you will understudy the general manager and deputize in his absence

listen to the pronunciation of you will understudy the general manager and deputize in his absence
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Sie springen für den Generaldirektor ein und vertreten ihn in seiner Abwesenheit
you will understudy the general manager and deputize in his absence


    you will un·der·stu·dy the gen·er·al man·ag·er and de·pu·tize in his ab·sence

    التركية النطق

    yu wıl ʌndırstʌdi dhi cenrıl mänıcır ınd depyıtayz în hîz äbsıns


    /ˈyo͞o wəl ˈəndərˌstədē ᴛʜē ˈʤenrəl ˈmanəʤər ənd ˈdepyəˌtīz ən həz ˈabsəns/ /ˈjuː wəl ˈʌndɜrˌstʌdiː ðiː ˈʤɛnrəl ˈmænəʤɜr ənd ˈdɛpjəˌtaɪz ɪn hɪz ˈæbsəns/