
listen to the pronunciation of beach
İngilizce - Türkçe

Hangi yol plaja gider? - Which way is the beach?

Bütün günü plajda geçirdik. - We spent the entire day on the beach.

{i} sahil

Tom ve arkadaşları sahile doğru gitti. - Tom and his friends headed towards the beach.

Akşam yemeğinden sonra, sahilde bir yürüyüş yaparım. - After dinner, I take a walk on the beach.

{i} kumsal

Akşam yemeğinden sonra kumsalda yürüyelim. - Let's walk on the beach after dinner.

Bütün yaz kumsalda mıydın? - Were you at the beach all summer?

kumsala çekmek
karaya oturtmak
kıyı şeridi
kıyıya sürmek

Polonya'nın bütün Baltık kıyıları kumsallardan oluşur. - The whole Baltic coast of Poland is made up of sandy beaches.

Deniz kıyısında yaşadığım için sık sık plaja giderim. - I live near the sea so I often go to the beach.

{f} kumsala çek
{f} karaya çekmek
den karaya çekmek
(Askeri) KIYI BOYU: Kıyı hattından, arazinin fiziksel şeklinde bariz bir değişiklik arzeden noktasına veya daimi bitki hattına kadar uzanan saha
sahil,v.kumsala çek: n.kumsal
sahile çekmek beach buggy kum üzerinde sürülmeye elverişli çok büyük lastikli spor araba
beachcomber hayatını sahillerden topladığı enkaz ile kazanan kimse
{f} sahile çekmek
beach house
(Askeri) yazlık ev
beach seine
(Denizbilim) ığrıp
beach seine
(Denizbilim) manyat
beach buggy
çimerlik arabası
beach erosion
kıyı erozyonu
beach towel
plaj havlusu
beach wear
çimerlik kıyafeti
beach along the sea
deniz boyunca plaj
beach bum
plaj serseri

Hawaii'de bir sürü plaj serserisi var. - There are a lot of beach bums in Hawaii.

beach erosion
kumsal erozyonu
beach mat
Plajda üzerine uzanılan haşır
beach party
(Askeri) KıYı LOJİSTİK DESTEK KıTASı: Amfibi harekatta; kıta, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerinin çıkarılmasını ve kıyılardan içerilere intikallere kolaylaştırmak, hasta ve yaralılarla harp esirlerini tahliye etmek, çıkarma ve gemi araçlarının kıyılara yanaşmalarını, geri çekilmelerini (retraction) ve kurtarılmalarını kolaylaştırmak maksadıyla teşkil edilmiş çıkarma kuvveti görev teşkili. Bu teşkil; hem deniz hem çıkarma kuvveti unsurlarından mürekkeptir
beach sand
plaj kumu
beach voley
plaj voleybolu
beach voleyball
Plaj voleybolu
beach volleyball
(Spor) Plaj voleybolu
beach wormwood
deniz pelini
beach wormwood
deniz yavşanı
beach area
plaj sahası
beach ball
plaj topu
beach buggy
kum arabası
beach buggy
plaj arabası
beach bum
plaj manyağı
beach capacity
(Askeri) kıyı kapasitesi
beach capacity
(Askeri) PLAJ KAPASİTESİ: Belirli bir kıyı şeridinde bir günde boşaltılabilecek yükü mesaha tonu veya ağırlık tonu ile ifade eden bir tahmin. Ayrıca bakınız: "clearance capacity; port capacity"
beach centre
(Askeri) sahil merkezi
beach classification
(Çevre) sahil sınıflaması
beach clearance unit
(Askeri) kıyı klerans birliği
beach coordinates
(Askeri) kıyı koordinatları
beach cusp
(Askeri) sahil çıkıntısı
beach defence
(Askeri) kıyı savunması
beach defense
(Askeri) KIYI SAVUNMASI: Bir kıyı savunma mevziinin, çıkarma taarruzlarına karşı savunma için, su kenarında veya yakınında bulunan kısmı
beach diagram
(Askeri) KIYI ÇIKARMA KROKİSİ: Muhtelif çıkarma timleri tarafından faydalanılacak çıkarma bölgelerini gösterir kroki. Bu çıkarma bölgeleri genel olarak, Kırmızı Kıyı, Sarı Kıyı, Mavi Kıyı vesaire gibi renklerle adlandırılır
beach diagram
(Askeri) kıyı çıkarma krokisi
beach discharge lighter
(Askeri) liman boşaltma layteri
beach drift
(Askeri) kumsal sürüklenmesi
beach dump
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ KIYI DEPOSU: İkmal maddelerinin çıkarılması ve kıtalara dağıtılması için, bir kıyı başında kurulan ilk ve geçici ikmal noktası
beach end
(Askeri) sahil sonu
beach erosion
(Çevre) sahil erozyonu
beach erosion control
(Askeri) kıyı erozyonu kontrolu
beach erosion control
(Çevre) sahil erozyon kontrolu
beach erosion disasters
(Askeri) kıyı erozyon felaketleri
beach exit
(Askeri) kıyı geçidi
beach exit
(Askeri) KIYI ÇIKIŞ YOLU: Bir çıkarma kıyısından, personel ve malzemenin, içeriye doğru intikalinde kullanılacak yol
beach fill
(Askeri) kumsal dolgusu
beach fishing
(Askeri) sahil balıkçılığı
beach flag
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA FLAMASI: Zemini renkli ve dikey çizgili flama. Zemin; ait olduğu çıkarma kıyısının rengini, çizgiler kıyının numarasını gösterir. Bu flama; bir çıkarma yeri işareti (beach marker) olarak kullanılmaya elverişli değildir. Kaide olarak, belirli bir çıkarma bölgesinde görevli kontrol vasıtaları ile sair vasıtalar tarafından kullanılır
beach flag
(Askeri) çıkarma flaması
beach green space
(Askeri) sahil yeşil alanı
beach group
(Askeri) Bknz. "naval beach group; shore party": Kıyı grubu
beach group
(Askeri) kıyı grubu
beach interface unit
(Askeri) kıyı arayüz birimi
beach landing site
(Askeri) sahil çıkarma yeri
beach length
(Askeri) sahil uzunluğu
beach lighterage control point
(Askeri) kıyı yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol noktası
beach marker
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA PLAJI MARKALAMA İŞARETİ: Bir kıyıyı veya bu bölgedeki belirli faaliyetleri su yolu ile yapılan trafiğe tanıtmak için kullanılan işaret veya cihaz. Bu işaret ve cihazlar; işaret bezi, ışık, şamandıra veya elektronik cihazlar olabilir
beach material
(Askeri) sahil malzemesi
beach matting
(Askeri) ÇELİK KIYI HASIRI: Yumuşak toprak veya kumsal yerlerde araçların batmadan geçebilmeleri için yere serilen çelik hasır
beach matting
(Askeri) çelik kıyı hasırı
beach minefield
(Askeri) kıyı mayın tarlası
beach minefield
(Askeri) PLAJ MAYIN TARLASI: Muhtemel bir amfibi çıkarma kıyısına sığ deniz yaklaşma yollarındaki mayın tarlası
beach name and location
(Askeri) kıyının adı ve bölgesi
beach nourishment
(Çevre) sahil iyileştirmesi
beach nourishment area
(Askeri) sahil besleme alanı
beach obstacle
(Askeri) kıyı engeli
beach obstacle
(Askeri) KIYI ENGELİ: Düşmanın çıkarma yapması mümkün olan kıyılarda, denizin kabarma hattı ile birlikler sahası arasında, düşman personel ve araçlarına karşı kullanılan engel
beach operations group
(Askeri) kıyı harekat grubu
beach organization
(Askeri) kıyı tertiplenmesi
beach organization
(Askeri) KIYI TERTİPLENMESİ, KIYIBAŞI TERTİPLENMESİ: Bir amfibi harekatta; personel ve tesislerin, bir çıkarma kuvvetini desteklemek için, çıkarma kıyıları arasında ve kıyı bölgesinde hareket ve intikal, ikmal ve tahliye yapabilecek şekilde planlı tertiplenmesi
beach organization
(Askeri) kıyı başı tertiplenmesi
beach party
(Askeri) KIYI POSTASI: Kıyı lojistik destek kıtasının deniz sınıfına mensup asli teşkili. Ayrıca bakınız: "beachmaster unit; shore party"
beach party commander
(Askeri) KIYI POSTASI KOMUTANI: Kıyı lojistik destek kıtası deniz asli teşkilinin komutanı deniz subayı
beach party commander
(Askeri) kıyı postası komutanı
beach party group
(Askeri) kıyı postası grubu
beach party team
(Askeri) kıyı postası timi
beach photography
(Askeri) KIYI FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Deniz, kara ve sahil bölgeleri hakkında bilgi sağlamak amacıyla çeşitli ölçeklerde dikey, kara, periskop ve eğik fotoğraf örtüsü. Kıyıların gözlenmesini sağlayan bölgeyi kapsar ve başlıca kıyının jeolojik ve taktik yönleri ile ilgilidir
beach photography
(Askeri) kıyı fotoğrafçılığı
beach playing
(Askeri) sahil oyunları
beach process
(Askeri) sahil faaliyeti
beach profile
(Askeri) sahil kesiti
beach profile
(Çevre) sahil profili
beach profile
(Askeri) sahil  profili
beach profile
(Askeri) kıyı profili
beach replenishment
(Askeri) sahilin yeniden doldurulması
beach reserves
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA YEDEK İKMAL MADDELERİ: Bir amfibi harekatta, her sınıftan ikmal maddelerinin, kıyı bölgelerinde tesis edilmiş geçici depolarda biriktirilmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "reserve supplies"
beach resort
(Askeri) sahil mesire yeri
beach ridge
(Askeri) sahilin sırt bölgesi
beach ridge
(Askeri) sahil kum tepesi
beach scarp
(Askeri) dik kumsal
beach slope
(Askeri) sahil eğimi
beach support area
(Askeri) KIYI DESTEK BÖLGESİ: Bir çıkarma kuvveti veya bu kuvvete mensup unsurların. gerisinde, kıyı lojistik destek birlikleri tarafından tesis edilip faaliyette tutulan ve kıtalar ile malzemenin boşaltılması, karadaki kuvvetlerin desteklenmesi için tesisleri ihtiva eden bölge. Yaralıların, harp esirlerinin ve düşmandan ele geçirilen malzemenin tahliyesi için tesisler bu bölgenin içindedir
beach support area
(Askeri) kıyı destek bölgesi
beach support area; brigade support area
(Askeri) kıyı destek bölgesi; tugay destek bölgesi/sahası
beach survey
(Askeri) kıyı araştırması
beach survey
(Askeri) KIYI ARAŞTIRMASI: Bir kıyının fiziki özelliklerini tanımlayan verilerin toplanması; Bu, sınırları bir kıyı hattı, bir sahil hattı ve iki doğal veya ihtiyari tahsis edilmiş yandan oluşan bir bölgedir
beach survey interim report
(Askeri) sahil keşif geçici raporu
beach termination unit
(Askeri) kıyı yoketme birliği
beach the boat
kıyıya demirlemek
beach tourism
(Turizm) plaj turizmi
beach type
(Askeri) kıyı tipi
beach volley
plaj voleybolu
beach wear
plaj kıyafeti
beach width
(Askeri) KIYI GENİŞLİĞİ: Kıyıdaki en sığ su hattından kıyı içbölge sınırına, kıyı hattına dikey açılarda ölçülen, çıkarma kıyısı yatay boyutları
beach width
(Askeri) kıyı genişliği
bathing beach
{f} sahile çek
distance from beach
plajdan mesafe
long beach
uzunluğundaki kumsalı
not the only pebble on the beach
(deyim) Bulunmaz hint kumaşı değil

You are not not the only pebble on the beach. - Bulunmaz hint kumaşı değilsin.

on a beach
on the beach
palm beach
Güneydoğu Florida eyaletinde Atlantik okyanusuna kıyısı olan bir tatil şehri
pebbly beach
taşlı plaj
raised beach
yükselmiş kıyı
sea beach
deniz plaj
sex on the beach
Sahilde seks
the only pebble on the beach
(deyim) Bulunmaz hint kumaşı
vacation on the beach
sahilde tatil
(BE) causeway section, nonpowered (beach end)
(Askeri) geçiş yolu kısmı, güçlendirilmemiş (sahil ucu)
administrative beach survey
(Askeri) plaj mesahası
artificial beach
(Askeri) yapay kumsal
barrier beach
(Askeri) kumsallı engel
bathing beach
equilibrium beach profile
(Askeri) kumsal denge profili
equilibrium beach slope
(Askeri) kumsal eğim dengesi
eroding beach
(Askeri) erozyona uğrayan kumsal
erosive beach
(Askeri) aşındırmaya mazur kumsal
feeder beach
(Askeri) besleyici kumsal
gravel beach
(Askeri) çakıl kumsalı
hard beach
(Askeri) BETON KIYI: Bir kıyının su içerisine doğru sert bir zemin halinde uzanan, özel surette hazırlanmış kısmı. Doğrudan doğruya çıkarma gemilerine veya araçlarına bindirme ve yükleme ya da bunlardan kıyıya direkt çıkarma yapmak için kullanılır
how can i get to the beach from here
buradan kumsala nasıl gidebilirim
is the beach pebbly or sandy
kumsal taşlık mı kum mu
landing beach
(Askeri) çıkarma plajı
landing beach
(Askeri) çıkarma kıyısı
landing beach
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA PLAJI: Genellikle bir tabur çapındaki kuvvetin çıkması için gerekli olan kıyı hattı parçası. Ancak bu bir tabur kuvvetinden daha büyük veya daha küçük bir kuvvetin çıkarma yapacağı taktik bir mevkii oluşturan bir kıyı hattı parçası olabilir (plaj veya körfez gibi)
natural beach
(Askeri) doğal  plaj
naval beach group
(Askeri) DENİZ KIYI GRUBU: Bir amfibi kuvvet dahilinde, daimi bir deniz komutanlığı. Deniz kıyı grubu; bir komutan, komutanlık karargah heyeti, bir kıyı lojistik destek kıtası deniz kısmı birliği, bir amfibi inşaat taburu ve bir bot birliğinden ibarettir. Kuruluş maksadı; bir tümenin (takviyeli) çıkarılmasını desteklemek üzere, çıkarma taarruz kuvveti komutanı ile amfibi çıkarma kuvveti komutanına, gerekli deniz taktik asli unsurlarını sağlayacak bir idari grubun elde bulundurulmasını temindir. Ayrıca bakınız: "shore party"
naval beach group
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri kıyı grubu
naval beach group
(Askeri) deniz kıyı grubu
naval beach unit
(Askeri) DENİZ KIYI BİRLİĞİ: Bak. "naval beach group"
naval beach unit
(Askeri) deniz kıyı birliği
nudist beach
çıplaklar plajı
over the beach operations
(Askeri) Bak. "logistics over the shore operations"
pebble beach
(Askeri) çakıllı plaj
perched beach
(Askeri) tünek şeklinde sahil
port and beach clearance
(Askeri) LİMAN VE PLAJ BOŞALTMASI: Deniz trafiğinde tıkanıklığa ve gecikmelere mani olmak ve ikmal maddeleri akışını çabuklaştırmak maksadıyla, limanda toplanmış ikmal maddelerinin kıyı bölgesinden kaldırılması
private beach
(Askeri) özel kumsal
reflective beach
(Askeri) yansıtıcı sahil
shallow beach
(Askeri) sığ sahil
shingle beach
(Askeri) çakıl tabanlı sahil plaj
stable beach
(Askeri) dengeli kumsal
straight beach
(Askeri) düz plaj
which is the shortest way to the beach
sahile en kısa yoldan nasıl giderim
will you show me the way to the beach
kumsala nasıl gideceğimi taraf eder misiniz
İngilizce - İngilizce
A horizontal strip of land, usually sandy, adjoining water
A carefree time, something easy and relaxing

Life's a beach!.

To run (something) aground on a beach
{n} a sandy shore, strand
(해빈, 해안)
{i} shore, seaside; land alongside a body of water with sand
A deposit of non-cohesive material (e g sand, gravel) situated on the interface between dry land and the sea (or other large expanse of water) and actively "worked" by present-day hydrodynamics processes (i e waves, tides and currents) and sometimes by winds
Zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water line to the place where there is marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the effective lint of storm waves)
A gently sloping area adjacent to a lake or ocean that lies between the low and high water marks, which is devoid of vegetation, and is composed of unconsolidated material, typically sand or gravel, deposited by waves or tides
Good shelving beaches, suitable for landing boats or larger vessels are often required Most ports have good beaches nearby, but these are often charged for or jealously guarded by local fishermen The nature of beaches in a coastal hex may be randomly determined and noted by the GM as necessary Roll l d 10: 1-2 No Beach 3-5 Fair Beach 6+ Good Beach Pindas can land on Fair or Good beaches Larger vessels require Good beaches No Beach indicates the coast does not permit any safe landings
The part of a coast that is washed by waves or tides, which cover it with sediments of various sizes and composition, such as sand or pebbles
The shore of the sea, or of a lake, which is washed by the waves; especially, a sandy or pebbly shore; the strand
Pebbles, collectively; shingle
the strip of land next to the sea It can be sand, shingle or pebbles
To run or drive (as a vessel or a boat) upon a beach; to strand; as, to beach a ship
a zone of loose material extending from the low water mark to a point landward where either the topography abruptly changes or permanent vegetation first appears Beaches may be composed of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders, coral pieces or any combination of these
Slang: Refers to where something will stay at It's proper position "That rack goes over to dimmer beach" See also "lives" Submitted by Karl Kuenning RFL from Roadie Net
A beach is an area of sand or stones beside the sea. a beautiful sandy beach I just want to lie on the beach in the sun. = seashore
land on a beach; "the ship beached near the port"
If something such as a boat beaches, or if it is beached, it is pulled or forced out of the water and onto land. We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank The boat beached on a mud flat. American editor and inventor who built a demonstration pneumatic subway under Broadway in New York City in 1870. American pianist and composer best known for her songs and chamber music. Her Mass in E flat major was the first work by a woman to be performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. American publisher whose aggressive journalism established the New York Sun as a leading daily newspaper. He is also credited with publishing the first syndicated news story. His son Moses Sperry Beach (1822-1892) invented a cutting device that allowed printing on a continuous roll of paper and a process for printing both sides of a newspaper sheet at one time. American bookseller. From 1919 to 1941 her shop in Paris, Shakespeare and Company, was a gathering place for authors such as Hemingway and Fitzgerald. She published the first edition of James Joyce's Ulysses in 1922. an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake (Perhaps from bAce ). Sediments that accumulate along sea or lake shores. One type of beach occurs as a sediment strip bordering a rocky or cliffy coast. A second type is the outer margin of a marine plain. The third type consists of narrow sediment barriers stretching for dozens or even hundreds of miles parallel to the general direction of the coast. These barriers separate lagoons from the open sea and generally are dissected by tidal inlets. Certain sediment forelands, such as spits, points, and tombolos (which connect an island with a mainland), occasionally are called beaches. Beach Boys Beach Amy Marcy Daytona Beach Huntington Beach Long Beach Miami Beach beach flea Virginia Beach
n pantai
n the gently sloping shore of a body of water which is washed by waves or tides, particularly covered by sand or pebble sized particles; see depositional landform
an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
{f} go up onto the beach, go onto the shore; bring a boat to a beach or to shore
A sand bunker
any sand-filled hazard Example: Is my ball on the green or the beach?
The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water line to the place where there is marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the effective limit of storm waves) The seaward limit of a beach is the extreme low water line A beach includes FORESHORE and BACKSHORE
The terrestrial interface area in between land and a water body where there are accumulations of unconsolidated sediments like sand and gravel These deposits are laid down by the action of breaking waves
an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake land on a beach; "the ship beached near the port
(aka: "sand trap" or "bunker") any sand-filled hazard Often found near a putting green or around the landing area of the fairway Example: Doug's approach shot fell short of the green and in to the beach?
means in relation to any river, stream or lake, refers to the zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the waterline to where there is a marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation
(1) A deposit of non-cohesive material (e g sand, GRAVEL) situated on the interface between dry land and the sea (or other large expanse of water) and actively "worked" by present-day hydrodynamics processes (i e waves, tides and currents) and sometimes by winds (2) The zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the low water line to the place where there is marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation The seaward limit of a beach – unless otherwise specified – is the mean low water line A beach includes foreshore and backshore The zone of unconsolidated material that is moved by waves, wind and tidal currents, extending landward to the coastline
the shore between the high and low water mark, covered with sand or pebbles BLACK a dark color like that of charcoal BLUE the color of the sky and water, can refer to many shades
Another name for Bislama
beach ball
A large light inflatable ball, ideally suited to beach games
beach balls
plural form of beach ball
beach break
In surfing, the place where waves break, at a beach (as distinguished from other types of breaks)
beach chair
A special chair designed to provide comfort and protection from sun, wind, rain, and sand on beaches frequented by tourists
beach chairs
plural form of beach chair
beach heads
plural form of beach head
beach hut
A small, single-room building above high-water mark on a beach that is used for changing into swimming clothes or for recreation
beach huts
plural form of beach hut
beach soccer
a variant of soccer played on a smaller-sized sand pitch
beach transect
A geographical technique in which the angle of a beach is measured with a ranging pole and a clinometer
beach volleyball
The ball used to play this sport
beach volleyball
An outdoor variant of volleyball played on sand
beach volleyballs
plural form of beach volleyball
beach mat
A piece of coarse material for lying on the beach
beach resort
A seaside resort is a resort located on the coast. Where a beach is the primary focus for tourists, it may be called a beach resort
beach wormwood
coastal sagewort
beach wormwood
beach sagewort
beach wormwood
artemisia pycnocephala
Beach Boys
a US popular music group formed in 1961. Their songs include California Girls and Good Vibrations. U.S. rock group. The band was formed in California in 1961 by brothers Brian Wilson (b. 1942) on keyboards and bass, Dennis Wilson (1944-83) on drums, and Carl Wilson (1946-98) on guitar; their cousin Mike Love (b. 1941) on drums; and Alan Jardine (b. 1942) on guitar. Within a year they launched a string of surfing-oriented hits marked by close vocal harmony, including "Surfin' Safari" and "California Girls." By 1966 they had released more than 10 albums, including Pet Sounds (1966), considered their best. Despite Brian Wilson's reclusiveness due to stress-and drug-related breakdowns, the band continued to make recordings into the 1980s and toured into the 1990s
beach ball
light air-filled nylon ball that is often played with at the beach or in water
beach ball
large and light ball; for play at the seaside
beach ball
A beach ball is a large, light ball filled with air, which people play with, especially on the beach. A large inflatable ball used for games especially at a beach or swimming pool. a large coloured plastic ball that you blow air into and use for playing games on the beach
beach buggy
a recreational vehicle with large tires used on beaches or sand dunes
beach bum
If you refer to someone as a beach bum, you mean that they spend a lot of time enjoying themselves on the beach or in the sea. A person who habitually loafs or idles on beaches
beach chair
a folding chair with a seat and back made of cloth or plastic, which is used outdoors, especially at the beach British Equivalent: deckchair
beach chair
chair especially designed with a fold-up frame for outdoor use (i.e. at the beach)
beach comber
A long, curling wave rolling in from the ocean
beach comber
A vagrant seaman, usually of low character, who loiters about seaports, particularly on the shores and islands of the Pacific Ocean
beach erosion
the erosion of beaches
beach flea
Any of various small, jumping crustaceans of the family Orchestiidae, living on sandy beaches at or near the tide line. Also called sand hopper
beach flea
small amphipod crustaceans that hop like fleas; common on ocean beaches
beach grass
tough grasses with strong roots that can grow on exposed sandy shores
beach grass
A perennial grass of the genus Ammophila, especially A. breviligulata, native to sandy shores along the Great Lakes and Atlantic coast of North America, and having spikelets in long, erect, crowded clusters. It is commonly planted as a sand binder to stabilize dunes and combat beach erosion. Also called marram
beach heather
small heathlike plant covered with white down growing on beaches in northeastern North America
beach house
a house built on or near a beach
beach pancake
plant having hemispherical heads of wine-red flowers; found in coastal dunes from California to Mexico
beach pea
wild pea of seashores of north temperate zone having tough roots and purple flowers and useful as a sand binder
beach plum
A seacoast shrub (Prunus maritima) in the rose family, native to northeast North America and having white flowers and edible, plumlike fruits used in jams, jellies, and pies
beach plum
seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit
beach plum
small dark purple fruit used especially in jams and pies seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit
beach plum
small dark purple fruit used especially in jams and pies
beach road
road which runs along the seashore
beach sand
sand located on the beach, soft gritty stones found on the seashore
beach sand verbena
prostrate herb having heads of deep pink to white flowers; found in coastal dunes from British Columbia to Baja California
beach strawberry
wild strawberry of western United States and South America; source of many varieties of cultivated strawberries
beach towel
very large towel to dry yourself after swimming
beach towel
large towel used as a beach blanket
beach wagon
a car that has a long body and rear door with space behind rear seat
beach wormwood
An Asian perennial seacoast plant (Artemisia stelleriana) in the composite family, densely covered with grayish-white felty hairs and having pinnately lobed leaves and elongate clusters of heads with tiny yellow flowers
Bondi Beach
A suburb of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Long Beach
A city near Los Angeles, California
Simple past tense and past participle of beach
An event in which a marine animal beaches itself
sex on the beach
a cocktail containing vodka, peach schnapps, cranberry juice and orange juice
not the only pebble on the beach
(deyim) Not the only person to be considered; one of many, NOT THE ONLY FISH IN THE SEA
A beach
Amy Marcy Beach
orig. Amy Marcy Cheney known as Mrs. H.H.A. Beach born Sept. 5, 1867, Henniker, N.H., U.S. died Dec. 27, 1944, New York, N.Y. U.S. composer and pianist. A precociously brilliant musician, she performed as soloist with major orchestras in the U.S. and Europe. As a composer she was devoted to German Romanticism rather than American themes or sources. Her best-loved works were her songs. Her Gaelic Symphony (1894) was the first symphony by an American woman. Other works include a piano concerto (1899), the choral pieces The Chambered Nautilus (1907) and Canticle of the Sun (1928), the opera Cabildo (1932), and a piano quintet (1907)
Bondi Beach
a popular beach in Sydney, Australia, where people go surfing
Cocoa Beach
{i} city in Florida (USA)
Daytona Beach
a US city on the coast of Florida. Motor races are held at the International Speedway there. Coastal city (pop., 2000: 64,112), northeastern Florida, U.S. Located south of Jacksonville, it was founded by Mathias Day in 1870 and incorporated in 1876. In 1926 the cities of Seabreeze, Daytona, and Daytona Beach were incorporated as Daytona Beach. The Ormond-Daytona beach of hard, white sand has been used for automobile speed trials since 1903. The city is known for the Daytona International Speedway
Daytona Beach
city and seaside resort in northeast Florida (USA)
Huntington Beach
A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean southeast of Long Beach. Aerospace, metallurgical, and food-processing industries are important to its economy. Population: 181,519. City (pop., 2000: 189,594), southwestern California, U.S. Located on the Pacific coast, it was first called Shell Beach and after its subdivision (1901) was known as Pacific City. To encourage its promotion as a seaside resort, it was renamed Huntington Beach for the railroad magnate Henry E. Huntington. Its major economic assets are oil wells and refineries
Laguna Beach
city in southern California on the Pacific coast
Long Beach
beach resort on the east coast of the United States; city in southern California (USA)
Long Beach
a city in south west California which is named after its long wide beach.It is an important shipping and industrial city, with many oil wells. City (pop., 2000: 461,522), southwestern California, U.S. Originally an Indian trading camp, the site was part of Spanish ranches in the 18th century. Laid out as Willmore City in 1881 and incorporated in 1888, it was renamed for its 8.5-mi (13.5-km) beach. The discovery of oil nearby in 1921 led to rapid growth. An earthquake in 1933 caused extensive damage. Connected to the Los Angeles harbour by the Cerritos Channel, it is the site of a U.S. naval station and shipyard. The British ocean liner Queen Mary has been moored in the harbour since 1969
Manhattan Beach
A city of southern California, a residential and industrial suburb of Los Angeles. Population: 32,063
Miami Beach
A city of southeast Florida across from Miami on an island between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. It was long famous for its gold coast strip of fashionable hotels, palatial estates, and recreational facilities. Population: 92,639. City (pop., 2000: 87,933), southeastern Florida, U.S. It is situated on an island across Biscayne Bay from Miami. Until 1912 the site was a mangrove swamp. John S. Collins and Carl F. Fisher pioneered real estate development and built a bridge across the bay; the area was dredged to form an island measuring 7.4 sq mi (19 sq km), with an 8-mi (13-km) beach. The city, incorporated in 1915, is now a luxury resort and convention centre. It is connected with Miami by several causeways and is noted for its Art Deco architecture
Newport Beach
A city of southern California on the Pacific Ocean south of Santa Ana. It is a popular resort. Population: 66,643
Omaha Beach
beach of Normandy (France) where the D-day invasion of Allied troops took place in 1944
Palm Beach
A city of southeast Florida on a barrier beach of the Atlantic Ocean north of Fort Lauderdale. It was developed as a fashionable resort by Henry Flagler in the 1890s. Population: 9,814. a city in the southeast of Florida in the US, which is a popular tourist centre, especially as a place for rich people to go in the winter
Seal Beach
city situated in Southwestern California (USA)
Sex on the Beach
{i} cocktail made with vodka mixed with peach schnapps and cranberry juice and orange juice
Solana Beach
{i} city situated in southern California (USA) on the Pacific coast
The Beach Boys
American rock and roll band known for their "California surfer" style and harmonies
Virginia Beach
An independent city of southeast Virginia on the Atlantic Ocean east of Norfolk. Mainly residential, it is a popular resort. Population: 393,069. City (pop., 2000: 425,257), southeastern Virginia. It is situated on the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay. Founded in 1887, it developed as a resort after a railroad was built linking it with Norfolk. After World War I it became an important base in the national coastal defense system. In 1963 it and the former Princess Anne county merged to become the City of Virginia Beach. Its economy is based on tourism and military installations. Cape Henry Memorial is in the city and the Cape Henry Lighthouse (1791) is nearby
West Palm Beach
A city of southeast Florida opposite Palm Beach. It is a winter resort and research center. Henry M. Flagler developed the city as a commercial center for Palm Beach in 1893. Population: 67,643
a beach
a few steps from the beach
very close to the beach, on the seashore
Driven on a beach; stranded; drawn up on a beach; as, the ship is beached
run or brought ashore
Bordered by a beach
on a beach
left stranded and helpless, especially on a beach
plural of beach
third-person singular of beach
present participle of beach
daytona beach
a resort town in northeast Florida on the Atlantic coast; hard white beaches have been used for automobile speed trials
long beach
5 miles of Pacific beachfront; was a resort until oil was discovered in 1921
long beach
a city in southern California located on 8
miami beach
a city in southeastern Florida on an island between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean; known for fashionable resort hotels
nudist beach
beach where bathers go naked
palm beach
a resort town in southeast Florida on an island on the Atlantic coast
played beach-ball
played ball games on the seashore
virginia beach
the largest city in Virginia; long overshadowed by Norfolk but growing rapidly since 1970; with 28 miles of public beaches tourism is a major factor in the economy; site of three United States Navy bases
west palm beach
a town in southeast Florida on the mainland opposite Palm Beach; founded as a commercial center for Palm Beach
Türkçe - İngilizce

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beach party
(Askeri) A group of people going ashore from a ship