
listen to the pronunciation of attrappe
Almanca - Türkçe
[die] tuzak, kapan
yalancı meme
Almanca - İngilizce
A word serving only to make a construction grammatical

The pronoun it in It's a mystery why this happened is a dummy.

Score allowed for an absent member, usually the average minus ten or a set score (for example, 140 for men and 120 for women); considered a penalty (blind)
An unused parameter or value
A pacifier
One who plays a merely nominal part in any action; a sham character
A copy (e g , xerographic duplicate) of an ad, or even blank sheets of paper, provided to a printer or artist as an example of the size, color, or other aspect of the ad to be produced
Furnishing little delight, spirit, or variety; uninteresting; tedious; cheerless; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; as, a dull story or sermon; a dull occupation or period; hence, cloudy; overcast; as, a dull day
A rough layout of a printed piece showing position and finished size Also referred to as a Mock-up
Replica of the finished piece, marked with color breaks and folds, made with the paper selected for the job
The fourth or exposed hand when three persons play at a four-handed game of cards
a preliminary layout showing the position of illustrations and text as they are to appear in the final printed piece Also a set of blank pages made up in advance, marked to show the size, shape, form or page arrangement of the printed piece
Not bright or clear to the eye; wanting in liveliness of color or luster; not vivid; obscure; dim; as, a dull fire or lamp; a dull red or yellow; a dull mirror
{f} make a dummy of; fake a pass or kick (in Soccer)
A rough layout of a direct mail piece that shows the finished size, color, shape, and organization of the piece, particularly for a multi-page instrument
A bodily gesture meant to fool an opposing player in sport; feints
A blank "dummy" used to show size, shape, paper and general style of a piece before printing A layout drawing (design) showing position of art, photos and text
a figure representing the human form a person who does not talk make a dummy of; "dummy up the books that are to be published"
A baby's dummy is a rubber or plastic object that you give the baby to suck so that he or she feels comforted. a dummy tool, weapon, vehicle etc is made to look like a real one but you cannot use it = replica
{i} figure shaped like a person on which clothes are displayed; fake, imitation, counterfeit; (British) pacifier; (Slang) fool, stupid person; (Slang) penis