(Askeri) KADRO ARTIRMASI; KADRO TAKVİYESİ: Ordudan daha küçük teşkillerde, normal görev ve iş hacmindeki değişiklik dolayısıyla, birlik teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarındaki personel ve malzeme miktarının artırılması
İngilizce - İngilizce
augmentations teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A particular mark of honour, granted by the sovereign in consideration of some noble action, or by favour; and either quartered with the family arms, or on an escutcheon or canton
The term used to describe the provision of additional benefits for or in respect of individual members, where the cost of this provision is borne by the pension scheme itself and/or by the employer
The treatment of a melody in such a way as to lengthen - usually double - the duration of its notes in order to prolong a phrase An interval may also be augmented, which means increasing it by a semitone; and a choir may be augmented, which means increasing the numbers of members participating
Supplementing the water supply of a stream affected by well depletion, in order to protect senior water rights on a stream Augmentation puts no water in the well It is not designed to recharge the aquifer
enlarging a rhythm at a particular proportion, usually 1: 2 For example, every eighth note in the original would be transformed into a quarter note; every quarter note would become a half-note Diminution is the opposite process, in which a rhythm is compressed by a particular proportion
the act of augmenting the statement of a theme in notes of greater duration (usually twice the length of the original) the amount by which something increases
Compositional technique in which a melodic line is repeated in longer note values The lengthening of note values used in a theme to alter the melody without changing the pitches The opposite of diminution