
listen to the pronunciation of avancés
Fransızca - Türkçe
ileri atmak
öne sürme
ortaya at
öne çıkarmak
öne koymak
Fransızca - İngilizce
put forward
To propose for consideration

The Prime Minister put forward new plans to tackle corruption.

To change the time in a time zone to a later time

Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

suggest, propose; move ahead (e.g. the hands of a clock)
insist on having one's opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!"
cause to protrude or as if to protrude; "stick one's hand out of the window"; "stick one's nose into other people's business"
If you put forward a plan, proposal, or name, you suggest that it should be considered for a particular purpose or job. He has put forward new peace proposals I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich. = submit withdraw
propose as a candidate for some honor
put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "stir a disturbance"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"