birden fazla sinyalin

listen to the pronunciation of birden fazla sinyalin
Türkçe - İngilizce
coordinating by causing to indicate the same time; "the synchronization of their watches was an important preliminary" an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison
In serial data transmission, a method of ensuring that the receiving end can recognize characters in the order in which the transmitting end sent them, and can know where one character ends and the next begins Without synchronization, the receiving end would perceive data simply as a series of binary digits with no relation to one another Synchronous communication relies on a clocking mechanism to synchronize the signals between the sending and receiving machines
Sometimes one task must wait for another ask to finish before it can proceed Consider a data acquisition application with 2 tasks: taskA that acquires data and taskB that displays data taskB cannot display new data until taskA fills in a global data structure with all the new data values taskA and taskB are typically synchronized as follows (1) taskB waits for a message from taskA, and since no message is available, taskB suspends When taskA runs and updates the data structure, it sends a message to taskB which schedules taskB to run, at which time it displays the new data, then again waits for a message, and the scenario is repeated
The process of measuring the difference in time of two time scales such as the output signals generated by two clocks In the context of timing, synchronization means to bring two clocks or data streams into phase so that their difference is 0 (see time scales in synchronism)
The act of bringing two or more processes to known points in their execution at the same clock time There are many ways to manage synchronization The most basic mechanisms are mutexes, condition variables, read/write mutexes, and semaphores
the relation that exists when things occur at the same time; "the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves"
Also known as "replication," it is the process of uploading and downloading information from two or more databases, so that each is identical (Back to top )
In audio terms, synchronizing, or synching, is the process of making two devices operate together as one One device will be the "master", and tell the second "slave" device when to start, when to stop, and how fast to play Originally, synching devices primarily meant locking two multitrack tape recorders together to allow for more tracks, or locking audio and video decks together when adding sound to picture Today, synchronization also encompasses locking recorders to computers, various digital devices' clocks to each other, MIDI to SMPTE, and a variety of other possibilities Synchronizing wildly different technologies together can be a complex process
In COM+, a service that flows from component to component and prohibits more than one caller from entering the component at any given time Synchronization determines when threads can dispatch calls to an object
In synchronous data transmission, the process by which a transmitter and receiver coordinate their operation so as to properly identify the bits and characters that make up a digitally transmitted message
The communication of an EMBASSY Device with an EMBASSY Device Server that ensures that the real-time clock is accurate and updates the device's applet inventory
Normally refers to the daily or routine updating of an agency database with information from the company This can occur at the renewal to a policy or by policy endorsement
An operation that keeps distributed databases in agreement
The act of synchronizing; concurrence of events in respect to time
The method of ensuring that the receiving end can recognize characters in order in which the transmitting end sends them in a serial data transmission is called synchronization Without synchronization, the receiving end would perceive data simply as a series of binary digits with no relation to one another
{i} act of synchronizing, act of causing to operate simultaneously
Process of adjusting a receiving terminal or switch clock to match the transmitting system's master clock
Precision in singing which includes attacks and releases of words, uniformity of word sounds and rhythmic exactness
interlocking of press and dryer systems of motion to match so that prints will not feed from press to dryer too quickly or too slowly