
listen to the pronunciation of bottom(a)
İngilizce - Türkçe

bottom(a) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} popo

Bir bebeğin poposu kadar pürüzsüz. - It's as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Sue'nun büyük bir poposu var ama o umursamıyor. - Sue has a big bottom, but she doesn't care.

{i} kıç (Argo)
(Nükleer Bilimler) taban

Karışıklığı önlemek için taban da etiketlendi. - In order to avoid confusion, the bottom is labelled too.

Henüz tabana vurmadık. - We haven't yet hit bottom.

bottom bed
Alt yatak
bottom-up approach
Aşağıdan yukarıya yaklaşım tarzı

Pantolon alttan giyilirdi. - The trousers were worn at the bottom.

Biz her zaman altta değil ve üstte olabilir miyiz? - May we always be on top and not at the bottom.

en alt
en alta

Pantolon alttan giyilirdi. - The trousers were worn at the bottom.

34. sayfada alttan yedinci satıra bak. - Look at the seventh line from the bottom on page 34.

dibe ulaşmak
dibe dokunmak

Onlar onu yukarıdan aşağıya muayene ediyorlar. - They are examining him from top to bottom.

Mary dairesini baştan aşağı temizledi. - Mary cleaned her apartment from top to bottom.


Planın iyi görünüyor fakat asıl önemli olan şu: bize daha çok iş getirir mi? - Your plan sounds good, but the bottom line is: will it bring us more business?

Tom'un bunun asıl sebebini bulabileceğinden eminim. - I'm sure Tom will be able to get to the bottom of it.

bir şeyin en alt kısmı

Onlar onu yukarıdan aşağıya muayene ediyorlar. - They are examining him from top to bottom.

bottom board
(Arılık) taban tahtası
bottom board
(Mekanik) faraş tahtası
bottom boom
alt başlık
bottom border
(Bilgisayar) alt kenarlık
bottom catch
üst damak karşılığı
bottom chord
alt başlık
bottom coal
(Madencilik) taban kömürü
bottom corner
alt köşe
bottom dump
alttan boşaltmalı
bottom dump
dipten boşaltmalı
bottom edge
alt kenar
bottom edges
(Bilgisayar) alt kenarlar
bottom end
bottom flow
(Askeri) dip akımı
bottom guide
alt yatak
bottom heat
taban ısısı
bottom heave
(Jeoloji,Teknik) taban kabarması
bottom hinge
(İnşaat) mafsallı menteşe
bottom joint
conta kuşağı
bottom land
(Jeoloji) alçak arazi
bottom lands
(Coğrafya) alçak araziler
bottom layer
alt tabaka
bottom layer
alt katman
bottom layer
(Jeoloji) taban katmanı
bottom left
(Bilgisayar) alt sol
bottom level
taban düzeyi
bottom level
temel düzeyi
bottom lid
alt kapak
bottom line
alt çizgi

Sanırım alt çizgi budur. - I think that's the bottom line.

bottom loop
(Sinema) altbüklüm
bottom mud
(Askeri) dip çamuru
bottom of the vessel
(Askeri) karina
bottom out
en düşük seviyeye ulaşmak
bottom out
en aşağı düzeye indirmek
bottom out
dibe vurmak
bottom page
(Bilgisayar) alt sayfa
bottom plate
alt plaka
bottom plug
alt tapa
bottom price
(Ticaret) en düşük fiyat
bottom rail
alt başlık
bottom right
(Bilgisayar) alt sağ
bottom road
taban yolu
bottom row
(Bilgisayar) alt satır
bottom sample
dip örneği
bottom seal
alt conta
bottom side
(Bilgisayar) alt kenar
bottom skirt
(Tekstil) alt etek
bottom slab
(Askeri) taban döşemesi
bottom slope
(Askeri) taban eğimi
bottom to top
aşağıdan yukarıya
bottom tray
(Bilgisayar) alt tepsi
bottom up
bottom up
aşağıdan yukarıya
bottom view
alttan görünüş
bottom view
(Askeri) uçağın alttan görünüşü
bottom wage
asgari ücret
bottom wage
en düşük ücret
bottom wing
(Havacılık) alt kanat

Evi baştan aşağı aradıktan sonra Tom, kaybettiğini düşündüğü cüzdanı buldu. - Tom found the wallet he thought he'd lost after searching the house from top to bottom.

Onun başaracağına dair son dolarımla bahse girerim. - I'll bet my bottom dollar he'll succeed.

(out ile) en düşük seviyeye ulaşmak
iyice düşmek/azalmak

O, dipsiz bir çukura düştü. - He fell into the bottomless pit.

Midesi dipsiz bir çukur gibi görünüyordu. - His stomach seemed a bottomless pit.

çıkış sebebi neden

Dünkü şiddetli kar yağışından dolayı, yer çok kaygandı. Dışarıya adım atar atmaz kaydım ve kıçımın üstüne düştüm. - Because of yesterday's heavy snow, the ground is very slippery. As soon as I stepped outside, I slipped and fell on my bottom.


Bir sayfanın alt kısmını okuyun. - Read the bottom of the page.

Ben alt katta yaşıyorum. - I live on the bottom floor.

bottom dollar
son kuruş
bottom land
ovalık arazi
bottom line
bottom margin
alt kenar boşluğu
bottom out
iyice düşmek
bottom out
bottom out
en aşağı düzeye in
bottom up parsing
aşağıdan yukarıya ayrıştırma
bottom up programming
aşağıdan yukarıya programlama
Bir giysinin alt parçası
bottom ash
(Mühendislik) cüruf; taban kulu;katı yakıtların yanması sonucu artakalan, eriyip katılaşmış maddeler
bottom beam
alt kiriş
bottom belt conveyor
alttan taşıyıcı
bottom bend
anot bükümü
bottom clearance
dış dibi boşluğu
bottom dead center
alt ölü nokta
bottom discharge
alttan boşaltma
bottom dump truck
alttan bosaltmali kamyon
bottom dumping
alttan dökme
bottom feeder
alt besleyici
bottom feeders
alt besleyiciler
bottom hem
Giysinin alt kısmının kenar kıvrımı
bottom lands
alt topraklarda
bottom line
Kâr ve zarar tablosunda son satır olarak kaydedilen, firmanın kâr veya zararı
bottom line
Son karar, son söz
bottom line
1. Bir hesap cetveli ya da bilançoda son satırdaki yekün/toplam.2. İşin özü, sözün özü, sonuç
bottom of the sea
Denizin altında
bottom panel
alt panel
bottom plate
taban plakası
bottom rail on top
(deyim) İşler, konumlar ve şaire tersine dönmek
bottom right corner
alt sağ köşe
bottom sprocket
alt dişli tambur, son dişli tambur, alıcı dişli
bottom tube
alt tüp
bottom water
alt su
bottom weir
dip savak
bottom yeast
alt maya
altı ağır
geniş küçük yaş grubu
Temelden, temelinden, başlangıçtan
Alttan, tabandan başlayan
bottom-up method
aşağıdan yukarıya yöntem
alt dip/alt
(isim) dip, alt, kaynak, temel; gemi omurgası, tekne; dayanma gücü; kıç (Argo), popo
{s} dipteki
{f} dip koymak
{i} kaynak

Gemi denizin dibine battı. - The ship went down to the bottom of the sea.

Gemi denizin dibine battı. - The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.

(Tekstil) zeminlemek
{f} esasını araştırmak
{s} alttaki
dili içkilerinizi bir yudumda bitirin !
{i} temel

Bunun temeline iniyorum. - I'm getting to the bottom of this.

Bunun temeline inmeliyim. - I need to get to the bottom of this.

{i} gemi omurgası
{i} vadi
at bottom aslında
dili kıç
{i} karina, tekne
{f} temeline inmek
Bottoms up! k
{i} esas, kaynak, temel
get at the bottom of bir şeyin esasına
(Footer) Alt (altbilgi)
iskemlenin oturulacak yeri
bottom apron
(Tekstil) alt apron
bottom apron guide bar
(Tekstil) alt apron rehber çubuğu
bottom ash
dip külü
bottom bend
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) anot dirseği
bottom boss
(Tekstil) alt düğme
bottom calender roller
(Tekstil) alt alıcı silindir
bottom cloth
(Tekstil) alt kumaş
bottom current
(Askeri) dip dalgası
bottom detaching roller
(Tekstil) alt koparma silindiri
bottom drive
(Tekstil) alttan tahrik
bottom echo
(Nükleer Bilimler) taban yankısı
bottom ice
(Askeri) DİP BUZ TABAKASI, TABAN BUZU: Göl, akarsu veya sığ deniz tabanına yapışıp kalan buz. Ayrıca bakınız: "anchor ice"
bottom ice
(Askeri) dip buz tabakası
bottom margin
alt boşluğu
bottom mine
(Askeri) dip mayını
bottom mine
(Askeri) DİP MAYINI: Yüzmeyen ve deniz yatağı üzerinde kalan mayın. "Kara mayını" olarak ta tanınır. Ayrıca bakınız: "mine"
bottom mordant
(Tekstil) ön mordan
bottom nipper plate
(Tekstil) alt kıskaç levhası
bottom of a river
(Coğrafya) nehir yatağı
bottom of a river
(Coğrafya) ırmak yatağı
bottom of form
(Bilgisayar) formun altı
bottom of page
Sayfanın altı
bottom of table
(Bilgisayar) tablonun en altına
bottom of table
(Bilgisayar) tablonun altı
bottom of the column
(Bilgisayar) sütun altı
bottom of the screen
Ekranın altı
bottom of the slope
(Askeri) meyil tabanı
bottom pouring
(Tekstil) alttan yukarı dökmek
bottom printing
(Tekstil) ön baskı, alt baskı, zemin baskı
bottom roll
(Tekstil) alt merdane
bottom roller
(Tekstil) alt merdane
bottom roller bearing
(Tekstil) alt silindir yatağı
bottom roller extension
(Tekstil) alt silindir başlangıç parçası
bottom shear blade
(Tekstil) alt makas yaprağı
bottom stop motion
(Tekstil) alt durdurma tertibatı
bottom subsidence
taban gömülmesi
bottom sweep
(Askeri) dip taraması
bottom sweep
(Askeri) DİP TARAMASI: Tel veya zincirden, ya dibe yakın mayınları taramakta, yada bir kanaldan mayınları sürükleyerek çıkarmakta kullanılan tarama
bottom up design
tabandan tepeye tasarim
bottom view
(Askeri) ALTTAN GÖRÜNÜŞ: Uçağın alttan görünüşü. Bak. "overhead flight"
box bottom carriage
(Askeri) ALT KUNDAK: Bir topta, üst kundağı taşıyan kundak parçaları grubu
İngilizce - İngilizce
situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer
A submissive in a BDSM relationship or roleplay
The lowest part from the uppermost part, in either of these senses:

(Can we clean up() this sense?) The part seen, or intended to be seen, nearest the edge of the visual field normally occupied by the lowest visible objects, as footers appear at the bottoms of pages.

A gay man who likes take a passive sexual role rather than an active role (e.g. to be penetrated in anal sex rather than to penetrate)
Character, reliability, staying power, dignity, integrity or sound judgment

lack bottom.

The lowest or last place or position

Those files should go on the bottom shelf.

The second half of an inning, the home team's turn to bat
certain parts of a vessel, particularly the cargo hold or the portion of the ship that is always underwater
A bottom quark
a cargo vessel, a ship
The buttocks or anus
To fall to the lowest point

The Dow Jones Industrial Average bottomed on September 24, 2001. The CRB Index bottomed on October 24.

To establish firmly; to found or justify on or upon something; to set on a firm footing; to set or rest on or upon something which provides support or authority

Moreover, the Supreme Court has held that the President must obey outstanding executive orders, even when bottomed on the Constitution, until they are revoked.

a valley, often used in place names

Where shall we go for a walk? How about Ashcombe Bottom?.

To be the submissive in a BDSM relationship or roleplay
bottom antiquark
The antiparticle of the bottom quark
bottom burp
bottom burps
plural form of bottom burp
bottom edge
A deflection of a ball off of the bottom edge of a bat, onto the ground and potentially into the wicket
bottom edge
To hit the ball with the bottom edge of the bat
bottom edge
The edge of a bat closest to the ground
bottom edged
Simple past tense and past participle of bottom edge
bottom edges
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bottom edge
bottom edges
plural form of bottom edge
bottom edging
Present participle of bottom edge
bottom feeder
A person who dwells amidst or thrives off of the unwholesome things in a society
bottom feeder
A fish or other aquatic creature who feeds off the bottom of their habitat; a flatfish
bottom feeders
plural form of bottom feeder
bottom feeding
which dwells amidst, or thrives off of, the unwholesome things in society
bottom feeding
which feeds off the bottom of its habitat
bottom fermentation
A slow alcoholic fermentation process carried out at low temperatures during which the yeast sinks to the bottom of the liquid. Used in brewing lager-type beers
bottom gear
The lowest gearing available from a gearbox, typically in a motor vehicle or cycle
bottom gears
The lower two or three gears (depending on total ratios available) of a gearbox, typically in a motor vehicle or cycle
bottom hand
With a standard batting grip, the hand placed further down the handle of the bat; the batsman's dominant hand, providing most power to a shot
bottom hands
plural form of bottom hand
bottom kill
a method of closing an oil well, by drilling a relief well to the bottom of the borehole of the blown-out well, and pumping in heavy drilling fluid (synthetic mud) to counteract oil pressure and staunch the flow, then filling in the orifice to the oil reservoir with concrete (cement) sealing the blow-out and the relief wells
bottom line
The final balance; the amount of money or profit left after everything has been tallied
bottom line
The summary or result; the most important information; the upshot; the net-net

The bottom line is that there simply are not enough hours in the day to finish all there is to do.

bottom liner
A person who is most concerned with the bottom line
bottom liners
plural form of bottom liner
bottom lines
plural form of bottom line
bottom of the harbour
A tax avoidance scheme from the 1970s

1982: The 'bottom of the harbour' scheme was so named because a company once stripped of its assets, was dumped and, like a body in a cement suit, sank never to be seen again. — Sydney Morning Herald, 5 June 1982, page 13. Quoted in G. A. Wilkes, A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, second edition, 1985, Sydney University Press, ISBN 0-424-00113-6.

bottom of the line
The worst, the most lackluster, or lowest quality currently on the market, especially among selections in a product line
bottom of the ninth
By extension, any last chance or final opportunity
bottom of the ninth
In baseball, the second part of the ninth and final inning. The end of the game

Hitting a home_run with the bases_loaded in the bottom of the ninth let the home team finish ahead of the visitors.

bottom order
The batsmen, constituting the tail, who bat last - roughly in positions 8 to 11
bottom order
Of a batsman who bats in the bottom order
bottom out
to reach the bottom, to reach the nadir or low point
bottom quark
A quark having a fractional electric charge of -1/3 and a mass about 4,100 to 4,400 MeV. Symbol: b
bottom quarks
plural form of bottom quark
bottom sheet
A bed sheet used to cover a mattress, i.e. the sheet that one typically lies on
bottom the house
To clean a house from top to bottom; to clean a house extremely thoroughly
Lowest. Closest to the bottom
of, or relating to a hierarchical system that progresses from multiple, small subunits to a single, large basic unit
Progressing from small or subordinate units to a larger or more important unit, as in an organization
a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms" the lower side of anything the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill" the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs" the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class" at the bottom; lowest or last; "the bottom price
{n} the lowest part, a foundation, a valley, ball, ship, dregs
{v} to put a bottom, to rest or fix upon
bottom line
1. the final total of an account or balance sheet. 2. the fundamental and deciding factor
bottom rail on top
(deyim) When one formerly in a position of weakness or subservience gains power or dominance over his former oppressor. Originally referred to the idea of black slaves gaining power over their ex-owners in the wake of the US Civil War

A freed black slave in the Union Army saw his ex-owner being led away in chains as a prisoner and said to him, Hello massa, bottom rail on top this time..

An insult which indicates that the recipient is a member of society's lowest levels.A fish that lives and feeds on the bottom of a body of water; a scavenger that feeds low on the food chain; a bottom-feeder such as carp and catfish.A person of low character, having no scruples; a selfish, conniving and amoral person; a scumbag
Of or relating to fish and marine life that dwell on the bottom of a body of water
1. (adjective) proceeding from the bottom or beginning of a hierarchy or process upwards
To rest, as upon an ultimate support; to be based or grounded; usually with on or upon
the lower side of anything
The lower part of a bikini, tracksuit, or pair of pyjamas can be referred to as the bottoms or the bottom. She wore blue tracksuit bottoms. a skimpy bikini bottom. top see also -bottomed, rock bottom
a depression forming the ground under a body of water; "he searched for treasure on the ocean bed"
at the bottom; lowest or last; "the bottom price
emphasis You use at bottom to emphasize that you are stating what you think is the real nature of something or the real truth about a situation. The two systems are, at bottom, conceptual models At bottom, such an attitude is born not of concern for your welfare, but out of fear of losing you
{f} establish; construct; base, provide a foundation
the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill"
line - Refers to the value of an investment after taxes
Your bottom is the part of your body that you sit on. If there was one thing she could change about her body it would be her bottom
{i} base, foot; buttocks; seat of a chair
- A distinct, nearly level surface of the valley bottom The term 'first bottom' is usually used to mean the flood plain, the lowest, most frequently flooded surface on the valley bottom The terms 'second bottom, third bottom ' are used to describe terraces above the normal flood plain
{s} lower, under
The bottom of an object is the flat surface at its lowest point. You can also refer to the inside or outside of this surface as the bottom. Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish. the bottom of their shoes. a suitcase with a false bottom. = base
strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom
(single, double) See Single hull or Double hull
Power of endurance; as, a horse of a good bottom
To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog strikes the bottom of a space between two other cogs, or a piston the end of a cylinder
the lowest rank; "bottom member of the class"
If something is at the bottom of a problem or unpleasant situation, it is the real cause of it. Often I find that anger and resentment are at the bottom of the problem
If you want to get to the bottom of a problem, you want to solve it by finding out its real cause. I have to get to the bottom of this mess
Recreational Riding : Landing so hard from a jump that the suspension uses up all of its travel
To found or build upon; to fix upon as a support; followed by on or upon
If you say that the bottom has dropped or fallen out of a market or industry, you mean that people have stopped buying the products it sells. The bottom had fallen out of the city's property market
Dregs or grounds; lees; sediment
the lower side of anything the lowest part of anything; "they started at the bottom of the hill"
to scrape the bottom of the barrel: see barrel. a humorous character who is changed into a donkey in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream
If someone is bottom or at the bottom in a survey, test, or league their performance is worse than that of all the other people involved. He was always bottom of the class The team is close to bottom of the League. top
the reading on a place clock that corresponds to a seconds reading of "30 "
The bottom of something is the lowest or deepest part of it. He sat at the bottom of the stairs Answers can be found at the bottom of page
ad the lowest part of something
Bottom vertical coordinate position
The second half of an inning, the home teams turn to bat
An abyss
the opposite of a top
a cargo ship; "they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms"
Another term for low frequencies, usually below 125 Hz
The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, sea
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
A ball or skein of thread; a cocoon
Refers to the base support level for market prices of any type Also used in the context of securities to refer to the lowest market price of a security during a specific time-frame
To be the source of support or authority for something
The bottom of an organization or career structure is the lowest level in it, where new employees often start. He had worked in the theatre for many years, starting at the bottom. a contract researcher at the bottom of the pay scale. top
situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer"
The bottom of a table is the end farthest away from where you are sitting. The bottom of a bed is the end where you usually rest your feet. Malone sat down on the bottom of the bed. = end
n [lowest part] dasar 2 n [part of the body on which you sit] pantat
To furnish with a bottom; as, to bottom a chair
Floor or underlying surface of an underground excavation
Low land formed by alluvial deposits along a river; low-lying ground; a dale; a valley
The fundament; the buttocks
The technological property of a board face which makes it the copper plated face
To reach or get to the bottom of
That upon which anything rests or is founded, in a literal or a figurative sense; foundation; groundwork
The part of anything which is beneath the contents and supports them, as the part of a chair on which a person sits, the circular base or lower head of a cask or tub, or the plank floor of a ship's hold; the under surface
provide with a bottom or a seat; "bottom the chairs"
emphasis You can say that you mean something from the bottom of your heart to emphasize that you mean it very sincerely. I'm happy, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart
come to understand
in matchpoint scoring, the lowest score on one deal
To wind round something, as in making a ball of thread
The bottom of a street or garden is the end farthest away from you or from your house. the Cathedral at the bottom of the street. = end
The bottom part of a shoe sole However, the heel is not part of the bottom Only that part of the bottom face of the sole extending from the toe to heel breast is termed the bottom
The low point(s) on a chart pattern In a double bottom formation, the second significant drop in prices almost, but not quite, reaches the same level of the first drop in prices Somewhat like a lopsided M with the last downward swing not quite as low as the lowest low high
the second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat
The floor upon which any body of water rests (Bates & Jackson 1987)
bottom bracket
part of a bicycle frame around which the pedals revolve (connected to the down tube and the chain stays)
bottom break
A branch arising from the stem base of a plant
bottom dog
a person of low status
bottom drawer
all the things, especially things that you use in a house, that a woman collects to use when she is married American Equivalent: hope chest
bottom feeder
a fish that feeds on the bottom of a body of water a scavenger that feeds low on the food chain an opportunist who profits from the misfortunes of others
bottom fermentation
39° - 50°F
bottom fermentation
A slow alcoholic fermentation during which the yeast cells collect at the bottom of the fermenting liquid
bottom fermentation
It takes place at a temperature of 4° - 10° C
bottom fermentation
It is used in making lager beer and wines of low alcohol content but fine bouquet
bottom fermentation
a slow kind of alcoholic fermentation at a temperature low enough that the yeast cells can sink to the bottom of the fermenting liquid; used in the production of lager
bottom fish
A fish, such as a catfish, carp, or flounder, that lives on or near the bottom of a body of water
bottom land
alluvial lowland near a river
bottom line
Same as net profit
bottom line
fundamental reason, basic reason; conclusion, final result
bottom line
the net profit or net income line on a profit and loss account or income statement
bottom line
the actual profit or return a project/product/service makes
bottom line
(00/03/05) The bottom line is that we should act right now bottom line = absolute profit This deal will boost the bottom line No individual's bottom line is more important than the reputation of the firm (Reference: 99, Monday Nikkei)
bottom line
Accounting term for the net profit or loss
bottom line
Net monetary impact
bottom line
The bottom line is the total amount of money that a company has made or lost over a particular period of time. to force chief executives to look beyond the next quarter's bottom line
bottom line
the decisive point
bottom line
The essential or salient point; the primary or most important consideration Also, the line at the bottom of a financial report that shows the net profit or loss
bottom line
The financial vernacular for net income -- the "bottom" or last line in the income statement
bottom line
the decisive point the last line in an audit; the line that shows profit or loss
bottom line
The bottom line in a business deal is the least a person is willing to accept. She says £95,000 is her bottom line
bottom line
Accounting term for the net profit or loss BACK TO TOP
bottom line
The overall-profitability measure of performance
bottom line
The bottom line on a business's income statement shows its actual profits according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) Hence the all-important phrase -- "What's the bottom line?" See also: Net profit and Net profit margin
bottom line
refers to the final financial result after a trading period eg, the net profit Any action that affects the net profit is considered to affect the bottom line
bottom line
The figure that reflects company profitability on the income statement The bottom line is the profit after all expenses and taxes have been paid
bottom line
Same as net profit, comes from the last line at the bottom of an income statement
bottom line
The net income "line" of the income statement
bottom out
reach the low point; "Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while
bottom out
hit the ground; "the car bottomed out where the driveway meets the road"
bottom out
to bottom out is making certain that the mat textures every inch of the plastic concrete
bottom out
Lack of support under full weight load
bottom out
Where the trampoline and the springs are at maximum stretch
bottom out
Lack of support under full weight load This characteristic is often found in low-density foam This term is very subjective, as a foam may bottom out with a heavy person, and be very comfortable to a lighter-weight individual The problem can be reduced by specifying foam with higher density and/or greater compression modulus value
bottom out
A Suspension compressed to the limit of its travel
bottom out
reach the low point; "Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while"
bottom price
lowest price, minimum charge
bottom prices
cheap prices, inexpensive prices
bottom quark
A quark with a charge of - and a mass about 10,000 times that of the electron. Also called beauty quark
bottom rot
fungous disease of lettuce that first rots lower leaves and spreads upward
bottom rot fungus
fungus causing bottom rot in lettuce
bottom round
cut from the round; suitable for pot roast
bottom rung
bottom step, lowest step
bottom up
An approach in investment strategy that emphasizes finding outstanding individual companies before considering broad economic trends
bottom up
an integration strategy for integration testing in the small where the lowest level components are tested first, then used to facilitate the testing of higher level components The process is repeated until the component at the top of the hierarchy is included
bottom up
Arrangement of pixel data in memory The lowest-addressed pixels correspond to the lower-left corner of the image and proceed to the right with increasing memory address The highest addressed pixels correspond to the upper-right corner of the image
bottom up
Investing strategy that focuses on good firms or securities first, then the industry and economic trends are considered The theory supposes that a portfolio of well chosen securities will have long-term success in any environment
bottom up
The opposite of top down; an approach which builds simple low-level objects into more complex higher-level objects
The classical reductionist approach to biology which aims to examine the smallest units to gain insight into the larger ones Mendelian genetics, which looks at single genes, is a bottom- up approach Compare top- down Narrower term: Nanoscience & miniaturization glossary nanofabrication- bottom- up
An approach taken when unbundling utility rates, and the opposite of a top-down approach Bottom-up implies consideration of all components of a utility rate for possible competition, including transmission, distribution, customer service, metering, marketing, taxes, etc as well as the energy component (which is generally considered the "top" of the rate) A top-down approach involves an examination in the reverse order and typically results in only the energy component becoming subject to competition, instead of all aspects of the utility rate
Pertaining to a method or procedure that starts at the lowest level of abstraction and proceeds towards the highest level [ISO/IEC 2382-20]
product design process starting from the needs of users (customer needs)
a bottom-up plan is one in which you decide on practical details before thinking about general principles   top-down
of an approach to a problem that begins with details and works up to the highest conceptual level; "bottom-up parser"; "a bottom-up model of the reading process
An investment strategy that first seeks individual companies with attractive investment potential, then proceeds to consider the larger economic and industry trends affecting those companies
the construction of devices starting with individual atoms
In Cognitive Theory bottom-up has two meanings: (1) Starting with what is known about the brain, and trying to move up to an explanation of our behavioural and cognitive abilities using on the basis of that (2) Starting with concrete, low-level abilities -- sensory and motor ones -- and trying to move up to an explanation of the rest of our behavioural and cognitive abilities on the basis of that (data-driven)
An investment strategy that first seeks individual companies with attractive investment potential, then considers the economic and industry trends affecting those companies
An approach to investment which is based on the selection of individual stocks, rather than sector or country selection Asset allocation is thus a by-product of the particular stocks chosen Compare with top-down