the establishment of a population in a place formerly unoccupied by that species Colonization implies successful reproduction in the new area, not simply the presence of a species there
the establishment of insects of the same kind , living and growing together in one environment
The effort to encourage masters to voluntarily emancipate their slaves and to resettle free blacks in Africa
The presence and multiplication of microorganisms without tissue invasion or damage The infected individual demonstrates no signs or symptoms of infection, while the potential to infect others still exists
The effort to encourage masters to voluntarily emancipate their slaves and to resettle free blacks in Africa
the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America
the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies; "the British colonization of America"
occurs when microorganisms can be cultured from a body site but are not causing infection or disease
The entry and spread of a species (or genes) into an area, habitat or population from which it was absent
"Implantation and growth of a microorganism on a host" (Dorland's Dictionary 1994)
the act of taking over and governing territory (as in a larger country taking over a smaller or weaker country), often for the purposes of exploiting the resources of the weaker power
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