Fibrous plates growing from the roof of some species of whale that is used to filter food from the water Also, the type of whale that feeds in this manner, including gray and humpback whales The other major type of whale is toothed, including orcas
tough, horn-like material that grows from the upper jaw of certain whales, hanging down in parallel rows and used to filter food from ingested water Baleen consists of a tough protein material similar to human fingernails, and has hair-like bristles on the outer edge to trap food
from two to twelve feet long, and sometimes a foot wide, which in certain whales (Balænoidea) are attached side by side along the upper jaw, and form a fringelike sieve by which the food is retained in the mouth
The plates in the mouth of the baleen whale, Mystacoceti, which it uses to trap its food; formerly used in corsetry
balinanın ağızında oluşan elastiki bir madde
ba·li·na·nın a·ğı·zın·da o·lu·şan e·las·ti·ki bir mad·de