carbon dioxide

listen to the pronunciation of carbon dioxide
İngilizce - Türkçe

Karbondioksit miktarı %10 arttı. - The amount of carbon dioxide has increased by 10 percent.

Tropik yağmur ormanları oksijen üretir karbondioksit tüketir. - Tropical rainforests produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide.

karbon dioksit

O, atmosferdeki karbon dioksit miktarlarının artmasından dolayı Dünyanın ısınmasını tanımlamak için kullanılan bir terimdir. - It is a term used to describe the warming of the earth due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Ağaçlar oksijen yayar ve karbon dioksit emer. - Trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

carbon dioxide laser
karbondioksit lazeri
İngilizce - İngilizce
Compared to carbon monoxide, CO2 is a non-toxic gas, similar to the inert gases. Carbon dioxide is used on welding and lasers; unlike noble gases, it only reacts on water and minerals to produce carbonates and carbonic acid (chiefly referred as carbonation)
The normal oxide of carbon, CO2; a colorless, odorless gas formed during respiration and combustion and consumed by plants during photosynthesis
heavy colorless odorless gas which is released in animal respiration and the combustion of plant and animal matter (absorbed by plants in photosynthesis and used in making carbonated beverages)
recognized as the principal contributor to increasing atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases and therefore to global warming (see greenhouse gases) Society's use of energy is the largest factor in this carbon dioxide generation Carbon dioxide is produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas It is removed from the atmosphere through ocean absorption and through photosynthesis by growing plants
a naturally occurring greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, concentrations of which have increased (from 280 parts per million in preindustrial times to over 350 parts per million today) as a result of humans' burning of coal, oil, natural gas and organic matter (e g , wood and crop wastes)
A colourless, odourless, non-combustible gas, formula CO2 It is approximately 50% heavier than air, of which it is a normal constituent It is formed by certain natural processes (see carbon cycle) and by the combustion of fuels containing carbon, and it has been estimated that the amount in the air is increasing by 0 27% annually Only in the most exceptional circumstances do local concentrations of carbon dioxide in air rise to levels that are dangerous to health, but it plays a significant role in the decay of building stones and in corrosion (WHO 1980)
is a colorless, odorless gas that occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere Significant quantities are also emitted into the air by fossil fuel combustion and deforestation It is a greenhouse gas of major concern in the study of global warming It is estimated that the amount in the air is increasing by 0 27% annually
Common gas found in the atmosphere Has the ability to selectively absorb radiation in the longwave band This absorption causes the greenhouse effect The concentration of this gas has been steadily increasing in the atmosphere over the last three centuries due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and land-use change Some scientists believe higher concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases will result in an enhancement of the greenhouse effect and global warming The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is CO2
A gas that contributes significantly to global warming, released primarily by the burning of fossil fuels for transportation needs, electricity generation, heating and industry, and concrete production Carbon dioxide is also released from burning forests, for example when tropical rainforests are burned to clear land for farming and grazing
A heavy, colorless gas that is the fourth most abundant constituent of dry air, comprising 0 033% of the total
(CO2) A heavy, colorless gas that does not support combustion, dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, is formed especially in animal respiration and in the decay or combustion of animal and vegetable matter, is absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis, and is an atmospheric GREENHOUSE GAS
A colorless, odorless, non-combustible gas, present in low concentrations in the air we breathe (about three hundredths of one percent by volume) Carbon dioxide is produced when any substance containing carbon is burned It is also a product of breathing and fermentation Plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis
(CO2) A colorless, odorless gas produced by respiration and combustion of carbon-containing fuels Plants use it as a food in the photosynthesis process
A compound of carbon and oxygen formed whenever carbon is burned Chemical formula: CO2 Carbon dioxide is a colourless gas that absorbs infrared radiation mostly at wavelengths between 12 and 18 microns; it behaves as a one-way filter allowing incoming, visible light to pass through in one direction while preventing outgoing infrared radiation from passing in the opposite direction The one-way filtering effect of carbon dioxide causes an excess of the infrared radiation to be trapped in the atmosphere; thus, it acts as a greenhouse and has the potential to increase the surface temperature of the Earth
This gas is produced when anything organic is burned, and has no direct health effects - in fact the human body produces it when you breath out However CO2 plays an important role in adding to the greenhouse effect, which keeeps the earth warm In turn this is adding to global warming By burning fuel, road vehicles produce 19% of the UK's man-made CO2 emissions
gas that combines with water to form carbonic acid; formed by the combustion and decomposition of organic substances
A colorless, odorless, incombustible gas formed during combustion in fossil-fuel electric generation plants
A colorless, odorless, non-poisonous gas that is a normal part of the ambient air Carbon dioxide is a product of fossil fuel combustion
(CO2)-a colorless, odorless, non-poisonous gas that results from fossil fuel combustion and is a normal constituent of ambient air
a colorless, odorless gas Carbon dioxide is a by-product of cellular metabolism that is eliminated by the lungs Carbon dioxide levels in the blood determine the breathing rate and the blood's acid-base balance (co2)
a greenhouse gas whose atmospheric concentrations have been continually increasing from its pre-industrial (1750-1800) levels of 280 parts per million (ppm) It is currently increasing at a rate of 1 3-1 6 ppm per year, with a concentration (1995) ranging from 356-360 ppm, depending on location There is a natural seasonal cycle in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere; CO2 decreases in summertime when plant productivity consumes CO2, and an increase in winter when biota are less active and respiration exceeds photosynthesis The main source of carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere has been fossil fuel consumption, with biomass burning becoming more significant over the past few decades, currently contributing approximately 30% as much as fossil fuel emissions
Carbon dioxide is a gas. It is produced by animals and people breathing out, and by chemical reactions. A colorless, odorless, incombustible gas, CO, formed during respiration, combustion, and organic decomposition and used in food refrigeration, carbonated beverages, inert atmospheres, fire extinguishers, and aerosols. Also called carbonic acid gas. the gas produced when animals breathe out, when carbon is burned in air, or when animal or vegetable substances decay. Inorganic compound, a colourless gas with a faint, sharp odour and a sour taste when dissolved in water, chemical formula CO2. Constituting about 0.03% of air by volume, it is produced when carbon-containing materials burn completely, and it is a product of fermentation and animal respiration. Plants use CO2 in photosynthesis to make carbohydrates. CO2 in Earth's atmosphere keeps some of the Sun's energy from radiating back into space (see greenhouse effect). In water, CO2 forms a solution of a weak acid, carbonic acid (H2CO3). The reaction of CO2 and ammonia is the first step in synthesizing urea. An important industrial material, CO2 is recovered from sources including flue gases, limekilns, and the process that prepares hydrogen for synthesis of ammonia. It is used as a refrigerant, a chemical intermediate, and an inert atmosphere; in fire extinguishers, foam rubber and plastics, carbonated beverages (see carbonation), and aerosol sprays; in water treatment, welding, and cloud seeding; and for promoting plant growth in greenhouses. Under pressure it becomes a liquid, the form most often used in industry. If the liquid is allowed to expand, it cools and partially freezes to the solid form, dry ice
a colourless, odorless, aned slightly acid-tasting gas molecule which consists of one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen (CO2) It is produced in a variety of ways: by combustion or oxidation of materials containing carbon, such as coal, wood, oil, or foods; by fermentation of sugars and by decompostion of carbonates under the influence of heat or acids Carbon dioxide is a vital source to the Greenhouse Effect There are small amounts of it in the atmosphere to keep reflected heat from escaping Humans have made buildings and machines that release CO2 into the air The CO2 count in the air has nearly doubled since the beginning of the industrial era Trees help remove CO2 from the air as a natural process, but as humans keep on cutting down trees, there will be fewer and fewer recycled molecules of CO2, causing more carbon dioxide to be in the air Large amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere causes more heat to be kept in, causing global warming
A colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous gas, CO2, that forms Carbonic Acid when dissolved in water Carbon dioxide is typically produced during combustion and microbial decomposition Because carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation, rising levels of carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere over the past century have prompted concerns about climatic change and more specifically the Greenhouse Effect
A gas with one carbon and two oxygen atoms (CO2) that is a combustion byproduct and the principal greenhouse gas
Water with a low pH value usually contains free carbon dioxide Its presence is caused generally by absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air as water falls as rain, or by decay of organic matter in the earth Well water containing substantial quantities of CO2 has a resultant low pH and corrosive qualities Carbon dioxide in water forms a weak carbonic acid
Carbon dioxide, a normal product of burning fuel, is non-toxic, but contributes to the greenhouse effect (global warming) All petroleum (hydrocarbon) fuels cause increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels because they represent the combustion of fossilized carbon By contrast, using renewable fuels, such as ethanol, does not increase atmospheric carbon dioxide levels The carbon dioxide formed during combustion is balanced by that absorbed during the annual growth of plants used to produce ethanol
a colorless, odorless, nonflammable gas formed during decomposition, combustion and respiration CO2 is used in food refrigeration (dry ice), carbonated beverages (the bubbles and fizz), fire extinguishers and aerosol cans Whenever something burns -- such as gasoline, wood or a candle -- CO2 is produced from the available oxygen combined with the carbon in the fuel [return to top]
A gas present in the atmosphere and formed by the decay of organic matter; the gas in carbonated beverages; in water it forms carbonic acid
a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis

By swapping out less efficient federal vehicles for new hybrid and fuel efficient ones, this strategy will reduce gasoline consumption by 1.3 million gallons per year and prevent 26 million pounds of CO₂ from entering the atmosphere.

carbon oxide
carbonic anhydride
carbon anhydride
carbon-dioxide laser
laser with carbon dioxide gas as the active means that produces infrared radiation at 10,600 nanometer
containing carbon dioxide
having carbon dioxide within itself
carbon dioxide


    car·bon di·ox·ide

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    ... the passenger transport, carbon dioxide per person. The denser the city, the lower the ...
    ... office, to have less than one-third the carbon dioxide emissions per person of the U.S. average. ...