the part of a hat (the vertex) covering the crown of the head an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory the center of a cambered road the enamel covered part of a tooth above the gum the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy; "the colonies revolted against the Crown"
In a tree, it describes the uppermost section In a perennial, it is the point where the root and stem meet and join (usually at the soil's surface)
Also called a stem or pin, a crown is the knob/button on the outside of the watch case that is used to set the time and date In a mechanical watch the crown also winds the mainspring In this case it is also called a "winding stem" A screw in (or screw down) crown is used to make a watch more water resistant The crown actually screws into the case, dramatically increasing the water-tightness of the watch
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