car and van pooling intended primarily to serve the work trip

listen to the pronunciation of car and van pooling intended primarily to serve the work trip
İngilizce - İngilizce
car and van pooling intended primarily to serve the work trip


    car and Van pooling in·tend·ed pri·ma·ri·ly to serve the work trip

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    kär ınd vän pulîng întendıd praymerıli tı sırv dhi wırk trîp


    /ˈkär ənd ˈvan ˈpo͞oləɴɢ ənˈtendəd prīˈmerəlē tə ˈsərv ᴛʜē ˈwərk ˈtrəp/ /ˈkɑːr ənd ˈvæn ˈpuːlɪŋ ɪnˈtɛndəd praɪˈmɛrəliː tə ˈsɜrv ðiː ˈwɜrk ˈtrɪp/