red color
Number words like one, two, four, twenty, fifty, hundred, million Contrast ordinal
A cardinal is a high-ranking priest in the Catholic church. In 1448, Nicholas was appointed a cardinal They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning
a variable color averaging a vivid red
A number indicating quantity, or the size of a set, e.g., one, two, three
Cardinal is one of several terms used for the quantification of entity relationships In general, where a relationship exists between two entities, for each entity we must specify in some manner the minimum and maximum number of occurrences in the entity which take part in that relationship
Any of various related passerine birds of the family Cardinalidae
Noun (Plural: Cardinals) A senior clergyman in the Roman Catholic Church, next down in rank to the Pope The Cardinals elect a new Pope from one of their own number
being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers"
One of the ecclesiastical princes who constitute the pope's council, or the sacred college
being or denoting a numerical quantity but not order; "cardinal numbers
Mulled red wine
Having a bright red color
Cardinal One of four astrological elements It shows influence on outward issues & leadership
{i} high ranking official of the Roman Catholic Church; deep red color; crested finch (type of bird)
(Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes
Fundamental, of first importance E g marks - North, South, East, West
A woman's short cloak with a hood
crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
one of the three qualities of astrology Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Cardinal (also called angular) houses are 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Cardinal planets are Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn The cardinal quality is associated with changes in one's life structure (identity, home, partnership, career), breaks, action and overt events
{s} main, primary, fundamental
A smooth curve controlled by three or more cv's The cardinal curve always passes through every cv Image from Softimage
crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male a variable color averaging a vivid red (Roman Catholic Church) one of a group of more than 100 prominent bishops in the Sacred College who advise the Pope and elect new Popes serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure"
the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
At first the word was used about any priest attached to a major church By the 6th century it was restricted to the Bishops of the suburban dioceses, the parish priests and the deacons of Rome Since 1179, the cardinals have been responsible for electing new popes
Of fundamental importance; preëminent; superior; chief; principal
Of the side of the modes having characteristics causing change such as confidence, initiative, inquisition, and ambition The Cardinal mode comprises the following Archetypes: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Originally the clergy of Archdiocese of Rome, including the Bishops of the suburban dioceses, the Priests of the Churches of Rome, the Deacons of the Roman deaneries, and even the Subdeacons, numbering about 54 in all As members of the chapter, the Roman clergy acquired the right to elect the Popes (a right originally exercised by the Roman people, the aristocracy, and the clergy, and later the Emperor) In modern times their numbers have greatly increased, and many Cardinals are non-Roman and non-resident The titles of Cardinal Bishop, Cardinal Priest, and Cardinal Deacon are reminders of the time when the Cardinals actually served in those grades of Order
serving as an essential component; "a cardinal rule"; "the central cause of the problem"; "an example that was fundamental to the argument"; "computers are fundamental to modern industrial structure"
of basic importance; main; primary; essential; principal
Describing a number used in counting, e.g., one, two, three
A small group of Bishops who elect a Pope and act as his advisors
chief, fundamental
A cardinal is a common North American bird. The male has bright red feathers. very important or basic. Member of the Sacred College of Cardinals. Their duties include electing the pope, acting as his principal counselors, and aiding in governing the Roman Catholic church. Cardinals serve as officers of the Roman Curia, bishops of major dioceses, and papal envoys. Since 769 only cardinals have been eligible to become pope, and since 1059 cardinals have elected the pope. The first cardinals were the deacons of the seven regions of Rome. Their successors are today's cardinal deacons. Cardinal bishops are successors of the bishops of the sees just outside Rome and of the patriarchal sees of the Eastern Catholic Church. Cardinal priests are the bishops of important sees around the world and are the most numerous order of cardinals. For 400 years, the number of cardinals was limited to 70, but John XXIII removed the limit and there are now more than 100. A red biretta and ring are symbolic of the office. or redbird Songbird (Cardinalis cardinalis, family Fringillidae or Emberizidae) of North America, primarily east of the Rocky Mountains. It is 8 in. (20 cm) long and has a pointed crest. The male is bright red, the female a duller red or olive-brown. Pairs of cardinals utter loud, clear whistling notes year-round in gardens and open woodlands. They feed on insects, wild seeds, and fruits. Cardinals are especially abundant in the southeastern U.S. and have been introduced into Hawaii, southern California, and Bermuda. Related species also called cardinals live in South America. cardinal flower Cardinal Manning Mazarin Jules Cardinal Cardinal Newman Richelieu Armand Jean du Plessis cardinal and duke de Wolsey Thomas Cardinal
(early 1700s) hooded cloak of scarlet cloth, resembling the mozetta worn by cardinals
A class of clerics in the Catholic Church who are attached to the Vatican They may be priests or bishops Many function as part of the higher eschelons of the Vatican staff, or they may be bishops serving regions out in the world Upon a Pope's death, the College of Cardinals, there are today approximately 200, chooses the next Pope in secret session
Cardinal Nephew
The position of the Secretarius Papae et superintendens status ecclesiasticæ in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Holy See
Cardinal Nephew
Any officeholder of that position
cardinal adjective
a cardinal number used as an adjective

Example: one in one meatball.

cardinal beetles
plural form of cardinal beetle
cardinal bishop
A cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church who is bishop of one of the cardinal ("hinge") dioceses of the Province of Rome
cardinal bishop
More loosely, a cardinal who is a bishop anywhere
cardinal direction
Any of the four principal compass directions - north, east, south and west
cardinal number
A generalized kind of number used to denote the size of a set, including infinite sets
cardinal number
A word that expresses a countable quantity; a cardinal numeral

Three is a cardinal number, while third is an ordinal number.

cardinal number
A number used to denote quantity; a counting number

The cardinal number three can be represented as 3 or three.

cardinal numbers
plural form of cardinal number
cardinal numeral
A word used to represent a cardinal number

In Latin most cardinal numerals through 100 are indeclinable adjectives.

cardinal numerals
plural form of cardinal numeral
cardinal point
Any of the four principal compass directions - north, south, east and west
cardinal points
plural form of cardinal point
cardinal rule
A fundamental rule, upon which other matters hinge
cardinal sin
A mortal sin, deadly sin
cardinal sins
plural form of cardinal sin
cardinal spider
A large European spider, Tegenaria parietina
cardinal spiders
plural form of cardinal spider
cardinal symptom
The particular symptom which is regarded most important for choosing the curing substance
cardinal symptom
The primary or major symptom by which a diagnosis is made
cardinal symptoms
plural form of cardinal symptom
cardinal tetra
a freshwater fish, of the family Characidae, native to rivers in South America, popular as an aquarium fish
cardinal tetras
plural form of cardinal tetra
cardinal variable
A variable whose values are ordered, that can be multiplied by a scalar, and for which the magnitude of differences in values is meaningful
cardinal variables
Plural of cardinal variable
cardinal virtues
The four virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance

But whatever is virtuous arises from some one of those four divisions: for it consists either in sagacity and the perception of truth ; or in the preservation of human society, by giving to every man his due, and by observing the faith of contracts ; or in the greatness and firmness of an elevated and unsubdued mind ; or in observing order and regularity in all our words and in all our actions, in which consists moderation and temperance (Cicero, De Officiis).

Any cardinal created by the nepotism of a Pope
Attributive form of cardinal number, noun
{n} the east, west north and south
{n} the four virtues, prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude
Cardinal John Henry Newman
a British theologian (=someone who studies religion and religious beliefs) and writer. He was a priest in the Church of England and became leader of the Oxford Movement. Later he changed his religion and became a Roman Catholic, and he was made a cardinal (=a priest of high rank) in 1879 (1801-90)
Cardinal Richelieu
a French cardinal (=a Roman Catholic priest of the highest rank) who was also the chief minister of France and had a lot of influence with King Louis XIII. He destroyed the political power of the Huguenots, and is thought of as a typical example of someone who uses his influence with a ruler to achieve great power (1585-1642)
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
an English cardinal (=a high-ranking Catholic priest) and politician who was very rich and powerful, but who lost power after failing to persuade the Pope to allow King Henry VIII to end his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (?1475-1530)
cardinal compass point
one of the four main compass points
cardinal flower
A perennial lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) native to central and eastern North America, having an elongate cluster of showy, brilliant red flowers. Any of several closely related species of the genus Lobelia, perennial plants of the lobelia family, native to North and Central America. All bear spikes of scarlet, lipped flowers on leafy stems up to 5 ft (1.5 m) tall. L. cardinalis and L. splendens, considered to be one species by some authorities, are taller than L. fulgens, the Central American parent species of the garden cardinal flower. The blue cardinal (L. siphilitica) is smaller than the others and has blue or whitish flowers
cardinal flower
North American lobelia having brilliant red flowers
cardinal number
the number of elements in a mathematical set; denotes a quantity but not the order
cardinal number
A cardinal number is a number such as 1, 3, or 10 that tells you how many things there are in a group but not what order they are in. Compare ordinal number. A number, such as 3 or 11 or 412, used in counting to indicate quantity but not order. a number such as 1, 2, or 3, that shows how many of something there are, but not what order they are in ordinal number
cardinal number
positive whole number, positive number which does not have a decimal or fraction
cardinal point
The cardinal points are the four main points of the compass, north, south, east, and west. One of the four principal directions on a compass: north, south, east, or west. one of the four main points (north, south, east, or west) on a compass
cardinal point
{i} each of the 4 main directions of the compass (north, south, east and west)
cardinal significance
great importance
cardinal sin
If you describe an action as a cardinal sin, you are indicating that some people strongly disapprove of it. I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients
cardinal tetra
small bright red and blue aquarium fish from streams in Brazil and Columbia
cardinal utility
use or utility which can be attributed a number value (Economics)
cardinal vein
any of the major venous channels in primitive adult vertebrates and in embryos of higher vertebrates
cardinal virtue
one of the four important elements of good character (prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance)
cardinal virtue
One of the four paramount virtues in classical philosophy: justice, prudence, fortitude, or temperance
cardinal virtue
one of the seven preeminent virtues
The team Arizona Cardinals
The team St. Louis Cardinals
A sports team at the University of Louisville

The Cardinals take the field.

weakly cardinal
Characteristic of weak cardinality
Armand-Jean du Plessis cardinal and duke de Richelieu
born Sept. 9, 1585, Richelieu, Poitou, France died Dec. 4, 1642, Paris French statesman and chief minister to Louis XIII. Born to a minor noble family, he was ordained a priest in 1607 and became bishop of Luçon. As the first bishop in France to implement reforms decreed by the Council of Trent, he brought order to a diocese ruined by the Wars of Religion. In 1614 he was elected a deputy of the clergy in the Estates-General, where he was noted as a conciliatory force. He became an adviser to Marie de Médicis in 1616 and later councillor to her son, Louis XIII. Named a cardinal in 1622, he served as chief minister from 1624 and became the controlling influence in France's policies. He established royal absolutism in France by suppressing the political power of the Huguenots and reducing the influence of the nobles. In foreign policy, he sought to weaken Habsburg control of Europe and involved France in the Thirty Years' War. Devious and brilliant, he increased the power of the Bourbon dynasty and established orderly government in France. He also founded the Académie Française and rebuilt the Sorbonne
{i} major league baseball team from St. Louis (Missouri, USA); name of the athletic teams at the University of Louisville (in Kentucky, USA)
Jules Cardinal Mazarin
orig. Giulio Raimondo Mazarini born July 14, 1602, Pescina, Abruzzi, Kingdom of Naples died March 9, 1661, Vincennes, France Italian-French cardinal and statesman. A member of the papal diplomatic service (1627-34), he negotiated an end to the War of the Mantuan Succession between France and Spain. He served as papal nuncio to the French court (1634-36), where he admired cardinal de Richelieu. He worked for French interests in the papal court, then entered the service of France and became a naturalized French citizen (1639) and a cardinal (1641). After the deaths of Richelieu (1642) and Louis XIII (1643), Mazarin was appointed first minister of France by Anne of Austria, regent for Louis XIV, and he directed Louis's education. A highly influential adviser to the young king, he helped train a staff of able administrators. His foreign policy established France's supremacy among the European powers, effecting the Peace of Westphalia (1648) and the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659). A patron of the arts, Mazarin founded an academy of painting and sculpture and compiled a large library
Thomas Cardinal Wolsey
born 1475, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng. died Nov. 29, 1530, Leicester, Leicestershire English prelate and statesman. He served as chaplain to Henry VII and later Henry VIII, for whom he organized the successful campaign against the French (1513). On Henry's recommendation, the pope made Wolsey successively bishop of Lincoln (1514), archbishop of York (1514), cardinal (1515), and papal legate (1518). In 1515 Henry appointed him lord chancellor of England, which added to his power and wealth. Wolsey sought to bring peace to Europe, but in 1521 he allied with Emperor Charles V against France. Although he introduced judicial and monastic reforms, he became unpopular for raising taxes. In 1529 he failed to persuade the pope to grant Henry an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon, for which he soon lost favour and was stripped of his offices except the archbishopric of York. In 1530 he was arrested for treason for corresponding with the French court, and he died on his way to face the king
anterior cardinal vein
a major drainage channel from the cephalic part of the body
In a cardinal manner
essentially, fundamentally, primarily
plural of cardinal
common cardinal vein
the major return channels to the heart; formed by anastomosis of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins
posterior cardinal vein
a major drainage channel from the caudal part of the body