azizler günü'nün arifesi

listen to the pronunciation of azizler günü'nün arifesi
Türkçe - İngilizce
azizler günü''nün arifesi
{f} dress up in costumes on Halloween and go from door-to-door collecting candy
azizler günü''nün arifesi
This holiday has been adopted as the day on which we make offerings of food and drink to the Hungry Ghosts, beings who are tormented by unquenchable cravings Children and adults are invited to come in costume or not as they wish; there is usually a scary story or play after the Hungry Ghost ceremony, followed by refreshments and other activities Outside the leaves have fallen, there's a chill in the air and dark, unpredictable forces seem close at hand; at Halloween we acknowledge those forces, and give them a place at the table
azizler günü''nün arifesi
The evening preceding Allhallows or All Saints' Day
azizler günü''nün arifesi
the evening before All Saints' Day; often devoted to pranks played by young people
azizler günü''nün arifesi
Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, derived from a pagan festival It is traditionally the night when ghosts and spirits have the power to roam the world Halloween falls on October 31st each year
azizler günü''nün arifesi
(October 31st), according to Scotch superstition, is the time when witches, devils, fairies, and other imps of earth and air hold annual holiday (See Halloween, a poem by Robert Burns )