If you balk at something, you definitely do not want to do it or to let it happen. Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a $24m profit had turned into a $20m deficit
1) An incomplete approach in which the bowler does not deliver the ball; 2) to interfere or cause another bowler to stop his approach or not complete it in his normal fashion
an illegal pitching motion while runners are on base the area on a billiard table behind the balkline; "a player with ball in hand must play from the balk
An illegal act by the pitcher with at least one runner on base All runners are entitled to advance one base
Usually a false start, on which the diver begins the approach but doesn't complete the dive A balk also occurs when the diver loses balance on an armstand dive and the feet touch the platform A balk results in a score of zero for that dive
bir engel karşısında duraklamak; yürümemekte direnmek
bir en·gel kar·şı·sın·da du·rak·la·mak; yü·rü·me·mek·te di·ren·mek