capital improvement teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Structure or component erected as a permanent improvement to real property that adds to its value and useful life
Any improvement which is designed to become a permanent part of existing real property, or any improvement which will have the effect of substantially prolonging the life of the property
A structure erected as a permanent improvement to real property that increases its value and useful life
A permanent improvement to real property that increases its value and useful life
Any structure or component erected as a permanent improvement to real properly that adds to its value and useful life
any improvement that is designed to become a permanent part of the real property or that will have the effect of significantly prolonging the property's life
Any component constructed as a permanent improvement to real property that increases its value and adds to its useful life
Expenditures related to the acquisition, expansion or rehabilitation of an element of the government's physical plant; sometimes referred to as infrastruture
Any structure or component erected as a permanent improvement to real property that adds to its value and useful life
Any structure or component erected as a permanent improvement to real estate property that adds to its value and useful life
Any improvement that extends the life or increases the value of a piece of property
Any structure which is erected as a permanent improvement to real property; any improvement which is made to extend the useful life of a property, or to add to the value of the property
Any major physical development or redevelopment to a property that extends the life of the property Examples include upgrading the elevators, replacement of the roof, and renovations of the lobby
An improvement on a piece of property which is going to increase the value of the property Such an improvement may include a new roof, new windows or a new elevator
An improvement made to extend the useful life of a property or add to its value Major repairs such as the replacement of a roof are capital improvements The costs of capital improvements to business property must be capitalized and may be depreciated
For the purposes of this document, a capital improvement or public facility includes (but is not limited to): streets, bridges, sidewalks, community facilities, buildings, water and sewer lines and treatment facilities, rolling stock and parks
A renovation to an existing building or construction of a new building funded by monies specially appropriated by the Controlling Board
is the increase in the total amount of money or other resources owned or capable of being used to acquire future income or benefits