Environment that is influenced by seawater with a salinity less than 35 parts per thousand (usually caused by the presence of an inflow of fresh water)
– Having low salt content Scientist consider water with salinity values ranging from approximately 0 50 to 17 00 parts per thousand (ppt) to be brackish
A taste fault giving the coffee brew a salty and alkaline sensation The result of salts and alkaline inorganic material left after evaporation of water from the brew due to excessive heat after brewing
Water that is neither fresh water nor marine but a mixture of the two or intermediate in salinity, usually found in estuaries where the amount of salinity is constantly fluctuating
Slightly salty Used to describe waters which are nether freshwater or seawater, but have a salinity which falls between the two (usually between 0 - 25 ppt ) It may also be used to describe areas (e g estuaries) where, due to tidal exchanges, the environment fluctuates between seawater and freshwater