big bang.

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İngilizce - Türkçe

big bang. teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Askeri) gemiyi tahliye etmek (breakbulk)
big bang
Büyük Patlama: Evrenin yaklaşık 13,7 milyar yıl önce aşırı yoğun ve sıcak bir noktadan meydana geldiğini savunan evrenin evrimi kuramı ve geniş şekilde kabul gören kozmolojik model
{i} hava tüfeğinin saçması
big bang
Türkçe - Türkçe
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İngilizce - İngilizce
The cosmic event that marks the beginning of time and the rapid expansion of space for the visible universe. The evolution of the universe since that beginning point is described by the Big Bang Theory
An explosion giving rise to a universe

Millions of big bangs may be happening as we speak.

In project management, a project that has no staged delivery. The customer must wait, sometimes months, before seeing anything. At the end of the wait comes a "big bang"
(a) A widely accepted model for the beginning of the Universe, the Big Bang explains the expansion of the Universe and the cosmic microwave background radiation Basically it states that the Universe is cooling from a hot, dense explosion, and matter came from this first fireball of radiation (b) Term applied to the drummer of a goblin rock band, who inadvertently smashed too hard one day, breaking the skin and letting loose all the stuff inside Since then the goblins have resolved to make the best of a bad situation See also big crunch
A theory of cosmology that the universe originated billions of years ago as a violent eruption of a single point binary compounds - Chemical compounds made of only two elements bipolar jets - Material emitted in streams from opposites sides of an object
(cosmology) the cosmic explosion that is hypothesized to have marked the origin of the universe
A theory of cosmology in which the expansion of the Universe is presumed to have begun with a primeval explosion
A cosmological theory in which the Universe begins expanding from a dense, superhot state of radiation and matter; this expansion of space presumably started some 15 to 20 billion years ago and produced the cosmic background radiation
According to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, the expanding universe originated from a singular point in space This explosive event (about 13 billion years ago) was dubbed the Big Bang by the skeptical British Astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle, and the name stuck Hoyle was an advocate of the steady state universe, but that theory has very few advocates today Evidence for the Big Bang is overwhelming
Singularity at the beginning of the universe
The primeval explosion which most astronomers think gave rise to the universe as we see it today, in which clusters of galaxies are moving apart from one another By "running the film backward'' — projecting the galaxies' motions backward of time — astronomers calculate that the Big Bang happened about 10 to 15 billion years ago
The most widely accepted theory of the origin of the Universe, according to which it began in a hot, infinitely dense state 10 to 20 billion years ago and has been expanding and cooling ever since
–A model for the evolution of the Universe, which postulates its origin in a hot, dense state that rapidly expanded to a cooler, less dense state A host of recent astronomical evidence strongly supports this model
The primordial explosion that is thought to have resulted in the expanding universe
The singularity at the beginning of the universe
The name given to the initial instant of the expanding universe theory, in which the universe begins as an infinitely dense and hot medium Big Bang is supposed to be a kind of explosion out of which all the matter in the universe was generated Estimates are that the age of the universe is about 15 000 000 000 years
The beginning event in the Universe The explosion of this primordial fireball some 15 billion years ago caused the initial outward expansion of gas and dust which formed the universe CETI: An acronym for Communication with Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
The theory that suggests that the universe was formed from a single point in space during a cataclysmic explosion about 18 billion years ago The force of the explosion accounts for the current expansion of the universe
Theory that suggests that about 15 billion years ago all of the matter and energy in the universe was concentrated into an area smaller than a dime At this instant Then suddenly, the universe began to expand at an incredible rate and matter, energy, space and time came into being As the universe expanded, matter began to coalesce into gas clouds, and then stars and planets Some scientists believe that this expansion is finite and will one day cease After this point in time, the universe will begin to collapse until a Big Crunch occurs
The explosion and rapid explansion of matter that occurred at the creation of our universe In the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang, all matter is thought to have consisted of free quarks and gluons at extremely high temperatures and densities This plasma then cooled and coalesced into the particles and atoms that now make up all objects in the universe
The big-bang theory of cosmology that proposes that 10 to 20 billion years ago there was an explosion of some initial state of extreme density and temperature, producing all matter and radiation in the universe [2: big-bang ]; [3: Cosmic Electrodynamic Mode: alternative to big bang theory ]; [2: big bang, yin & yang ]; [3: bigbang html ]; [3: From the Big Bang to the Present ]
the initial explosive event marking the beginning of the universe, and responsible for the observed expansion of the universe
The cosmic explosion that marked the origin of the universe according to the big bang theory. the name given to the changes in the system and rules of the London Stock Exchange which came into effect on December 27th 1986. Model of the origin of the universe, which holds that it emerged from a state of extremely high temperature and density in an explosive expansion 10 billion-15 billion years ago. Its two basic assumptions that Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity correctly describes the gravitational interaction of all matter and that an observer's view of the universe does not depend on direction of observation or on location make it possible to calculate physical conditions in the universe back to a very early time called the Planck time (after Max Planck). According to the model proposed by George Gamow in the 1940s, the universe expanded rapidly from a highly compressed early state, with a steady decrease in density and temperature. Within seconds, matter predominated over antimatter and certain nuclei formed. It took another million years before atoms could form and electromagnetic radiation could travel through space unimpeded. The abundances of hydrogen, helium, and lithium and the discovery of cosmic background radiation support the model, which also explains the redshifts of the light from distant galaxies as resulting from the expansion of space
Beginning of the universe; a transition from conditions of unimaginable density and temperature to conditions of lower density and temperature
The first big shake-up of the stock market, in October 1986 This marked the end of single capacity, in which jobbers bought and sold shares for their own account and stockbrokers acted as agents only Afterwards brokers could hold and trade shares and many of them were wise enough to do so at the time of the 1987 crash This was followed in 1996 by the introduction of CREST and then in 1997 by Big Bang II
theoretical explosion that created the universe (Astronomy)
the giant explosion that created the universe 10 billion to 20 billion years ago
an explosion that took place at the beginning of time in which the universe was created out of
Event that cosmologists consider the beginning of the universe, in which all matter and radiation in the entire universe came into being
The theory that the universe expands adiabatically according to the standard equations of general relativity from an initial state of infinite density, temperature, and pressure except during the period from about 10 -43 to 10 -34 seconds (of the universe's existence), when it expanded at an exponentially accelerated rate
big bang.


    big bang


    ... We're going to tell the whole story, from the Big Bang to the present day. ...
    ... equations break down at the instant of the Big Bang at the center of a black hole.  The ...