1 The outer epithelial layer of skin The epidermis is the nonsensitive, nonvascular layer that covers the dermis 2 The outer layer of overlapping scales on the surface of wool fiber
The outermost layer of a culm or rhizome, often with thickened and cutinized outer wall
The upper covering layer, of the body with the underlying dermis is referred to as the skin The upper-most part of the epidermis is called the stratum corneum, composed of dead cells Immediately below that is the area of living epidermal cells It is within this layer that the various pathologic changes of pemphigus take place Superficial separation is seen more in pemphigus foliaceus while slightly deeper separation is seen in pemphigus vulgaris In bullous pemphigoid the separation occurs below the epidermis - between the epidermis and dermis
Outermost layer of cells on plants or animals The outermost, non-vascular layer of the skin
The outermost layer of skin, which is in contact with the environment, located above the dermis
(Osmanlı Dönemi) İnsan. Âdem.Hem istikrâ-i tâmme ile ve fenlerin tahkikatıyla sabit olmuş ki; mahlûkat içinde en mükerrem, en ehemmiyetli beşerdir. Çünki beşer, hilkat-ı kâinattaki zâhiri esbab ve neticelerinin mabeynindeki basamakları ve teselsül eden illetlerin ve sebeplerin münâsebetlerini aklıyla keşfedip san'at-ı İlâhiyeyi ve muntazam hikmetli icadât-ı Rabbaniyenin taklidini san'atcığıyla yapmak ve ef'âl-i İlâhiyeyi anlamak için ve san'at-ı İlahiyeyi bilmek ve cüz'î ilmiyle ve