
listen to the pronunciation of attack
İngilizce - Türkçe
hücum etmek

Onlar onun ordusunun saldırmak için yeterince güçlü olmadığını söylediler. - They said his army was not strong enough to attack.

Onlar saldırmak niyetindeler. - They intend to attack.


Düşman saldırısı şafakta sona erdi. - The enemy attack ended at dawn.

Düşman bütün gün saldırısına devam etti. - The enemy kept up their attack all day.

{i} atak

Çocukken kızım sık sık astım atakları yaşadı. - As a child, my daughter had frequent asthma attacks.

Tom panik atak geçirdi. - Tom had a panic attack.


Alman kuvvetleri, Amiens, Fransa yakınlarında İngiliz askerlere hücum etti. - German forces attacked British soldiers near Amiens, France.

{i} hamle
{f} tecâvüz etmek
baskın yapmak
saldırıda bulunmak
saldırıya geçmek
atağa kalkmak
saldırı yapmak
üstüne varmak
(Bilgisayar) başlama

Tom bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - Tom has had a heart attack.

Tom bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - Tom had a heart attack.

{f} saldır

Düşman bütün gün saldırısına devam etti. - The enemy kept up their attack all day.

Biz düşmanın nereden saldıracağını önceden tahmin ettik. - We anticipated where the enemy would attack.

zarar vermek
birşeye büyük bir heves ve ilgiyle girişmek
aleyhte yazı ya da sözler
aleyhinde konuşmak/yazmak
yazı ya da sözlerle saldırmak
{f} tutulmak
(Askeri) TAARRUZ: Bir hareket yapmak üzere tayyarelerin bir hedefe yaklaşması
(Nükleer Bilimler) kemirme (kimya)
{f} uğraşmak
yakalanma tutulma
{f} taarruz etmek
{f} çatmak
isabet etmek
aleyhinde söylemek
{i} çatma
laf atmak
{f} eleştirmek
{f} aşındırmak
{i} dil uzatma

Düşmana karşı şiddetli bir taarruza geçtiler. - They began with a strong attack against the enemy.

Bugün Almanya'da, Pazartesi günü kundaklamada üç Türk'ün öldürüldüğü Hamburg'un yakınında bir yer de dahil birçok şehirde şiddet karşıtı mitingler gerçekleşti. - In Germany today, anti-violence rallies took place in several cities, including one near Hamburg where three Turks were killed in an arson attack on Monday.

(Biyoloji) v.saldır: n.kriz
{i} girişme
{f} dil uzatmak
birbirinin aleyhinde söyleme
{i} yakalanma
{f} koyulmak
{f} girişmek
işe koyulma
{f} yakalanmak
{i} koyulma
{f} hücum etmek, saldırmak; vurmak, tecavüz etmek
{f} hamle yapmak
{i} tutulma
saldırı düzenlemek
atağa geçmek
heart attack
kâlp krizi

Tom Mary'nin çatının kenarında durduğunu gördüğü zaman neredeyse kalp krizi geçirmişti. - Tom nearly had a heart attack when he saw Mary standing on the edge of the roof.

Tom bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - Tom has had a heart attack.

heart attack
kalp krizi

Babam dün bir kalp krizi geçirdi fakat yakınlarda bir kliniğe sahip olduğu için şanslıydı. - My father had a heart attack yesterday, but he was lucky to have a clinic close at hand.

Tom bir kalp krizi geçirdi. - Tom has had a heart attack.

attack echelon
(Askeri) taarruz kademesi
attack group
(Askeri) taarruz grubu
attack on
attack order
(Askeri) taarruz emri
attack pattern
(Askeri) taarruz paterni
attack rate
(Tıp) atak hızı
attack size
(Askeri) taarruz büyüklüğü
attack speed
(Askeri) taarruz hızı
attack time
(Bilgisayar) saldırı zamanı
attack wave
(Askeri) taarruz dalgası
attack aircraft
saldırı uçağı
attack rate
yayılma hızı
attack submarine
saldırı denizaltısı
attack as false or wrong
olarak saldırı sahte veya yanlış
attack of nerves
sınır krizi
attack side
saldırı tarafı, saldırı yönü
attack with a cleaver
satırlı saldırı
attack, fall on, assault
saldırı, sonbahar, saldırı
attack, storm, fall upon; rape
üzerine saldırı, fırtına, sonbahar; tecavüz
attack; occurrence
saldırı; olay
attack aircraft carrier
(Askeri) HÜCUM UÇAK GEMİSİ: Uçakları desteklemek ve hareketlerini idare etmek; su üstü ve kıyıdaki hedeflere karşı taarruza katılmak, sürekli harekatta, diğer kuvvetlerin desteğinde harekata girişmek amacıyla imal edilmiş bir harp gemisi CV veya CVN olarak bilinmektedir. CVN nükleer güçlüdür
attack altitude
(Askeri) TAARRUZ İRTİFAI: Bir hava önlemenin taarruz safhası esnasında önleyicinin manevrada bulunacağı irtifa
attack altitude
(Askeri) taarruz irtifaı
attack and launch early reporting to theater
(Askeri) harekat alanına fırlatma ve taarruz erken uyarısı
attack and recon
(Askeri) saldırı ve keşif uçağı
attack area
(Spor) hücum alanı
attack assessment
(Askeri) TAARRUZ DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Zamanında karar vermek için bilgi temin etmek amacıyla bir taarruzun olası veya mevcut yapı ve hedeflerini belirlemek üzere yapılan bir bilgi değerlendirmesidir
attack by fire
(Askeri) ateşle taarruz
attack cargo ship
(Askeri) HÜCUM YÜK GEMİSİ: Bir çıkarma hücumunda, muharebe yüklemesi usulüne göre hazırlanmış yükü taşımak amacıyla imal veya bu maksada göre tadil edilmiş harp gemisi. Bu gemilerin çıkarma araçlarını taşıma kabiliyeti, hızı, silahları, kaporta ve bum boyutları benzeri yük gemilerindekilere kıyasla daha yüksektir. LKA olarak bilinmektedir
attack cargo ship
(Askeri) hücum yük gemisi
attack carrier striking forces
(Askeri) UÇAK GEMİSİ VURUCU KUVVETLERİ: Başlıca taarruz silahı uçak gemilerinde üslenmiş hava araçları olan deniz kuvvetleri. Uçak gemisi dışındaki gemiler, birinci derecede, denizaltılara ve hava taarruzlarına, ikinci derecede, su üstü taarruzlarına karşı destek ve perdeleme vazifesi görürler
attack condition alpha
(Askeri) TAARRUZ ALFA DURUMU: Taarruz uyarısının yetersiz olduğu ve bir karar makamının komuta mevkiinin veya karargahının önemli işlevlerinin yerine getirilmesinden önce tesirsiz hale geldiği durumları göz önüne almaktadır
attack condition bravo
(Askeri) TAARRUZ BRAVO DURUMU: Yedek komutanlık tesislerine dair önemli işlevleri ifa etmek üzere gerekli olan personeli yeniden tahsis edecek olması yakın bir taarruza ilişkin yeterli uyarıyı göz önüne almaktadır
attack echelon
(Askeri) TAARRUZ KADEMESİ: Bak. "echelon" ve "echelon of attack"
attack force
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA TAARRUZ KUVVETİ: Bir amfibi özel görev kuvvetinde Deniz kuvvetlerinin ast bir özel görev teşkili. Çıkarma kuvvetlerini taşımak, korumak, ateş desteği ve ilk lojistik desteği temin etmek maksadıyla kullanılan hücum çıkarma gemilerinden ve deniz destek birliklerinden ibarettir
attack formation
(Askeri) TAARRUZ DÜZENİ: Bir taarruz kuvvetinin taarruz maksadıyla aldığı düzen
attack formation
(Askeri) Taarruz düzeni
attack group
(Askeri) TAARRUZ GRUBU: Bir amfibi özel görev kuvvetinin Deniz Kuvvetleri ast görev teşkili. Bir çıkarma grubunu taşımak, korumak, karaya çıkarmak ve başlangıçta desteklemek amacıyla planlanmış hücum çıkarma gemilerinden ve deniz destek birliklerinden ibarettir
attack heading
(Askeri) TAARRUZ İSTİKAMETİ: 1. İstenen önleme açısını elde etmek için taarruz aşamasında girilen önleme istikameti. 2. Bir hava darbesinin ateş aşamasında uçağın girmesi gereken belirlenmiş manyetik pusula istikameti
attack heading
(Askeri) taarruz istikameti
attack helicopter
(Askeri) TAARRUZ HELİKOPTERİ: Düşman hedeflerini aramak, bunlara taarruz edip imha etmek üzere tasarlanmış helikopter
attack level
(Bilgisayar) saldırı düzeyi
attack of hysterics
isteri nöbeti
attack on
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- hücum etmek, saldırmak 2- üstüne varmak 3-çatmak , eleştirmek , dil uzatmak 4- (işe) başlamak , girişmek , 5- bozmak , çürütmek
attack order
(Askeri) TAARRUZ EMRİ: Bir düşmana taarruz için gerekli talimat ve emirleri ihtiva eden harekat emri
attack origin
(Askeri) TAARRUZ BAŞLANGIÇ NOKTASI: Bir taarruzun başlatıldığı yer veya kaynak
attack origin
(Askeri) taarruz başlangıç noktası
attack pattern
(Askeri) TAARRUZ PATERNİ/ŞEKLİ: Yapılan taarruzlarda uygulanan patern. Ayrıca bakınız: "attack assessment; target pattern"
attack phase
(Askeri) dövüş safhası
attack position
(Askeri) TAARRUZ MEVZİİ: Bir taarruz kademesinin taarruz çıkış hattını geçmeden önce işgal ettiği son mevzii. Ayrıca bakınız: "forming up place"
attack position
(Askeri) Taarruz mevzii
attack size
(Askeri) TAARRUZ BÜYÜKLÜĞÜ: Bir taarruzda kullanılan silahların sayısı. Ayrıca bakınız: "attack assessment"
attack speed
(Askeri) TAARRUZ HIZI: Bir hava önlemesinin taarruz aşamasında önleyici uçağın manevra yapacağı hız
attack suddenly
attack systems
(Spor) hücum sistemleri
attack timing
(Askeri) TAARRUZ ZAMANLAMASI: Patlama ve paralanmaların olduğu veya silahların amaçlanan hedeflere ulaştığı tahmini veya gerçek zaman
attack timing
(Askeri) taarruz zamanlaması
attack transport
(Askeri) TAARRUZ NAKLİYE GEMİSİ: Bir tabur çıkarma timinin teçhizatı ve ikmal maddeleriyle birlikte muharebe yüklemesi için tasarlanmış ve bunları düşman kıyılarına çıkarmak için çıkarma araçlarını içine alan imkan ve kaynakları olan bir gemi. LPA olarak bilinir
attack transport
(Askeri) taarruz nakliye gemisi
attack wave
(Askeri) TAARRUZ DALGASI: Bir muharebe birliğinin, düşmana karşı fiilen taarruz eden kısımlarının meydana getirdiği dalgalardan her biri
attempt, outrage, attack, assault
girişimi, öfke, saldırı, taciz
Stokes Adams attack
(Geometri) Kalpteki ritim bozukluğuna bağlı olarak oluşan ani bilinç kaybı
axis of attack
(Askeri) taarruz mihveri
bombing attack
bombalı saldırı
counter attack
(Politika, Siyaset) karşı atak
counter attack
(Askeri) karşı taarruz
deliberate attack
(Askeri) planlı taarruz
echelon of attack
(Askeri) taarruz kademesi
flank attack
(Askeri) yan taarruzu
flank attack
(Askeri) yan saldırısı
flood attack
(Askeri) sel saldırısı
follow forces attack
(Askeri) artçı kuvvetler taarruzu
go on attack
atağa kalkmak
mass attack
(Avcılık) grup halinde saldırı
mount an attack
(Askeri) taarruzu tertip etmek
proceed to attack
atağa geçmek
suffer a heart attack
kalp krizi geçirmek
terrorist attack
terörist eylem
terrorist attack
terörist saldırı
terrorist attack
terör saldırısı
transient ischemic attack
(Tıp,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçici iskemik atak
virus attack
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) virüs saldırısı
anginal attack
angina atağı
angle of attack
saldırı açısı
armed attack
silahlı saldırı
asthma attack
astım krizi
{f} saldır

O, yumruklarıyla ona saldırdı. - She attacked him with her fists.

O, bir beyzbol sopası ile ona saldırdı. - She attacked him with a baseball bat.


Onlar saldırganları geri püskürttü. - They pushed back the attackers.

Yaraların vücuttaki konumundan, polis saldırganın solak olduğunu tespit etti. - From the position of the wounds on the body, the police could tell that the attacker was left-handed.

saldıran kişi
{i} saldırış
{f} saldır

Müttefik kuvvetleri batıdan saldırıyorlardı. - Allied forces were attacking from the west.

Haberlerde sahiplerine saldıran evcil hayvanlar hakkında bazı hikayeler vardı. - There have been some stories in the news about pets attacking their owners.

cataplectic attack
kataplektik nöbet
die of heart attack
kalpten ölmek
diving attack
pike hücum
epileptic attack
epilepsi nöbeti
flank attack
kuşatıcı taarruz
flank attack
kanat taarruzu
frontal attack
cepheden taarruz
ground attack
kara saldırısı
missile attack
roket saldırısı
munition attack
panic attack
panik saldırısı
vagal attack
vagal atak
vasovagal attack
vagal atak
warning of attack
taaruz alarmı
air attack
hava saldırısı
ambush, surprise attack
pusu, sürpriz atak
anxiety attack
Panik atak
artillery attack
topçu saldırısı
(Spor) Forvet oyuncu

Libya'ya saldırmak ciddi bir hataydı. - Attacking Libya was a serious mistake.

Fadıl, Leyla'ya saldırmaya başladı. - Fadil started attacking Layla.

brain attack
(Tıp, İlaç) Beyin sarsıntısı
cardiac attack
Kâlp krizi
combo attack
yakın saldırı
combo attack
birleşik saldırı
cyber attack
(Bilgisayar) Bilgisayar saldırısı
denial-of-service attack
(Bilgisayar) hizmeti engelleme saldırısı.Bir network yada servera yapılan saldırı niteliğindeki yoğun erişim isteklerinden ötürü, o network yada serverın gerçek isteklere cevap veremez duruma getirilmesi
deposit attack
birikinti korozyonu, birikinti yenimi
fierce attack
şiddetli saldırı
frontal attack
cepheden saldırı
had a heart attack
Kalp krizi geçirmiş
mount an attack against
-e karşı saldırıya geçmek
plan of attack
saldırı planı
sex attack
cinsel saldırı
suicide attack
İntihar saldırısı

Tom intihar saldırısında öldü. - Tom was killed in suicide attack.

to be under attack
saldırı altında olmak
transient ischemic attack
(Tıp, İlaç) (Tıp). geçici kansızlık atağı; beyin atardamarlarının geçici olarak tıkanması ve şekel bırakmadan yeniden açılması. Kalıcı tıkanma ise felç, zihinsel bozukluklar gibi sekeller bırakır
under attack
saldırı altında

Kalen saldırı altında. - Your castle is under attack.

Doğa bütün cephelerde saldırı altında. - Nature is under attack on all fronts.

weapons used for attack purposes
silah saldırı amaçlı kullanılan
zero-day attack
sıfır-gün saldırısı
(isim) saldırgan
(isim) saldırma
(Askeri) TAARRUZA GEÇİYORUM !": Hava önlemesinde "Belirtilen silahla taarruza geçiyorum! anlamına gelen bir terim. (Büyüklük de belirtilebilir)
be under attack
beat off the attack
saldırıyı tamamen püskürtmek
cbr attack
(Askeri) (NBC) NBC taarruzu
chemical attack
(Askeri) KİMYA TAARRUZU: Kimya harp maddelerinin zayiat verdirilmek amacı ile düşmana karşı kullanılması
direction of attack
(Askeri) TAARRUZ İSTİKAMETİ: Asıl taarruz veya birlik ağırlık merkezinin takip edeceği belirli istikamet. Birliklerin bu istikamete bağlı kalması ve rastlayacağı düşman mukavemetinin yanından dolaşması istenir. Taarruz istikameti, esas itibarıyla, karşı taarruzda veya tali taarruzların asıl taarruza azami katkıyı yapmalarının temini maksadı ile kullanılır
frontal attack
(Askeri) Cephe taaruzu
harassing attack
(Askeri) TACİZ EDİCİ GAZ TAARRUZU: Kıtaları gaz maskesi takmaya ve koruyucu tedbirler almaya zorlamak için harp gazı buharının, belirli bir bölgeye devamlı olarak teksif edilmesi suretiyle yapılan uzun süreli taarruz
integrated tactical warning and attack assessment
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş taktik ikaz ve taarruz değerlendirmesi
landing attack
(Askeri) ÇIKARTMA/HAVA İNDİRME TAARRUZU: Gemilerden, uçaklardan, teknelerden veya amfibi araçlardan inen birlikler tarafından düşman savunmasına karşı yapılan taarruz. Bak. "assault"
main attack
(Askeri) Asli taaruz
master air attack plan
(Askeri) ana hava taarruz planı
spoiling attack
(Askeri) İmha taarruzu
sudden attack
supporting attack
(Askeri) DESTEKLEYİCİ TAARRUZ: Ana taarruzla birlikte yürütülen ve aşağıdakilerden birini veya daha fazlasını başarmak amacıyla tasarlanmış bir taarruzi harekat. a. Düşmanı aldatmak. b. Ana taarruza müdahale edebilecek düşman kuvvetlerini imha etmek veya yerinde tutmak. c. İşgali, ana taarruzu geciktirebilecek olan araziyi kontrol altında tutmak. d. Düşmanı ihtiyatlarını zamansız olarak veya gereksiz bir alanda kullanmaya zorlamak
total dosage attack
(Askeri) TOPLAM DOZAJ TAARRUZU: Uzatılmış bir zaman süresinde gerekli dozajı biriktirmek, geliştirmek için kullanılan bir kimyasal taarruz/atış görevi. Normal olarak, mevcut korunma önlemlerine sahip olmayan kıtalara, askerlere karşı kullanılır. Ayrıca bak "surprise dosage attack"
zone of attack
(Askeri) Taarruz bölgesi
İngilizce - İngilizce
An attempt to cause damage or injury to, or to somehow detract from the worth or credibility of, a person, position, idea, object, or thing, by physical, verbal, emotional, or other assault
To aggressively challenge a person, idea, etc., with words (particularly in newspaper headlines, because it typesets into less space than "criticize" or similar)
The amount of time it takes for the volume of an audio signal to go from zero to maximum level (e.g. an audio waveform representing a snare drum hit would feature a very fast attack, whereas that of a wave washing to shore would feature a slow attack)
To set a field, or bowl in a manner designed to get wickets
To aim balls at the batsman’s wicket
Any contact with the ball other than a serve or block which sends the ball across the plane of the net
The sudden onset of a disease
The three attackmen on the field or all the attackmen of a team
To bat aggressively, so as to score runs quickly
To apply violent force to someone or something
Collectively, the bowlers of a cricket side
A time in which one attacks. The offence of a battle
{n} an assault, onset, charge, brunt
{v} to assault, fall upon, or to, invade
To begin to affect; to begin to act upon, injuriously or destructively; to begin to decompose or waste
If you attack a job or a problem, you start to deal with it in an energetic way. Any attempt to attack the budget problem is going to have to in some way deal with those issues
the act of attacking; "attacks on women increased last year"; "they made an attempt on his life"
The beginning of corrosive, decomposing, or destructive action, by a chemical agent
To make an onset or attack
To set to work upon, as upon a task or problem, or some object of labor or investigation
strong criticism; "he published an unexpected attack on my work"
an initial offensive action made by extending the sword arm and continuously threatening the opponent's target
If you attack a person, belief, idea, or act, you criticize them strongly. He publicly attacked the people who've been calling for secret ballot nominations A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman. Attack is also a noun. The role of the state as a prime mover in planning social change has been under attack The committee yesterday launched a scathing attack on British business for failing to invest
set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task; "I attacked the problem as soon as I got out of bed"
In games such as football, when one team attacks the opponent's goal, they try to score a goal. Now the US is controlling the ball and attacking the opponent's goal The goal was just reward for Villa's decision to attack constantly in the second half. Attack is also a noun. Lee was at the hub of some incisive attacks in the second half
A parameter that sets the speed at which an envelope or dynamics processor starts With an envelope, Attack sets the speed at which the enveloped setting travels from 0 to its nominal value In a dynamics processor, it sets the speed at which the processor starts working
An attempt to cause damage or injury to, or to somehow detract from the worth or credibility of a person, position, idea, object, or thing, by physical, verbal, emotional, or other assault
the onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent); "the film was sensitive to attack by acids"; "open to attack by the elements"
To assail with unfriendly speech or writing; to begin a controversy with; to attempt to overthrow or bring into disrepute, by criticism or satire; to censure; as, to attack a man, or his opinions, in a pamphlet
Either a successful or unsuccessful attempt at breaking part or all of a cryptosystem See algebraic attack, birthday attack, brute force attack, chosen ciphertext attack, chosen plaintext attack, differential cryptanalysis, known plaintext attack, linear cryptanalysis, middleperson attack
launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with; "Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II"; "Serbian forces assailed Bosnian towns all week
An access of disease; a fit of sickness
The initial offensive action made by fully and completely extending the arm, and continuously and progressively threatening the opponent's target
A procedure performed on (or with the assistance of) an IT system that, if successful, either provides advantage to the attacker or results in damage to the system, to the enterprise that employs the system, or to the enterprise's mission or people
An movement signaled by extending the sword arm, which gives the fencer the right of way
ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation; "his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons"; "an attack on inflation"; "his plan of attack was misguided"
1) A discrete malicious action of debilitating intent inflicted by one entity upon another A threat might attack a critical infrastructure to destroy or incapacitate it 2) Intentional attempt to bypass the physical or information security measures and controls protecting an IS
the act of trying to bypass security controls on a system An attack may be active, resulting in the alteration of data; or passive, resulting in the release of data Note: The fact that an attack is made does not necessarily mean that it will succeed The degree of success depends on the vulnerability of the system or activity and the effectiveness of existing countermeasures Attack is often used as a synonym for a specific exploit See also brute force, denial of service, distributed denial of service, hijacking, social engineering, sniffing, spoofing, trojan horse, virus
An assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat, for example, an intelligent act that is a deliberate attempt (especially in the sense of method or technique) to evade security services and violate the security policy of a system
If something such as a disease, a chemical, or an insect attacks something, it harms or spoils it. The virus seems to have attacked his throat Several key crops failed when they were attacked by pests. Attack is also a noun. The virus can actually destroy those white blood cells, leaving the body wide open to attack from other infections
An assault upon one's feelings or reputation with unfriendly or bitter words
The act of attacking, or falling on with force or violence; an onset; an assault; opposed to defense
To fall upon with force; to assail, as with force and arms; to assault
attack in speech or writing; "The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker"
n the attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponent's side The term refers to an individual effort or a combined team offensive pattern
the attempt to justify the projection of guilt onto others, demonstrating their sinfulness and guilt so that we may feel free of it; because attack is always a projection of responsibility for the separation, it is never justified; also used to denote the thought of separation from God, for which we believe God will attack and punish us in return (Note -- " attack" and " anger" are used as virtual synonyms )
{f} assault, assail; criticize a person or something
An attempt to bypass security controls on a computer The attack may alter, release, or deny data Whether an attack will succeed depends on the vulnerability of the computer system and the effectiveness of existing countermeasures
to move with a threat e g so that an opponent's piece may be taken; more generally, to move pieces towards e g the king's side in the hope of mate Also used to describe some opening systems initiated by White, e g King's Indian Attack
a sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition; "an attack of diarrhea"
The first part of the sound of a note In a synthesizer envelope, the attack segment is the segment during which the envelope rises from its initial value (usually zero) to the attack level (often the maximum level for the envelope) at a rate determined by the attack time parameter
To attack a person or place means to try to hurt or damage them using physical violence. He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her While Haig and Foch argued, the Germans attacked Attack is also a noun. a campaign of air attacks on strategic targets Refugees had come under attack from federal troops
An action conducted by an adversary, the attacker, on a potential victim (From the glossary of State of the Practice of Intrusion Detection Technologies )
the initial stage of an envelope Refers to the time from the beginning of the sound to its highest or maximum level
an offensive move in a sport or game; "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
A setting to work upon some task, etc
intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "don't give me any flak"
The initial impact of a wine If not strong or flavourful, the wine is considered "feeble" "Feeble" wines are sometimes encountered among those vinified in a year where late rain just before harvest diluted desirable grape content
{i} assault; spasm, seizure; onslaught
The initial impact of a wine If not strong or flavorful, the wine is considered "feeble" "Feeble" wines are sometimes encountered among those vinified in a year where late rain just before harvest diluted desirable grape content
a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase an offensive move in a sport or game; "they won the game with a 10-hit attack in the 9th inning"
The beginning of a sound; the initial transient of a musical note
In audio terms, the beginning of a sound What type of attack a sound has is determined by the sound's attack time, or how long it takes for the volume of the sound to go from silence to maximum level It is critical to consider the attack time of sounds when applying processing Compression, gating, and other types of processors can destroy a sound's attack, changing the character and quality of the audio Reverbs can also be affected by attack time; careful use of a 'verb's predelay parameter will allow you to optimize the reverb for different types of attacks
An attempt to subvert or bypass a system's security, which may or may not be successful Attacks may be active or passive An active attack attempts to alter or destroy data A passive attack attempts to intercept and read data without altering it See also: Brute Force attack Ciphertext-only attack Denial of Service Hijacking Known-plaintext attack NFS and NIS attacks Password attacks Password sniffing
attack someone physically or emotionally; "The mugger assaulted the woman"; "Nightmares assailed him regularly"
Either a successful or unsuccessful attempt at breaking part or all of a cryptosystem See also algebraic attack, birthday attack, brute force attack, chosen ciphertext attack, chosen plaintext attack, differential cryptanalysis, known plaintext attack, linear cryptanalysis, middle person attack
take the initiative and go on the offensive; "The Serbs attacked the village at night"; "The visiting team started to attack"
When the musical note begins Antonym: Release
An attack of an illness is a short period in which you suffer badly from it. It had brought on an attack of asthma. see also counter-attack, heart attack
begin to injure; "The cancer cells are attacking his liver"; "Rust is attacking the metal"
attack au fer
An attack on the opponent's blade, e.g. beat, expulsion, pressure
attack dog
guard dog, dog trained to attack
attack dog
a watchdog trained to attack on command
attack echelon
military unit positioned for an attack in offset parallel lines
attack helicopter
combat helicopter, type of helicopter used to conduct air attacks in war
attack on public property
damage done to property that is open to the public as a whole
attack politics
negative campaign or other political action designed to discredit the opposition by highlighting its flaws
attack submarine
a military submarine designed and armed to attack enemy shipping
angle of attack
The angle between a mid-sail and the direction of the wind
angle of attack
The angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it; one of the determiners of the amount of lift produced by an airfoil
angles of attack
plural form of angle of attack
asthma attack
An incident wherein a person who suffers intermittent experiences of bronchioconstriction undergoes such an experience, usually with a sudden onset
Players on a team in football (soccer) in the row nearest to the opposing team's goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals
Someone who attacks
Present participle of attack
plural form of attack
birthday attack
A method of code decryption which exploits the so-called birthday paradox
compound attack
An attack consisting of more than one feint
An attack made in response to an attack by the opponents
denial-of-service attack
A type of network computer attack that attempts to render a particular service (e.g. web site) unavailable to its audience
dictionary attack
An attack that uses a list of words (from a dictionary) to try and guess passwords or decryption keys
drone attack
An attack carried out by remotely controlled aircraft
false attack
An attack that is intended to miss or fall short, so as to produce a reaction from the opponent. Also called a false action
goal attack
A player allowed in the centre third, goal third including the shooting circle
groin attack
a punch or other attack to the groin area of the body
heart attack
An acute myocardial infarction caused by the sudden occurrence of coronary thrombosis, which obstructs the blood supply to the heart and leads to necrosis of heart muscle tissue. It is characterised by sudden severe chest pain often radiating to the shoulder, arm, or jaw, shortness of breath, nausea, and loss of consciousness, and is sometimes fatal
open the attack
of a bowler, to bowl one of the first two overs
panic attack
A sudden period of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear, stomach problems and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms
personal attack
Making of an abusive remark instead of providing evidence when examining another person's claims or comments
pincer attack
An attack in which two or more forces attack from multiple sides at once; especially one which thereby traps the enemy
replay attack
An attempt to subvert security by recording legitimate communications and repeating it to try to impersonate a valid user
sex attack
An act of sexual assault
special attack
A special move used to inflict damage
transient ischaemic attack
Alternative spelling of transient ischemic attack
transient ischemic attack
A temporary cessation or reduction of blood supply to part of the brain, resulting in brief neurologic dysfunction that usually persists for less than 24 hours
wing attack
A player allowed in the centre third and goal third, but not the shooting circle
Stokes Adams attack
(Geometri) Sudden collapse into unconsciousness due to a disorder of heart rhythm in which there is a slow or absent pulse resulting in syncope (fainting) with or without convulsions
{a} assaulted, set upon, charged
(Spor) In some sports, an attacker is a specific type of player, usually one whose role involves aggressive play. In football, attackers are also referred to as strikers
brain attack
Stroke (or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)) is the clinical designation for a rapidly developing loss of brain function due to an interruption in the blood supply to all or part of the brain. This phenomenon can be caused by thrombosis, embolism, or hemorrhage. In medicine the process of being struck down by a stroke, fit or faint is sometimes called an ictus [cerebri], from the Latin icere ("to strike"), especially prior to the definitive diagnosis being made
denial-of-service attack
(Bilgisayar) DOS attack is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users.denial-of-service attack ıs a type of attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic
preemptive attack
(Askeri) Preemptive war (or preemptive attack) is waged in an attempt to repel or defeat a perceived imminent offensive or invasion, or to gain a strategic advantage in an impending (allegedly unavoidable) war
transient ischemic attack
Brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage(synonym) TIA
An attack
accidental attack
{i} attack that takes place without deliberate national plan and is due to a human error or mechanical defect or as a result of the actions of a third party
angle of attack
The amount of pitch at which an airfoil is flying By adjusting the angle of attack, the efficiency of the wing/blade is effected More precisely, the angle between the chord of an airfoil and the wind
anxiety attack
attack of fear, attack of fright
asthma attack
eruption of asthma, attack of difficult breathing
past of attack
This is any player who is attacking the ball or another player
n A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating the play in his team's favor 进攻者。
The wrestler who currently has Advantage
n A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating the play in his team's favor 進攻者。
The player who has the ball and is trying to make a goal
n A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating the play in his team's favor
A player who tries to overpower opponents by killing as many balls as possible Compare defender
Player with possession of the ball Front running attackers are usually called strikers or wingers
You can refer to a person who attacks someone as their attacker. There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed
any player on the team that has possession of the ball
{i} assailant, one who attacks
Players on a team in football (soccer) in the row nearest to the opposing teams goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals
One who attacks
plural of attacker
disposed to attack
That which has a tendance to attack, to be aggressive
Present participle of to attack
{i} assaulting
Plural of attack
Third-person singular simple present of to attack
brain attack
term for stroke to convey the need for immediate medical treatment
brain attack
the sudden disruption of blood flow to the brain
An attack made to neutralize the assault of the enemy
denial of service attack
A hacker attack designed to prevent your computer or network from operating or communicating
flank attack
attack the side
heart attack
-A medical emergency that occurs when a blood clot forms suddenly in a heart artery and causes a blockage, usually after the surface of cholesterol plaque in the artery breaks A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction, usually produces chest pain and shortness of breath It may also cause sudden death If nothing is done to reopen the blocked artery, the heart muscle will die and be replaced by scar tissue More than one million heart attacks occur every year in the United States; it is the leading cause of death from heart disease Most of these deaths occur outside the hospital
heart attack
It is currently believed that when an arteriosclerotic plaque ruptures, it may cause the blood in a coronary artery to clot on the surface of the plaque If the clot is large enough, it will occlude the artery and block the flow of blood to the heart muscle This will damage or even destroy the heart muscle if there are not enough collateral blood vessels to carry the blood around the occluded vessel
heart attack
A heart attack occurs when the heart does not get enough blood flow leading
heart attack
Damage to heart muscle caused by disruption of blood flow usually due to atherosclerosis Also called myocardial infarction
heart attack
also called myocardial infarction; damage to the heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply
heart attack
A heart attack occurs when the heart does not get enough blood flow leading to the death of the heart muscle This event is also known as a myocardial infarction
heart attack
Permanent damage to the heart muscle caused by a lack of blood supply to the heart for an extended time period The severity of damage varies from normal, mild, to severe
heart attack
occurs when one of more regions of the heart muscle experience a severe or prolonged decrease in oxygen supply caused by a blocked blood flow to the heart muscle
heart attack
The medical term for heart attack is myocardial infarction A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle itself the myocardium is severely reduced or stopped This occurs when one of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle is blocked The blockage is usually from the buildup of plaque (deposits of fat-like substances) due to atherosclerosis The plaque can eventually tear or rupture, triggering a blood clot to form that blocks the artery and leads to a heart attack Such an event is sometimes called a coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion
launch an attack
begin an attack
warning of attack
a warning to national policy makers that an enemy intends to launch an attack in the near future