
listen to the pronunciation of bible
İngilizce - Türkçe

Her gün İncil okuyarak biraz zaman geçirir. - She spends a little time each day reading the Bible.

İncil'de, İnsan yalnız ekmek ile yaşamayacak diyor. - It says in the Bible, Man shall not live on bread alone.

{i} mukaddes kitap
{i} kutsal kitap

Ne okumam gerektiği konusunda emin değilim: Harry Potter'mu yoksa Kutsal Kitap mı? - I'm not sure what I should read: Harry Potter or the Bible?

Tom her zaman yanında bir Kutsal Kitap taşır. - Tom always carries a Bible with him.

{i} kaynak kitap
{i} başvurulan kitap
{i} tevrat ile İncil
müracaat kitabı olarak kabul edilen herhangi bir kitap
herhangi bir dinin kutsal kitabı
Kitabı Mukaddes
Eski ve Yeni Ahit
kitab-ı mukaddes
Tevrat ile ıncil
bible belt
İncil Kuşağı. ABD'de muhafazakar protestanların yaşadığı Orta Batı ve Güney'deki bazı eyaletleri betimlemek için kullanılan bir terim
bible paper
Şamua kağıdı
bible thumper
mütassip ve palavracı hatip
bible thumper
ahlâk öğütleri veren kimse
{s} Kitabı Mukaddes'e ait
douay bible
douay İncil
gutenberg bible
İncil Gutenberg
hebrew bible
ibranice incil
international youth bible quiz
uluslararası gençlik İncil bilgi yarışması
jerusalem bible
Kudüs İncil
ru bible
ru İncil
the bible
twelve lesser prophets of the bible
İncil oniki az peygamberlerin
worship of the bible
İncil ibadet
relation to bible
incille ilişki
swear on bible
incil'e el basmak
swear on the bible
İncil üzerine yemin etmek
the Bible
Kutsal Kitap

Ne okumam gerektiği konusunda emin değilim: Harry Potter'mu yoksa Kutsal Kitap mı? - I'm not sure what I should read: Harry Potter or the Bible?

the Bible
Tevrat ile İncil
the Bible
kitapı Mukaddes
Türkçe - Türkçe
Eski ve Yeni Ahit'i kapsayan kitap
İngilizce - İngilizce
The Jewish holy book that was largely incorporated into the Christian Bible
The Christian holy book
This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}
A specific version, edition, translation, or copy of any of the above
The analogous holy book of another religion
A comprehensive manual that describes something. (e.g., handyman’s bible)

Computer Lib was written as a popular primer, but its most profound effect was on computer programmers, who needed little persuasion about the value of computers. Its tone - energetic, optimistic, inexhaustible, confused - matched theirs exactly. Having set out to appeal to the general public, Nelson managed to publish an insider's bible and highly intimate guide to hacker culture.

A holystone
{n} the books of the old and new testament
{i} book containing the Old and New Testaments (Christianity); book containing the Old Testament (Judaism)
A Bible is a copy of the Bible. Sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. The Jewish scriptures consist of the Torah (or Pentateuch), the Neviim ("Prophets"), and the Ketuvim ("Writings"), which together constitute what Christians call the Old Testament. The Pentateuch and Joshua relate how Israel became a nation and came to possess the Promised Land. The Prophets describe the establishment and development of the monarchy and relate the prophets' messages. The Writings include poetry, speculation on good and evil, and history. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Bible includes additional Jewish writings called the Apocrypha. The New Testament consists of early Christian literature. The Gospels tell of the life, person, and teachings of Jesus. The Acts of the Apostles relates the earliest history of Christianity. The Epistles (Letters) are correspondence of early church leaders (chiefly St. Paul) and address the needs of early congregations. Revelation is the only canonical representative of a large genre of early Christian apocalyptic literature. See also biblical source, biblical translation
The Bible is the holy book on which the Jewish and Christian religions are based
The Book by way of eminence, that is, the book which is made up of the writings accepted by Christians as of divine origin and authority, whether such writings be in the original language, or translated; the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; sometimes in a restricted sense, the Old Testament; as, King James's Bible; Douay Bible; Luther's Bible
(adj biblical; from Greek biblos, "book") The designation normally used for the Hebrew Bible plus the Christian New Testament; in classical Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christianity it designates the Hebrew Bible plus the Apocrypha plus the New Testament
The Bible is God's inspired word for people Click here for more on Bibles
the basic literature of Christianity, comprising the Old Testament which essentially describes the history of the Jewish people up to the birth of Christ, and the New Testament which describes the events of the life of Christ and their aftermath
(noun)-the sacred writings of the Christian religion
Written by Jack Martells and published in 1976, the Bible has photos of both flattops and pulltabs from the United States It does not list cans larger than 12 oz It does not give values to cans but it does give reference numbers, indicates approximately when a can first appeared, and has lots of interesting information on dating cans, different types of cans, etc Still useful for the novice collector!
The Tanak, "Hebrew Bible," called O T by the Anshei Mattif-Kazav
A book
1 spiritual study 2 human kind’s search for enlightenment
The holy text used by Christians It is includes Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament), Christian Scripture (New Testament) Some faith groups also include a group of writings called the Apocrypha
The scriptures sacred to Christians, consisting of the books of Hebrew bible and the New Testament The scriptures sacred to Christians, consisting of the books of Hebrew bible and the New Testament
A book containing the sacred writings belonging to any religion; as, the Koran is often called the Mohammedan Bible
we usually think of it as one book, but it is really a collection of many different books (27 in the NT; up to 46 in the OT, depending on how they are counted, as explained above); the word comes from the Greek ta biblia ("ta biblia"), which is a plural word meaning "books" (see John 21: 25; 2Tim 4: 13; Rev 20: 12)
a book regarded as authoritative in its field
The Hebrew Bible It includes the books of the Torah, Prophets and Writings
the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"
A comprehensive manual that describes something. (e.g., handyman's bible)
A detailed and sometimes authoritative reference book covering a particular operating system, platform, or application Originally, this was used generically to describe fundamental source books; more recently, it has been embraced by computer book publishers as a marketing ploy
Also, the book which is made up of writings similarly accepted by the Jews; as, a rabbinical Bible
a book regarded as authoritative in its field the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen
The acquired name for Jehovah God's holy written word of truth The name, meaning ``little books'', comes through Latin from Greek It does not appear in the work itself, but came into use many years after its canon was complete See {Word of Jehovah}
The Holy Book of the Christians, contains the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), the New Testament and sometimes the Apocrypha
n A work high on the tolerant people's list of books to be burned
Mormon: One of four books Mormons consider scripture They believe it to be the Word of God "as far as it is translated correctly" (Eighth Article of Faith) They believe many precious parts have been lost from it (1 Nephi 13: 28) Consequently they consider it the least reliable of the scriptures Many Mormons are not familiar with it Christian: The inspired, complete and inerrant Word of God
Teachings of G-d to human beings; see "TANAKH"
A Greek word meaning "books" or "library," our Bible is a library of books that were written over many centuries about people's experiences with God
Bible Belt
An area in America in which Evangelical Protestantism is a pervasive or dominant part of the culture
Bible basher
A person who tries to find fault with the Bible, Christianity or Christian teaching

I think you are just a Bible basher for what reasons ever. Maybe you are just an atheist who has pleasure in trolling Christians and recruiting them.

Bible basher
A fundamentalist Christian preacher, who is seen to take every opportunity to talk about Christianity and convert those around them, especially against the other peoples' wills

I don't ever go to my local church any more, it's become filled with stupid, fuddy-duddy bible bashers.

Bible bashers
plural form of Bible basher
Bible thumper
a Christian fundamentalist, or an over-zealous evangelical Christian
Bible thumpers
plural form of Bible thumper
bible belt
In the U.S. a region in the Southern or southeastern part of the country where Southern Baptist Convention denomination is strong, noted for conservative and evangelical values
bible belt
An area which socially conservative Christian Evangelical Protestantism is a pervasive or dominant part of the culture
bible leaf
A Eurasian perennial herb that has flowers that are yellow and buttonlike
bible leaves
plural form of bible leaf
bible belt
Those sections of the United States, especially in the South and Middle West, where Protestant fundamentalism is widely practiced
Bible Belt
Parts of the southern United States are referred to as the Bible Belt because Protestants with strong beliefs have a lot of influence there. the Bible Belt an area in the south of the US known for its very religious Christian people, who follow the teachings of the Bible very strictly
Bible Quiz winner
person who wins the yearly Bible trivia contest (Israel)
Bible banger
A Bible thumper
Bible exegetes
people who explain and interpret passages from the Bible
Bible paper
A thin, strong, opaque printing paper used for Bibles and reference books. Also called India paper
Bible teacher
one who instructs others in Biblical studies
Bible thumper
Used as a disparaging term for a Christian, especially a fundamentalist or evangelical Christian, considered to be overly zealous in haranguing or censuring others
Bible with commentaries
Bible which contains interpretation and discussion by Biblical authorities throughout the ages
bible belt
southern United States; where Protestant fundamentalism is dominant
King James Bible
A translation of the Bible from the original Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) commissioned for the Church of England
Vacation Bible School
A Bible program for children hosted by many Christian churches in the summer
Cassuto Bible Translation
biblical interpretation made by professor Moshe David Cassuto
Douay Bible
English translation of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate used by Roman Catholics
Gideon Bible
a Bible that is put in a hotel room or similar place by a member of a Christian organization called the Gideons, who encourage people to read the Bible by giving them a copy of it
Great Bible
first authorised edition of the Holy Bible in English that King Henry VIII of England authorised to be read out loud in the services of the Church of England (published by Myles Coverdale in 1537)
Gutenberg Bible
a Bible which was the first book ever printed in Europe using movable type. This method of printing was invented by Johannes Gutenberg (1397-1468), and the Bible was printed in about 1455
Hebrew Bible
The Old Testament, Tanach, collection of writing which are sacred in Judaism (comprised of three parts: Torah, Prophets, and Hagiographa)
Holy Bible
Holy Scriptures of Judaism, Old Testament; sacred book of Christianity, Old and New Testaments
Holy Bible
the holy book of the Christian religion = the Bible
International Youth Bible Quiz
Bible trivia quiz for young people from all over the world
Jerusalem Bible
an English translation of the Bible made by Roman Catholic scholars in the 1960s
King James Bible
An English translation of the Bible from Hebrew and Greek published in 1611 under the auspices of James I. Also called Authorized Version, King James Version. the King James Version an English translation of the Bible produced for King James I of England in 1611, which is also known in Britain as the Authorized Version. For hundreds of years this was the main type of Bible used in both the US and the UK, and many well-known sayings from the Bible come from this translation. It is now used much less often and has been replaced by more modern translations
Mazarin Bible
another name for the Gutenberg Bible. It was called this because the first copy of it was found in the library of Cardinal Mazarin in Paris in 1760
New English Bible
A modern translation of the Bible prepared by a British interdenominational team and published in 1970. a translation of the Bible into modern English (1970)
Revised Version of the Bible
modern translation of the Bible (in English)
The Bible
annotated Bible
{i} copy of the Bible which contains footnotes and commentary
list of books by a particular author or on a particular subject; list of source materials used in the preparation of a scholarly work
plural of bible
douay bible
an English translation of the Vulgate by Roman Catholic scholars
douay bible
douay bible
Various revised editions have since been published
douay bible
1582, the Old Testament at Douai, A
douay bible
A translation of the Scriptures into the English language for the use of English-speaking Roman Catholics; done from the Latin Vulgate by English scholars resident in France
douay bible
The New Testament portion was published at Rheims, A
family Bible
A Bible with special pages to record births, deaths, and marriages
family bible
a large Bible with pages to record marriages and births
multi-commentary Bible
editions of the Bible containing translations and interpretations
new english bible
a modern English version of the Bible and Apocrypha
ru bible
A ribble
the Bible
the Bible
the Bible quiz
world competition for Jewish children that tests knowledge of the Bible



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    /ˈbībəl/ /ˈbaɪbəl/


    () English from the 14th century, from Middle Latin biblia (“book”) (reinterpreted as a feminine from earlier Latin neuter plural biblia (“books”)) Ancient Greek βιβλία (biblia, “books”), plural of βιβλίον (biblion, “small book”), originally a diminutive of βίβλος (biblos, “book”) βύβλος (bublos, “papyrus”) (from the ancient Phoenician city of Byblos which exported this writing material). Old English used biblioðece (from βιβλιοθήκη) for "the Scriptures".


    ... will be some of the first described in the Bible. ...
    ... mineral deposits mentioned in the bible ...