
listen to the pronunciation of zweig…
ألمانية - التركية

تعريف zweig… في ألمانية التركية القاموس.

[der] dal
e {tsvayk} r dal; şube
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف zweig… في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{s} bağlı

Ben herhangi bir partiye bağlı değilim. - I'm not affiliated with any party.

Kolej üniversite ile bağlı. - The college is affiliated with the university.

(sıfat) bağlı
(Havacılık) bağlı olunan
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
Simple past tense and past participle of affiliate
{a} associated as in a family
In House terms, 'affiliated' can mean a number of things; most commonly, being 'affiliated' means being a tenant on their land, being a steady employee of the House or being a regular worker for a House Basically, it's anyone that the House actually might care about if they died
Associated, related, or united
being joined in close association; "affiliated clubs"; "all art schools whether independent or attached to universities
Exchange Company term to denote those resorts with whom they have exchange agreements
connected to or associated with and individual, organization, etc
If an organization is affiliated with another larger organization, it is officially connected with the larger organization or is a member of it. There are 73 unions affiliated to the Trades Union Congress
past of affiliate
If a professional person, such as a lawyer or doctor, is affiliated with an organization, they are officially connected with that organization or do some official work for it. He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director. our affiliated members. an affiliated organization/club/member etc an organization, club etc that is a member of a larger group or organization, or is closely connected with it
being joined in close association; "affiliated clubs"; "all art schools whether independent or attached to universities"
{s} associated, closely connected; related
Definition of Affiliated: Bidders' valuations of a good being auctioned are affiliated if, roughly: " a high value of one bidder's estimate makes high values of the others' estimates more likely " There may well be good reasons not to use the word correlated in place of affiliated This editor is advised that there is some mathematical difference (Econterms) Terms related to Affiliated: Correlated About Com Resources on Affiliated: Writing a Term Paper? Here are a few starting points for research on Affiliated: Books on Affiliated: None Journal Articles on Affiliated: Milgrom, P and R Weber 1982 "A Theory of Auctions and Competitive Bidding " Econometrica 50: 1089-1122
Zweig (Kerntechnik)
branch (nuclear engineering)
'Der Amokläufer' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'Amok' (by Zweig / work title)
'Die Axt von Wandsbek' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'The Axe of Wandsbek' (by Zweig / work title)
'Die Schachnovelle' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'The Royal Game'
'Die Schachnovelle' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'The Chess Story' (by Zweig / work title)
'Rausch der Verwandlung' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'The Post-Office Girl' (by Zweig / work title)
'Ungeduld des Herzens' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'Beware of Pity' (by Zweig / work title)
'Verwirrung der Gefühle' (von Zweig / Werktitel)
'Confusion of Feelings' (by Zweig / work title)
(biegsamer) Zweig
(biegsamer) Zweig
(kleiner) Zweig
Cyberpunk (Zweig der Science-Fiction-Literatur)
cyberpunk (science fiction subgenre)
Die Statistik ist ein Zweig der Mathematik.
Statistics is a branch of mathematics
Er kam auf keinen grünen Zweig.
He got nowhere
Rute (abgeschnittener dünner, biegsamer Zweig)
switch (slender, flexible shoot cut from a tree)
kleiner (grüner) Zweig
kleiner (grüner) Zweig
männlicher Zweig
male lineage
männlicher Zweig
male family line
männlicher Zweig
paternal lineage
männlicher Zweig
paternal family line
weiblicher Zweig
female family line
weiblicher Zweig
female lineage
weiblicher Zweig
maternal lineage
weiblicher Zweig
maternal family line
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف zweig… في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

German-born writer. A Zionist, he wrote about Judaism, the persecution of the Jews, and war. His works include the novel The Case of Sergeant Grischa (1927). Austrian writer of poetry, fiction, and sensitive psychoanalytic biographies, notably Three Masters (1920), a study of Balzac, Dickens, and Dostoyevsky
{i} family name; Arnold Zweig (1887-1968), German writer; Stefan Zweig (1881-1942), Austrian writer
Austrian writer (1881-1942)
Arnold Zweig
{i} (1887-1968) German writer
Arnold Zweig
born Nov. 10, 1887, Glogau, Silesia, Ger. died Nov. 26, 1968, East Berlin, E.Ger. German writer. Zweig, who was Jewish, was exiled from Germany by the Nazis in 1933. He lived as an émigré in Palestine until 1948, when he moved to East Germany. He is best known for the novel The Case of Sergeant Grischa (1927), which depicts the German army in World War I through a Russian prisoner's tragic encounter with the Prussian military bureaucracy. Later works, including Education Before Verdun (1935) and The Crowning of a King (1937), follow the fortunes of characters he introduced in Sergeant Grischa
Stefan Zweig
{i} (1881-1942) Austrian writer and poet
Stefan Zweig
born Nov. 28, 1881, Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire died Feb. 22, 1942, Petrópolis, near Rio de Janeiro, Braz. Austrian writer. He was deeply influenced by Sigmund Freud, whose theories on psychology informed Zweig's analyses of historical figures and his subtle portrayal of fictional characters. His essays include studies of Honoré de Balzac, Charles Dickens, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in Three Masters (1920); and Friedrich Hölderlin, Heinrich Kleist, and Friedrich Nietzsche, in Master Builders (1925). He achieved popularity with The Tide of Fortune (1928), five historical portraits in miniature. He also wrote biographies, poetry, short stories, dramas, and a novel. Driven into exile by the Nazis in 1934, Zweig and his second wife went to England and then Brazil, where, lonely and disillusioned, they committed suicide