
listen to the pronunciation of boşaltılıyor
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Bilgisayar) flushing
present participle of flush
The dog forcing the bird to leave the ground, taking flight
{i} rinsing, washing; blushing, reddening
The terms given to a process which gives rise to a sudden rush of water out of a tank or pond Many farmers "flush" their tanks or ponds by removing a pipe or board It is carried out in order to remove solids particles which have settled on the bottom near to the outlet Well designed tanks and raceways should need flushing very rarely There is little to be gained from flushing a tank if there is no build up of solids visible, however it can be useful for occasionally cleaning out any settled waste or bacterial floc building up in the outlet pipes / channels
This is a subjective feeling that some patients describe when they talk about heat sensation in their head area Many times this is being confused with blushing which is redness of the face Flushing is not an indication for sympathectomy since its a mere subjective feeling without any physical manifestation G
In phenology, the obvious growth (stem elongation, bud burst and leaf expansion) of leafy shoots The sudden occurrence of this
The dog forcing the bird to leave the ground and take flight
A measure of how often, usually measured in years, water is replaced in a reservoir, bay or other system, based upon flow rates into and out of the system, (see residence time)
Flushing is redness in the face, neck or chest caused by a substance, physical stimulus or environment It is a dilatation of the small blood vessels in the skin
A heavy, coarse cloth manufactured from shoddy; commonly in the &?; A surface formed of floating threads
Flushing is a means of entirely replacing the fluid in a given system For instance, when a technician flushes a cooling system, all the old coolant is removed and completely replaced with new
The flowing of dielectric through the gap to remove debris caused by EDMing Flushing can be pressure or suction through the electrode or workpiece, or sprayed into the gap from the side Ram cycling is done for the purpose of flushing

The hotels along the beach were evacuated. - Sahil boyuncaki oteller boşaltıldı.

I don't evacuate them. - Onları boşaltmıyorum.

(Bilgisayar) free
(Bilgisayar) drain

The dirty water from the pool was drained, and replaced with clean water. - Kirli su havuzdan boşaltıldı ve temiz su ile değiştirildi.

Use a strainer to drain the pasta. - Makarnayı boşaltmak için bir süzgeç kullanın.

(Bilgisayar) clear

Clear off the shelf, and you can put your books there. - Rafı boşalt ve kitaplarını oraya koyabilirsin.

I've cleared my schedule. - Programımı boşalttım.

(Bilgisayar) empty

Tom had to empty his apartment in two days. - Tom iki gün içerisinde apartmanını boşaltmak zorundaydı.

It is time to empty the garbage. - Çöp boşaltma zamanıdır.

make empty
{f} handling
{f} uncharged
clear out

The excited crowd poured out of the stadium. - Heyecanlı kalabalık stadyumu boşalttı.

She poured me all of it without stopping. - Durmaksızın hepsini bana boşalttı.

{f} void
{f} pouring
{f} teeming
drain down
{f} dump

These corporations want to dump lead and radioactive waste in our drinking water. This cannot be tolerated. - Bu şirketler kurşun ve radyoaktif atıkları içme suyumuza boşaltmak istiyorlar. Bu hoşgörülemez.

Before going to bed, he usually takes all the coins from his pockets and dumps them on the table. - Yatmadan önce genelde ceplerindeki tüm bozuk paraları çıkartıp masaya boşaltır.

make hollow
{f} voiding
make void
clean out
{f} evacuating
{f} discharge

A sewage treatment plant discharged toxic chemicals into the town's water supply. - Bir atık su arıtma tesisi şehrin su kaynağının içine zehirli kimyasallar boşalttı.


The farm workers unloaded the truck. - Çiftçiler kamyonu boşalttı.

They unloaded the ship. - Gemi yükünü boşalttı.

(Biyoloji) excrete

We need to vacate the house by the end of the month at the latest. - En geç ayın sonuna kadar evi boşaltmamız gerekiyor.
