blister rust teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
Any of several diseases of pine trees caused by certain fungi of the genus Cronartium, resulting in conspicuous blistering and often dieback of affected areas. Any of several diseases of pines, caused by rust fungi (see fungus) of the genus Cronartium. Blister rust affects sapwood (see wood) and inner bark and produces external blisters from which additional spores of the fungus are released and resin oozes, forming characteristic hardened masses on the trunk. It affects pines of all ages and sizes, retarding growth and weakening stems as it spreads along the trunk, sometimes killing the tree; young trees are killed more quickly than older ones. Measures taken to fight blister rust include growing resistant varieties, destroying nearby alternative host plants, observing strict sanitation measures, and spraying with fungicides
fungus causing white pine blister rust and having a complex life cycle requiring a plant of genus Ribes as alternate host any of several diseases of pines caused by rust fungi of the genus Cronartium and marked by destructive invasion of bark and sapwood and producing blisters externally