
listen to the pronunciation of carbonic
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Tıp) Karbona ait, karbonik, fahmi
carbonic acid karbonik asit
karbonata ait
(sıfat) karbonik
carbonic acid
karbonik asit

Karbonik asit birçok kimyasal reaksiyonun bir ürünüdür. - Carbonic acid is a product of many chemical reactions.

carbonic acid compressor
karbonik asit kompresörü
carbonic anhydrase
karbonik anhidraz
carbonic anhydride
karbonik anhidrit
carbonic acid gas
carbonic oxide
karbon oksidi
İngilizce - İngilizce
{a} pertaining to carbon
Of or relating to carbon
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, carbon; as, carbonic oxide
{s} pertaining to or derived from carbon dioxide
carbonic acid
a weak unstable acid, H2CO3, known only in solution, and as carbonate salts; it is present in carbonated drinks, and sparkling wine, but decomposes to form carbon dioxide and water
carbonic anhydrase
Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate
carbonic anhydrases
plural form of carbonic anhydrase
carbonic anhydride
carbon dioxide
carbonic acid
{n} a saturated combination of carbon and oxygen
carbonic acid
weak unsteady and colorless acid that is existent only in solution and is produced by dissolving carbon dioxide in water
carbonic acid
a weak acid known only in solution; formed when carbon dioxide combines with water