(Askeri) ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Esas olarak muhaberenin oluşturulması ve sürdürülmesi için kullanılan, bir muhabere tesisinin, bir komutanlığı, bir makam, bir faaliyet merkezini veya bir birliği tanıtan harf düzeni veya söylenmesi kolay kelimeler. Ayrıca bakınız: "collective sign, indefinite sign, tactical call sign, visual call sign, voice call sign"
(Askeri) ADRES ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanımaya yarayan ve haberi gönderen ile alan kimseler birbirleriyle aynı devre üzerinden muhabere ettikleri zaman, haberde adres vazifesi gören bir harf veya rakam grubu veya ikisinin birleştirilmesiyle meydana gelmiş bir tertip
(Askeri) ORTAK ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: İki veya daha çok tesisi, komutanlığı, makamı veya birliği temsil eden çağrı işareti. Bu yerlere ait ortak bir çağrı işareti, o yerin komutanını ve bu komutana bağlı bütün ast komutanları içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "call sign"
(Askeri) GAYRİ MUAYYEN ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ/ADI: Belirli bir tesis, komutanlık, makam, kuruluş veya birliğe mahsus olmayıp bunların herhangi birini veya bir grubunu temsil eden çağrı işareti. Bak. "call sign"
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI ÇAĞRI ADI, İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanıtmak için Milletlerarası Telekomünikasyon Birliğince alınmış karara uygun olarak tahsis edilen bir çağrı işareti. Telsiz istasyonunun milliyeti, ilk harf veya ilk iki harfle tanıtılır. Görerek haberleşmede milletlerarası çağrı işareti olarak mors harfleri kullanılır. Bak. "call sign"
(Askeri) TELSİZ TELEFON ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Esas itibari ile sesli haberleşmede kullanılan bir çağrı işareti. Ayrıca bak "call sıgn"
İngilizce - İngilizce
call sign teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit; used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications. Also called CS. (JP 1-02 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.)
A combination of letters and numbers used to identify a radio or television station
A call sign is the letters and numbers which identify a person, vehicle, or organization that is broadcasting on the radio or sending messages by radio. call letters a name made up of letters and numbers, used by people operating communication radios to prove who they are
The code word or words that designate a flight, usually selected by the flight leader for that particular mission The flight then would be designated (In the case of a call sign of "Red Flight") as: "Red Lead," "Red Two," "Red Three', and "Red Four " In the case of large formations divided into flights, the flights might be divided as follows, Red Blue, Yellow, etc or Alpha Bravo, etc Any combination of names can be used, depending upon the imagination and audacity of the flight leader
Any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit; used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications See also collective call sign; indefinite call sign; international call sign; net call sign; tactical call sign; visual call sign; voice call sign
A station or address designator represented by a combination of characters or pronounceable words that is used to identify such entities as a communications facility, station, command, authority, activity, or unit
– A set of numbers and letters by which a ship’s radio operator can be identified
{i} code (letters or numbers) of radio or television transmitting station (allocated by a controlling body); series of letters and numbers that identify a vessel(unique to each ship)
Each Federal Communications Commission (FCC) radio license has a radio call sign assigned to it for identification purposes over-the-air
A code published by the International Telecommunication Union in its annual List of Ships' Stations to be used for the information interchange between vessels, port authorities and other relevant participants in international trade
a station identifier, represented by a combination of characters that is used to identify an authorized broadcasting station; e g in the US call signs generally are combinations of three or four letters and begin with W or K
Any combination of characters or numbers or pronounceable words which identifies a communications facility, command, authority, activity, or unit It is used primarily for establishing and maintaining communications
Each Amateur Radio station is assigned a call sign by the government of that country which allows the operator to transmit in the amateur radio bands
The identification of a Station issued by Industry Canada - Spectrum Management (if a station licence is required)
Any call sign which represents two or more facilities, commands, authorities, or units. The collective call sign for any of these includes the commander thereof and all subordinate commanders therein
CHARLIE 6: Commmander of the 1098th Transportation Company (Medium Boat) in Vietnam.
A call sign assigned in accordance with the provisions of the International Telecommunications Union to identify a radio station. The nationality of the radio station is identified by the first or the first two characters. (When used in visual signaling, international call signs are referred to as “signal letters.”)