belden aşağı felç

listen to the pronunciation of belden aşağı felç
Türkçe - İngilizce
A condition where the lower half of a patient's body is paralyzed and cannot move
The paralysis of the lower torso and both legs 257The paralysis of the lower torso and both legs 257
Paralysis of both lower extremities (legs)
paralysis of the lower half of the body (most often as a result of trauma)
Paraplegia is the condition of being unable to move the lower half of your body. inability to move your legs and the lower part of your body paralysis (paraplegie, from para- ( PARA-) + -plegie (from plessein ))
Paralysis of the legs and lower part of the body
Paralysis of legs only
Palsy of the lower half of the body on both sides, caused usually by disease of the spinal cord
Paralysis of the legs (from the waist down)
paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body See also quadriplegia
Paralysis of the legs
A condition in which a person's lower extremities and part of the torso are paralyzed as a result of injury or disease of the spinal cord
A condition where the lower half of a patients body is paralyzed and cannot move
Paralysis of both legs and lower part of the body
refers to "impairment or loss of motor and/or sensory function in the thoracic, lumbar or sacral (but not cervical) segments of the spinal cord, secondary to damage of neural elements within the spinal canal"6
loss of movement and sensation in both legs
{i} paralysis of the lower half of the body