bulan şey veya kimse

listen to the pronunciation of bulan şey veya kimse
Türkçe - İngilizce
electronic equipment that detects the presence of radio signals or radioactivity
A device that detects (traces) particles and/or radiation Detector systems used in high energy physics are composed of several detection and recording devices, because many different kinds of particles are produced by the collisions (Detector types)
One who, or that which, detects; a detecter
An electro-optical element that converts light energy to electrical energy Detectors enable scientists to quantify the intensity of light and to sense light outside of the visible region of the electro-magnetic spectrum
a monitor for measuring RF or IF energy at specific points in the system
Any device used to sense the passage of a particle; also a collection of such devices designed so that each serves a particular purpose in allowing physicists to reconstruct particle events
portion of the receiver that demodulates the RF NMR signal and converts it to a lower frequency signal Most detectors now used are phase sensitive (e g quadrature demodulator/detector), and will also give phase information about the RF signal
A sensory capability of an Animat generating an internal signal that represents some detectable quality of the environment or measurement within the environment
The component of a chromatographic instrument which registers the change in some property of the material passing through or by it
An electrical design rule checking program that performs core and I/O checks on a design GOOD Can also perform package, base array, and testability checks on a complete design
An electronic transducer used in fiber optics for converting optical power to electric current In fiber optics, usually a photodiode
any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc ) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
A device that is sensitive to radiation and can produce a response signal suitable or measurement or analysis A radiation detection instrument
A detector is an analytical instrument which is capable of measuring the amount of tracer label in an immunoassay sample, such as scintillation counters, microplate readers, and automated immunoassay analyzers
the device in a sensor system that records electromagnetic radiation
Any of various devices for detecting the presence of electric waves
any device that receives a signal or stimulus as heat or pressure or light or motion etc
A device capable of registering a specific kind of animal, person, substance or phenomenon
An indicator showing the depth of the water in a boiler
A device that picks up light from fiber & converts the information into an electrical signal
bulan şey veya kimse