
listen to the pronunciation of assembly
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} toplantı

O, toplantıda yer aldı. - She took part in the assembly.

O asla toplantıya gitmez. - He never goes to an assembly.

{i} montaj

Montaj bandında yaptığımız iyileştirmeler sonunda fiyatları düşürebilir. - The improvements we've made on the assembly line could eventually lower prices.

Montaj hattı üzerinde çalışırken, Tom'un parmakları mahvoldu. - Tom's fingers got smashed while working on the assembly line.

{i} meclis

Meclis herhangi bir nükleer silahlanmaya karşı protesto etmek için oy kullandı. - The assembly voted to protest against any nuclear armament.

(Nükleer Bilimler) demet
{i} çevirme (bilgisayar)
derleyici,v.kur: n.montaj
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümleşke
(Politika, Siyaset) asamble
(Tıp) düzenek

Her şahıs saldırısız toplanma ve dernek kurma ve derneğe katılma serbestisine maliktir. - Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

(Jeoloji) asemble
özel bir amaçla bir araya toplanmış insanlar
bir araya getirme
(Mühendislik) takım; birkaç parçadan meydana gelen parça grubu; komple, montaj
(Askeri) TOPLANMA: Birliklerin genellikle, yanaşık düzende gruplanması
(Tekstil) katlama işlemi
{f} kur

2016 birleşmiş milletler genel kurulu tarafından uluslararası bakliyat yılı ilan edildi. - 2016 was declared the International Year of Pulses by the United Nations General Assembly.

Katılımcı olmaması nedeniyle, genel kurulu ertelemek zorundayım. - Due to the lack of attendees, we have to postpone the general assembly.

kongre assembly line montaj fabrikası
right of assembly toplanma hakkı
assembly room toplantı salonu
{i} içtima [ask.]
{i} kongre
{i} kurul

Katılımcı olmaması nedeniyle, genel kurulu ertelemek zorundayım. - Due to the lack of attendees, we have to postpone the general assembly.

2016 birleşmiş milletler genel kurulu tarafından uluslararası bakliyat yılı ilan edildi. - 2016 was declared the International Year of Pulses by the United Nations General Assembly.

assemblyman meclis üyesi
özellikle eyalet meclisi üyesi
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kurgu
(Biyokimya) toplanmak
(Jeoloji) birlik
monte etmek
(Mekanik) komple
Assembly Drawing
(Borsa) Patlamış resim
assembly line
montaj hattı

Montaj hattı üzerinde çalışırken, Tom'un parmakları mahvoldu. - Tom's fingers got smashed while working on the assembly line.

assembly area
toplanma alanı
assembly language
(Bilgisayar) birleştirici dil
assembly line
seri üretim hattı
assembly point
toplanma noktası
assembly position
toplanma yeri
assembly hall
toplantı salonu
assembly industry
montaj sanayii
assembly language
assembly dili
assembly man
montaj işçisi
assembly man
meclis üyesi
assembly plan
montaj planı
assembly plant
montaj fabrikası
assembly program
assembly programı
assembly room
toplantı salonu
assembly line technique
hareketli tezgahta imalat
assembly order
montaj için
assembly shop
montaj dükkanı
Montaj hattı, üretim hattı
assembly-line balancing
Montaj hattı dengeleme
assembly anchorage
(Askeri) TOPLANMA DEMİR YERİ: Gemilerin toplanması ve hareketleri için amaçlanan bir demirleme yeri. Ayrıca bakınız: "emergency anchorage"
assembly area
içtima alanı
assembly area
(Askeri) MONTAJ SAHASI: Bir ikmal tesisinde, ana parçaların tam cihazlar, takım veya komple parçalar halinde toplanması ve birleştirilmesi için faydalanılan bütün alan
assembly area
(Askeri) Toplanma bölgesi
assembly area outpost
(Askeri) TOPLANMA BÖLGESİ İLERİ KARAKOLU: Dost birlikler tarafından korunmayan toplanma bölgelerinde emniyeti sağlamak için alınan ileri karakol tertibatı. Genellikle, bir piyade taburu için bir bölük, bir piyade alayı için bir tabur toplanma bölgesi ileri karakoluna memur edilir
assembly charges
(Avrupa Birliği) (Annex III) montaj masrafları
assembly drawing
asıl resim
assembly drawing
birleştirme resim
assembly drawing
ana resim
assembly drift
çekme takozu
assembly drum
montaj tamburu
assembly general
birleşmiş milletler genel kurulu
assembly key
bağlantı kaması
assembly language
Assembler Dili
assembly line
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) montaj (hattı)
assembly line
montaj bandı

Montaj bandında yaptığımız iyileştirmeler sonunda fiyatları düşürebilir. - The improvements we've made on the assembly line could eventually lower prices.

Onları montaj bandı üstünde yaptı. - He built them on an assembly line.

assembly line technique
(Askeri) ZİNCİRLEME MONTAJ TEKNİĞİ: Bir imalathane veya fabrikanın çeşitli bölümlerinden geçen müteharrik bir tezgah vasıtasıyla seri halinde montaj usulü
assembly list
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevirme dizelgesi
assembly list
(Bilgisayar) çevirme listesi
assembly list
çevirme üstesi
assembly man
eyalet meclisi üyesi
assembly methods
kurma yöntemleri
assembly nozzle
(Tekstil) toplayıcı düze
assembly plant
(isim) montaj fabrikası
assembly point
(Askeri) TOPLANMA NOKTASI: Bak. "assembly area"
assembly position
(Askeri) TOPLANMA YERİ: Bak. "assembly area"
assembly process
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çevirme işlemi
assembly program
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çevirme programı
assembly program
(Askeri) ÇEVİRME PROGRAMI: Bak. "assembler "
assembly room
montaj mahalli
assembly routine
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çevirme rutini
assembly routine
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevirme yordamı
assembly routine
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevirici yordam
assembly seam
(Tekstil) birleştirme dikişi
assembly system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevirme dizgesi
assembly system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevirme sistemi
assembly tool
montaj aleti
assembly unit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) birleştirici birim
assembly unit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) birleştirme birimi
assembly yard
montaj alanı
assembly yard
birleştirme alam
assembly line

Montaj hattı üzerinde çalışırken, Tom'un parmakları mahvoldu. - Tom's fingers got smashed while working on the assembly line.

Montaj bandında yaptığımız iyileştirmeler sonunda fiyatları düşürebilir. - The improvements we've made on the assembly line could eventually lower prices.

barrel assembly
(Askeri) namlu düzeni
equipment assembly
(Askeri) teçhizat montajı
extraordinary general assembly
(Ticaret) olağanüstü genel kurul
final assembly
son montaj
foreign assembly
(Ticaret) dışarıda kurgu
freedom of assembly
(Politika, Siyaset) toplantı özgürlüğü
legislative assembly
(Politika, Siyaset) parlamento
lost motion assembly
(Otomotiv) hareket ünitesi
major assembly
(Askeri) ana komple parça
mold assembly
kalıp tertibatı
ordinary general assembly
olağan genel kurul
peaceful assembly
barışçı toplantı
resolution of general assembly
genel kurul kararı
set up an assembly
meclis kurmak
set up an assembly
meclis açmak
automatic assembly
otomatik kurgu
bureau of assembly
başkanlık divanı
coil assembly
bobin takımı
constituent assembly
kurucu meclis
consultative assembly
danışma meclisi
drive assembly
işletme düzeni
drive assembly
işletme takımı
general assembly
genel kongre
general assembly
genel kurul
head/disk assembly
kafa / disk takımı
national assembly
millet meclisi
right of assembly
toplanma hakkı
sub assembly
alt kurul
tail assembly
son toplantı
tail assembly
kuyruk takımı
Grand National Assembly of Turkey
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
Turkish Grand National Assembly
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi, TBMM
bomb-release assembly
bomba-release montaj
cable assembly
montajın bir kısmı başka bir firma tarafından yapılan
descent engine control assembly
iniş motor kontrol montaj
filter support assembly
Filtre destek montaj
flush type assembly
floş tipi montaj
freedom of assembly
toplanma özgürlüklerine
progress assembly
ilerleme montaj
(Biyoloji) Moleküllerin kendiliğinden bir araya gelip bağ oluşturması
(Mobilya) kolayca kurulabilirlik
the Grand National Assembly
Büyük Millet Meclisi
the national assembly
Ulusal meclis
the turkish grand national assembly
Türk Büyük Millet Meclisi
turkish grand national assembly
Türk Büyük Millet Meclisi
turkish grand national assembly
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
turkish national assembly
Türkiye Ulusal Meclisi, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi

The member of Turkish National Assembly talked at a seminar today.

ad hoc assembly
(Politika, Siyaset) ad hoc meclis
antenna assembly
anten tumleskesi
antiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area; assign alternate area
(Askeri) uçaksavar topçusu, varış ve toplanma bölgesi, yedek bölge tahsisi
arrival and assembly operations element
(Askeri) varış ve toplanma harekat unsuru
arrival and assembly operations group
(Askeri) varış ve toplanma harekat grubu
barrel assembly
(Askeri) KOMPLE NAMLU; NAMLU DÜZENİ: Namlu ve namluyu silaha bağlayan diğer parçalar
blower assembly
(Otomotiv) üfleyici fan ünitesi
boat assembly area
(Askeri) BOT TOPLANMA SAHASI: Yüklenmiş deniz çıkarma araçları veya amfibi araçların, deniz üzerindeki bir hareket ve intikal düzeninde toplandıkları belirli bir saha
bogie brake assembly
bojideki fren düzeni
contact assembly
kontak dizisi
contact roll assembly
(Tekstil) temas makarası grubu
convoy assembly
(Askeri) konvoy toplanması
convoy assembly port
(Askeri) KONVOY TOPLANMA LİMANI: Açık denizlerde veya kıyı sularında seyredecek gemilerin denize açıldıkları liman
crash assembly
(Askeri) kırılmaya karşı tertibat
crash assembly
(Askeri) KIRILMAYA KARŞI TERTİBAT: Havadan paraşütle atılan araçların yere inerken çarpma tesirini, kendi özel parçalarının dağılması suretiyle gideren ve çerçeve kuşaklardan ibaret olan tertibat
critical assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) kritik düzen
differential assembly
(Otomotiv) diferansiyel grubu
disc brake assembly
(Otomotiv) disk fren grubu
driven plate assembly
(Otomotiv) debriyaj diski
driven plate assembly
debriyaj balatası
drogue assembly
(Havacılık) rehber paraşüt düzeni
dummy assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) boş düzenek
exponential assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) üstel düzenek
final assembly area
(Askeri) İLERİ TOPLAMA BÖLGESİ: Bir taarruza hazırlanmak için kıtaların toplandıkları yer. İlk toplanma bölgesinde hazırlıklarını bitiren kıtalar muharebeye girecekleri son toplanma bölgesine intikal ederler. Bu terim şimdi kullanılmamaktadır
forked assembly
(Havacılık) çatallı montaj
forward assembly area
(Askeri) İleri toplanma bölgesi
fuel assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt demeti,yakıt topluluğu,yakıt paketi
general assembly
grand general assembly
(Kanun) büyük genel kurul
green assembly
ilk montaj
hopper feeler assembly
hoper takımı
hose assembly
hortum montaj grubu
hose assembly
(Otomotiv) hortum takımı
initial assembly area
(Askeri) İLK TOPLANMA BÖLGESİ: Derinliğine birden fazla toplanma bölgesine ihtiyaç gösteren taktik durumlarda, savunma mevziine veya taarruza hazırlık için gidilecek toplanma bölgesine gitmeden önce toplanılan bölge
intake heater assembly
(Otomotiv) eme ısıtıcı ünitesi
intake rocker arm assembly
(Otomotiv) emme supap iticisi grubu
jack assembly
(Askeri) kriko takımı
locking sleeve assembly
komple kilit manşonu
major assembly
(Askeri) ANA KOMPLE PARÇA: Özel bir kimliğe sahip müstakil cihaz. Çalışmaya hazır vaziyette monte edilmiş, fakat bir nihai madde veya komple malzemenin bir kısmı olarak kullanılmak veya buna yerleştirilmek üzere hazırlanmış ana parçalar grubu. Ayrıca bakınız: "end products"
measuring assembly
ölçüm düzeneği
measuring assembly
ölçme düzeneği
missile assembly checkout facility
(Askeri) FÜZE MONTAJ KONTROL TESİSİ: Faal bir füze fırlatma mahali yanında, füze sisteminin nihai montajı ve kontrolü için tasarlanan bir bina, karavan veya diğer tür bir yapı
mosaic assembly
(Askeri) MOZAİK YAPMA: Fasılasız bir şekil meydana getirmek üzere hava fotoğraflarının birleştirilmesi işlemi
national assembly
ulusal meclis
north atlantic assembly
(Askeri) kuzey atlantik asamblesi
objective area; operating assembly; operational area; Operations Aerology shipbo
(Askeri) hedef bölgesi; çalışan donanım; harekat sahası; Harekat Aeroloji Meteoroloji Ve Oşinografi Merkezi (METOC) Bölümü
pack assembly
(Askeri) paraşüt bohçası
pack assembly
(Askeri) PARAŞÜT BOHÇASI: Bak. "pack"
padding assembly
(Otomotiv) minder grubu
parachute assembly
(Askeri) KOMPLE PARAŞÜT: Bir paraşütün; kubbe ve paraşüt ipleri ile, bunların taşınmasına yarayan bohça ve kolonu
piston assembly
(Otomotiv) piston grubu
port reception and assembly capacity
(Askeri) LİMAN YÜK KABUL VE BİRLEŞTİRME KAPASİTESİ: Bir liman veya su terminal bölgesinde kapalı ve açık birleştirme sahalarında, bir defada alınıp birleştirilebilecek yük miktarı
presser foot assembly
(Tekstil) baskı ayağı
printed wiring board (assembly)
(Askeri) baskı devre (montaj)
provincial assembly
il genel meclisi
reactor vessel support assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) reaktör kabı destek düzeneği
redeployment assembly area
(Askeri) intikal toplanma alanı
relay assembly
(Otomotiv) röle grubu
safety assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik düzeneği
seat assembly
(Otomotiv) koltuk montaj
selector housing assembly
(Otomotiv) vites kolu muhafaza ünitesi
shear link assembly
(Askeri) makaslama donanımı
shear link assembly
(Askeri) MAKASLAMA DONANIMI: Belirli bir mekanik yükte kırılmak üzere yapılmış alet
special operations communications assembly
(Askeri) özel harekat muhabere birleştirmesi
spent fuel assembly
(Çevre) tüketilmiş yakıt aygıtı
subcritical assembly
(Nükleer Bilimler) kritik altı düzenek,alt kritik düzenek
İngilizce - İngilizce
The lower legislative body of each of a number of states of the United States, ("the Assembly")
A set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device
A legislative body; e.g., the General Assembly of the United Nations
In Microsoft .NET, a building block of an application, similar to a DLL, but containing both executable code and information normally found in a DLL's type library. The type library information in an assembly, called a manifest, describes public functions, data, classes, and version information
A congregation of people in one place for a purpose

school assembly, freedom of assembly.

A shortened or jargon form of the term assembly language
{n} a company assembled or met, a ball, a legislature or a branch of it
A beat of the drum or sound of the bugle as a signal to troops to assemble
The step in semiconductor manufacturing in which the device is encased in a plastic, ceramic, or other package In some cases, the chip is assembled directly on a printed circuit board
A collection of inanimate objects
A group of components physically joined to a PCB or ceramic board
acq A number of parts or subassemblies or any combination thereof joined together to perform a specific function and capable of disassembly (Examples, power-shovel front fan assembly, audio frequency amplifier ) Note: The distinction between an assembly and a subassembly is determined by the individual application An assembly in one instance may be a subassembly in another where it forms a portion of an assembly [MIL-HDBK-1908B]
a design composed of elements folded from several sheets of paper which hold together in an integrated manner without the use of glue
a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit
the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly" a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit a group of persons gathered together for a common purpose
the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
Group of parts, elements, subassemblies, or circuits that are removable items of COMSEC equipment [NSTISSC] (see also communications security)
In Microsoft .NET, a building block of an application, similar to a DLL, but containing both executable code and information normally found in a DLLs type library. The type library information in an assembly, called a manifest, describes public functions, data, classes, and version info
An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose. He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly. = gathering
In the chip making workd , the process of enclosing a device in a plastic or ceramic package
for deliberation and legislation, for worship, or for social entertainment
The stage of production in which components are put together into an end product appropriate to the process concerned
the way parts of a product are fitted together
A product that is made up of a set of components and other assemblies
The process of aligning overlapping sequence fragments into a contig or series of contigs
the act of constructing something (as a piece of machinery)
The process of joining parts by any of several methods
A collection of functionality built, versioned, and deployed as a single implementation unit (one or multiple files) An assembly is the primary building block of a NET application All managed types and resources are marked either as accessible only within their implementation unit or as exported for use by code outside that unit In the runtime, the assembly establishes the name scope for resolving requests and the visibility boundaries are enforced The runtime can determine and locate the assembly for any running object because every type is loaded in the context of an assembly An assembly includes an assembly manifest that describes the contents of the assembly
The process of putting together a nuclear weapon or nuclear weapon component This process takes place at Pantex Plant
An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country. the campaign for the first free election to the National Assembly. an assembly of party members from the Russian republic
In a school, assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and pupils at the beginning of every school day. By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly. a long room with a stage at one end for assemblies
The lower house of the California Legislature, consisting of 80 members, elected from districts apportioned on the basis of population, who serve two-year terms
a group of machine parts that fit together to form a self-contained unit a group of persons gathered together for a common purpose
An assembly in CAD is usually a specific model referencing other parts with their respective coordinates transform and the mate rules
an ordinary General Assembly, an extraordinary General Assembly, or a Scientific Assembly of IAGA
A company of persons collected together in one place, and usually for some common purpose, esp
In logistics, an item forming a portion of an equipment that can be provisioned and replaced as an entity and which normally incorporates replaceable parts or groups of parts [JP1]
A programming language that is once removed from machine language Machine languages consist entirely of numbers and are almost impossible for humans to read and write Assembly languages have the same structure and set of commands as machine languages, but they enable a programmer to use names (mnemonics) instead of numbers
{i} low-level programming language that is very close to machine language (Computers)
Assembly of genome sequences
a building or structure for the gathering together of persons such as auditoriums, places of worship, dance halls, clubs, courthouses, gymnasiums, theaters, museums, passenger depots, transportation stations, sports facilities, and public assembly halls
The unit of deployment and versioning in the NET Framework It establishes the namespace for resolving requests and determines which resources are exposed externally and which are accessible from within the assembly An assembly includes an Assembly manifest which describes the contents of the assembly
A system of memnonics (like MOV, NOP, JMP) each representing a small chunk of machine code which does something specific Assembly is read and converted to machine code by a program called an assembler The smallest and most efficient programs are written by ace assembly programmers
a public facility to meet for open discussion
The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together. For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device. Gosudarstvennaya Duma State Assembly assembly language assembly line Frankfurt National Assembly German National Assembly National Assembly United Nations General Assembly
industry manufacture that involves putting together many prefabricated components to make a complete product; for example a car or television set
a group of persons gathered together for a common purpose
When you refer to rights of assembly or restrictions on assembly, you are referring to the legal right that people have to gather together
{i} meeting, conference; gathering; act of putting together parts; legislature; set; congregation
A number of parts or subassemblies or any combination thereof joined together to perform a specific function and capable of disassembly for example: fan assembly
meeting or coming together to discuss, legislate, protest, or plan
Assembly Language
The assembly language of a particular system or machine

I've programmed a TRS-80 using BASIC and Assembly Language.

Assembly of God
The singular of Assemblies of God

Welcome to the webpage of the Urbana Assembly of God.

assembly language
A programming language in which the source code of programs is composed of mnemonic instructions, each of which corresponds directly to a machine instruction for a particular processor

A skilled programmer can write very fast code in assembly language.

assembly languages
plural form of assembly language
assembly line
A system of workers and machinery in which a product is assembled in a series of consecutive operations; typically the product is attached to a continuously moving belt
assembly lines
plural form of assembly line
Assembly Drawing
A drawing needed for all products or inventions that have more than one part. These drawings list all parts and sub-assemblies that make the final product. A BOM (Bill of Materials) on the drawing lists each part number, part name, and part quantity
assembly line balancing
(industrial engineering) Assigning numbers of operators or machines to each operation of an assembly line so as to meet the required production rate with a minimum of idle time
Assembly of God
A Pentecostal congregation founded in the United States in 1914
Assembly of the Notables
{i} (before the French revolution of 1789) the Notables, assembly of nobles of higher order or clergymen and state officials who has deliberative (not legislative) or administrative powers who were appointed by the king to constitute a representative body
assembly area
place where all units gather and then move out to the forming-up area
assembly hall
a hall where many people can congregate
assembly language
A programming language that is a close approximation of the binary machine code. Also called assembly code. a computer language used in programs that are written to work with a specific kind of processor. Type of low-level computer programming language consisting mostly of symbolic equivalents of a particular computer's machine language. Computers produced by different manufacturers have different machine languages and require different assemblers and assembly languages. Some assembly languages can be used to convert the code that programmers write (source code) into machine language (readable by the computer), and have functions to facilitate programming (e.g., by combining a sequence of several instructions into one entity). Programming in assembly languages requires extensive knowledge of computer architecture
assembly language
a low-level programing language; close approximation to machine language
assembly language
fundamental programming language which is parallel to machine language
assembly line
a product layout where a sequence of operations and tasks is performed on the end item at workstations strategically located at points along the length of the line
assembly line
An assembly line is an arrangement of workers and machines in a factory, where each worker deals with only one part of a product. The product passes from one worker to another until it is finished. a system for making things in a factory in which the products move past a line of workers who each make or check one part. Industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. An assembly line is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible, with no cross flow or backtracking. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible. Automated assembly lines (see automation) consist entirely of machines run by other machines and are used in such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants. See also Henry Ford, interchangeable parts, Taylorism
assembly line
a production process where workers perform routine tasks in a specific order
assembly line
a process in which the job of making a product is divided into many smaller jobs Each worker assembles the same part on every item made The workers stay in the same place while the items pass by on a moving belt or track
assembly line
mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it
assembly line
method of production in which workers add parts to a product as it moves along on a conveyor belt
assembly line
production method where products are manufactured by several people in a row and each person performs a specific job
assembly line
A type of product layout in which a partially finished product moves through a plan on a conveyor belt or other equipment
assembly plant
An assembly plant is a factory where large items such as cars are put together, usually using parts which have been made in other factories
assembly plant
{i} factory where manufactued parts for a complete finished unit are put together; physical place of a company's production lines
assembly plant
a factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product
assembly point
meeting place, gathering place
assembly program
set of instructions for putting something together
assembly room
meeting room, conference hall
assembly shop
{i} shop where car parts are put together
assembly time
The time required for an assembler to translate symbolic language into machine instructions
National Assembly
provincial legislature of Quebec
National Assembly
national legislature
brake assembly
The collective replacement parts used to repair an automobile's worn down brakes
conditional assembly language
that part of an assembly language used to write macros
popular assembly
A localized citizen gathering to address issues of importance to the community
roof assembly
an assembly of interacting roof components including the roof deck, vapor retarder (if needed), insulation and roof covering
The assembly of a biological or chemical material from a disorganized collection by means of interactions between the components
The assembly of a retail product by the customer
Freedom of assembly
Freedom of assembly, sometimes used interchangeably with the freedom of association, is the individual right to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interests
Anti-Fascist Assembly for the People's Liberation of Macedonia
The Anti-Fascist Assembly for the People's Liberation of Macedonia (Macedonian: Антифашистичко Собрание на Народното Ослободување на Македонија, Latinic: Antifašističko Sobranie na Narodnoto Osloboduvanje na Makedonija, abbr. ASNOM) was the supreme legislative and executive people's representative body of the Macedonian state from 1944 until the end of World War II
Turkish Grand National Assembly
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey ( - TBMM, usually referred to simply as Meclis - "the Parliament") is the unicameral parliament of Turkey which is the sole body given the legislative prerogatives by the Turkish Constitution. It was founded in Ankara on 23 April, 1920 in the midst of the Turkish War of Independence. The parliament was fundamental in the efforts of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to found a new state out of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of the World War I
centuriate assembly
democratic assembly originally of Roman soldiers
century assembly
democratic assembly originally of Roman soldiers
1. the construction of a piece of furniture from materials sold in kit form. 2. (Biology) the spontaneous formation of a ribosome, virus, etc. in a medium containing the appropriate components
Frankfurt National Assembly
officially German National Assembly (1848-49) German national parliament that tried and failed to create a united German state during the liberal Revolutions of 1848. Meeting in Frankfurt am Main, it proposed a constitution that provided for universal suffrage and a parliamentary government, with a hereditary emperor. The assembly offered the crown to Frederick William IV of Prussia, but he was too conservative to receive a German imperial crown from any hands but those of the other German princes, and he refused. Lacking support from either Prussia or Austria, the assembly was forced to disband
General Assembly of the United Nations
legislative assembly of the United Nations (international organization for world peace and security)
Gosudarstvennaya Duma State Assembly
Russian Gosudarstvennaya Duma ("State Assembly") Elected legislative body that, with the State Council, constituted the imperial Russian legislature (1906-17). It had only limited power to control spending and initiate legislation, and the four Dumas that convened (1906, 1907, 1907-12, 1912-17) rarely enjoyed the cooperation of the ministers or the emperor, who retained the right to rule by decree when the Duma was not in session. In the Soviet era, soviets were the basic unit of government. After the fall of the Soviet Union (1991), the Russian parliament (composed of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet) exercised legislative responsibilities until 1993, when conflicts with Pres. Boris Yeltsin reached a crisis. Parliament's revolt was suppressed by military force, and a new constitution established a new parliament composed of a Federation Council (in which all 89 of Russia's republics and regions have equal representation) and a Duma, with 450 members, half elected through proportional representation on a party basis and half through single-member constituencies. The president may override and even dissolve the legislature under certain circumstances
London Assembly
a group of 25 people who are elected every four years, and who are responsible for checking the performance of the Mayor of London
National Assembly
French Assemblée Nationale French parliamentary body. The name was used first during the French Revolution to designate the revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of the Third Estate (1789) and then as a short form for the National Constituent Assembly (1789-91). It was used again when the National Assembly of 1871-75 drafted a new constitution. In the Third Republic (1875-1940), the name designated the two houses of parliament, the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. In the Fourth Republic (1946-58) and Fifth Republic (from 1958), the name was applied only to the lower house (the former Chamber of Deputies). The National Assembly consists of 577 deputies, elected in single-seat constituencies for five-year terms
Northern Ireland Assembly
a political assembly set up as part of the 1998 Good Friday peace agreement. The assembly has 108 members, six from each of the 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland. The assembly has an executive of up to 12 ministers, whose responsibilities include health, education, environment and finance
The Assembly
lower house
United Nations General Assembly
One of six principal components of the United Nations and the only one in which all UN members are represented. It meets annually or in special sessions. It acts primarily as a deliberative body; it may discuss and make recommendations about any issue within the scope of the UN charter. Its president is elected annually on a rotating basis from five geographic groups of members
Welsh Assembly
the parliament for Wales which was established in 1999 and has the power to make laws in Wales. The leader of the parliament is the First Secretary, and its 60 members are called AMs - Assembly Members. They are elected by a system of proportional representation
When parts are combined to make other parts or items, the final items are called assemblies For example, 30 2x4s, 500 nails, and 80 corner joists may make a "wall assembly " (QuickBooks Premier: Contractor Edition has assembly item capability )
plural of assembly
Refers to a group of building components For example, a door assembly would include the basic door along with the door locks, handles and binges
synonyms for assembly are: parliament, congress, Lower House, House of Commons, House of Representatives, legislative assembly, Upper House, senate, House of Lords, House of Peers, legislative council
Meetings of large groups, typically an entire student body, for the purpose of describing future events, sharing values, and recognizing achievement
assembly line
constituent assembly
legislature of France between 1789-1791; gathering of voters
constituent assembly
A constituent assembly is a body of representatives that is elected to create or change their country's constitution. a group of elected representatives that have the power to write or change their country's constitution
final assembly
(Ticaret) A highest level, end-item assembly that fills customer order or interplant demand and is not used as a subassembly for other items
final assembly schedule
(Ticaret) (FAS) A schedule for the completion of a final assembly from previously-stocked subassemblies based on the receipt of a customer order. Typically used in assemble-to-order (ATO) or make-to-order (MTO) environments, it may include finishing operations such as labeling, packing and adding accessories
freedom of assembly
the right peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances; guaranteed by the 1st amendment to the US constitution
fuel rail assembly
(Otomotiv) A hollow pipe that supplies fuel to the set of fuel injectors connected to it
general assembly
the supreme deliberative assembly of the United Nations
general assembly
an ordinary General Assembly or an extraordinary General Assembly of IAGA
general assembly
  In New Jersey, one of the two houses that comprises the state Legislature   The General Assembly has 80 members - 2 elected from each legislative district - and is presided over by the Speaker of the General Assembly
general assembly
The main body of the United Nations in which all member States are represented and are entitled to one vote The Assembly may make recommendations but does not have the power to force any State to act on its decisions At present, 188 countries are members of the UN
general assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is an open forum for participation in the work of the ICANN Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO) The participants in the GA should be individuals who have a knowledge of and an interest in issues pertaining to the areas for which the DNSO has primary responsibility, and who are willing to contribute time, effort and expertise to the work of the DNSO, including work item proposal and development, discussion of work items, draft document preparation, and participation in research and drafting committees and working groups
general assembly
persons who make or amend or repeal laws
general assembly
The elected body that creates legislation for the State of Connecticut, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives http: //www cga state ct us
general assembly
The annual business meeting of the UUA Congregations send representatives to make policy decisions for the denomination
general assembly
The General Assembly is a SEMCOG (link to Southeast Michigan Council of Governments) committee exclusively comprised of elected officials The committee exchanges information, adopts the SEMCOG annual work program, budget, bylaws as well as all regional plans This committee meets three times a year
general assembly
public meeting, legislative assembly, general gathering of all parties involved
general assembly
This refers to the joint meeting of the Senate and the House of Representatives during two consecutive years General Assembly is also used as a synonym for the combined houses of the Indiana legislature Germane - Committee action and amendments to a bill must be germane (relevant) to the subject matter of the original bill in which it is inserted Amendments or committee action ruled not germane are disregarded and do not receive consideration by the House and Senate
general assembly
The principal deliberative body of the United Nations
general assembly
the highest governing body of the Presbyterian Church (U S A ) and represents in one body all 11,300 congregations in the denomination The General Assembly meets annually It is composed of commissioners elected by each of the 173 presbyteries Each presbytery elects an equal number of ministers and ruling elders (laypersons), based upon the total number of church members in its churches In 1998 there are 562 commissioners The General Assembly establishes policies, priorities and budgets for the work of the denomination and elects persons to ongoing boards and committees that carry out the work of the denomination between meetings of the General Assembly
legislative assembly
{i} branch of the lawmaking body in certain state governments (USA)
memorial assembly
gathering of people in order to honor the memory of a person or event
roof assembly
A term used to describe all of the roof components including structural roof deck
roof assembly
an assembly of interacting roof components (includes the roof deck, vapor retarder [if present], insulation , and roof covering)
roof assembly
An assembly of interacting roof components (including the roof deck) designed to weatherproof and, normally, to insulate a building's top surface
roof assembly
an assembly of interacting roof components (including the roof deck) designed to weatherproof a building's top surface
roof assembly
A term used to describe all of the roof components including structural roof deck, insulation, membrane and flashings
roof assembly
an assembly of interacting roof components (includes the roof deck, vapor retarder [if present], insulation, and roof covering) -
roof assembly
A roof assembly shall be considered as all components of the roof/ceiling envelope through which heat flows, thus creating a building transmission heat loss or gain, where such assembly is exposed to outdoor air and encloses a heated or mechanically cooled space The gross area of a roof assembly consists of the total interior surface of such assembly, including skylights exposed to the heated or mechanically cooled space
Self-assembly is used to refer to furniture and other goods that you buy in parts and that you have to put together yourself. a range of self-assembly bedroom furniture. self-assembly furniture is sold as separate parts that you put together yourself at home
intended to be constructed by the owner
spring assembly
system of coil springs, flexible system which absorbs shock
a unit assembled separately but designed to fit with other units in a manufactured product
tail assembly
the rear part of an aircraft
the Great Assembly
large gathering
unlawful assembly
gathering of people without a license for a demonstration
westminster assembly
See under Assembly