you know ...

listen to the pronunciation of you know ...
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف you know ... في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

you know
you know
You know
you know
farkındasın değil mi
you know

you know, I love you.

Yumurtaları sevmediğimi biliyorsun. - You know that I don't like eggs.

Onu nasıl biliyorsun? - How can you know that?

you know
Bilirsin ...; biliyorsun, ...; bildiğin gibi,
you know
you know
you know
you know
anlarsın ya
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف you know ... في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

you know
Expression signifying a pause or hesitation

I don’t usually get nervous in games and, you know, taking free kicks and penalties but that’s the first time I’ve been that nervous in, in a game, where I have to, I’m in a situation where I’m, you know... - BBC Interview with David Beckham.

you know
Expression used to imply meaning, rather than say it, such as when a person is embarrassed to say a word

Person 1: I heard you want to do that thing with me. Person 2: Do what? Person 1: You know... umm... Person 2: Oh do you mean sex? Person 1: Yeah.. that..

you know
Implying something generally known or known by the listener; used as a gap-filler in conversation
you know
it's obvious that you know, you're already aware of
you know
(Informal) used in speech instead of a pause, symbolizes a comma or period (Example: "She left, you know, and then she...")
you know ...


    you know



    ... It was just more that, you know, I say this with so much, ...
    ... for or putting on the -- you know, the side column, what ...