bk. internet relay chat

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Internet Relay Chat, a chat system that enables people connected anywhere on the Internet to join in live discussions To join an IRC discussion, you need an IRC client and Internet access
Abbreviation for Internet Relay Chat An Internet service accessed through software programs that features real-time communication on channels devoted to specific topics
Inter Relay Chat - a part of the Internet that allows users to "chat" in real time by joining a chat room and typing their conversations
Internet Relay Chat - The part of the Internet which allows you to talk (type) to other people in real time
Internet Internet Relay Chat: a facility permitting two or more computer network users to enter into interactive, two-way, text-based communication over an Internet channel Sometimes described as like CB radio for the Internet, IRC channels (or chat rooms) tend to be dedicated to specific topics of textual conversation IRC is also bemoaned as a nuisance by many network administrators as (being real-time) it ties up a great deal of network bandwidth as all users require a constant live connection to each other throughout the entirely of their "conversation" For this reason, on some networks it is not uncommon for the use of IRC to be banned
Internet Relay Chat A multi-user live chat facility There are a number of major IRC servers around the world which are linked to each other Anyone can create a channel and anything that anyone types in a given channel is seen by all others in the channel
Internet Relay Chat A system that enables Internet users to talk with each other in real time over the Internet rather than in person
(Internet Relay Chat) An Internet tool that lets users join a chat channel and exchange messages IRC is soon going to permit the full-color, live-action video required for video-conferencing
Internet Relay Chat; a system that enables two or more Internet users to conduct online discussions in real time IRC is not supported by OIT
Internet Relay Chat
/I-R-C/ n [Internet Relay Chat] A worldwide "party line" network that allows one to converse with others in real time IRC is structured as a network of Internet servers, each of which accepts connections from client programs, one per user The IRC community and the Usenet and MUD communities overlap to some extent, including both hackers and regular folks who have discovered the wonders of computer networks Some Usenet jargon has been adopted on IRC, as have some conventions such as emoticons There is also a vigorous native jargon, represented in this lexicon by entries marked `[IRC]' See also talk mode
Internet Relay Chat is a text-based conferencing system that allows Internet users around the world to communicate
Acronym for Internet Relay Chat, a world-wide distributed live chat system
(Internet Relay Chat) -- Basically a huge multi-user live chat facility There are a number major IRC servers around the world which are linked to each other Anyone can create a "channel" and anything that anyone types in a given channel is seen by all others in the channel Private channels can (and are) created for multi-person "conference calls" a name="ISDN">
n Internet Relay Chat: A protocol [RFC 1459] for real-time text communication over the Internet, commonly used by the W3C for internal communications and to augment meetings
Internet Relay Chat A live chat area of the Internet in which real-time conversations among two or more people take place via special software Each specific IRC channel begins with a # and is dedicated to a different area of interest IRC is considered another part of the technology of the Internet the same way FTP, Telnet and the Web are
Internet Relay Chat - A computerized way for people to congregate and chat together IRC is the reason this website came into being :
(Internet Relay Chat) - A protocol and a program type that allows participants to "chat" online in a live forum that usually centers around a common interest IRC is the earliest form of online chat
Internet Relay Chat This service lets groups converse with each other in real time across the Internet It is a sort of e-mail facility with a built-in broadcast function that automatically sends your message to other users logged into the same discussion Some call it the keyboard equivalent of Citizens Band radio
Internet Relay Chat - party line for the Internet!