Bluebells are plants that have blue bell-shaped flowers on thin upright stems. Bluebells flower in the spring. a small plant with blue flowers that grows in woods. Any plant of the genus Endymion, in the lily family, native to Eurasia. Bluebell, or wild hyacinth (E. nonscriptus), and Spanish bluebell (E. hispanicus), bearing clusters of bell-shaped blue flowers, are cultivated as garden ornamentals; some authorities place them in the related genus Scilla of the same family. Many other plants are commonly known as bluebells, including species of the genera Campanula, Eustoma, Polemonium, and Clematis. In the U.S. the name bluebell is usually reserved for Mertensia virginica
one of the most handsome prairie wildflowers laving large erect bell-shaped bluish flowers; of moist places in prairies and fields from eastern Colorado and Nebraska south to New Mexico and Texas
A plant of the genus Campanula, especially the Campanula rotundifolia, which bears blue bell-shaped flowers; the harebell
perennial of northern hemisphere with slender stems and bell-shaped blue flowers
annual of southern California with intricately branched stems and lax cymes of aromatic deep blue bell-shaped flowers desert plant of southern California with blue or violet tubular flowers in terminal racemes