Bir havuç, bir pancar ve bir brokoliye ihtiyacımız var. Onlar çiğ olmalı, pişirilmiş değil. - We need a carrot, a beet, and broccoli. They need to be raw, not cooked.
Beets are dark red roots that are eaten as a vegetable. They are often preserved in vinegar. Cultivated form of the plant Beta vulgaris of the goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), one of the most important vegetables. Four distinct types are cultivated: the garden beet, as a garden vegetable; the sugar beet, a major source of sugar and commercially the most important type; the mangel-wurzel, a succulent feed for livestock; and the leaf beet, or Swiss chard, for its edible leaves. Beet greens are a source of riboflavin, iron, and vitamins A and C. Beets are grown most extensively in temperate to cool regions or during the cooler seasons