you can

listen to the pronunciation of you can
الإنجليزية - التركية
şunları yapabilirsiniz
You can thank your
{k} Sen olmadığın için talihine şükret!
You can't be serious
Ciddi olamazsın!
you can find the schedule over there
tarifeyi orada bulabilirsiniz
you can pick it up in an hour
bir saat içerisinde alabilirsiniz
you can pick it up later today
bugün içerisinde alabilirsiniz
you can pick it up tomorrow
yarın alabilirsiniz
you can't miss it
mutlaka görürsün
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
(Atasözü) Tatlı dil yılanı deliğinden çıkarır
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
(deyim) zorla güzellik olmaz
You can never be too careful
asla yeterince dikkatli olamazsın
You can thank your lucky star it wasn´t you!
k. dili Sen olmadığın için talihine şükret!
You can't teach an old dog a new trick
(Atasözü) Ağaç yaş iken eğilir
you can say that again
Söyleyen kişinin söylediği şeye tamamen katıldığınızı bildirir
you can start all over again
her şeye yeniden başlayabilirsin
you can stuff it
şunları yapabilirsiniz şeyler o
you can't
you can't have it both ways
hem nalına hem mıhına
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
(Atasözü) Ağaç yaşken eğilir
you can bet your life on
(Konuşma Dili) kesinlikle emin olabilirsin
as much as you can
elinden geldiğince
as you can see
gördüğünüz üzere
as you can see
göreceğiniz üzere
can i help you
sana yardım edebilirmiyim
can i help you
yardımcı olabilir miyim
can i help you
size yardım edebilirmiyim
can you dig it?
(deyim) anlıyor musun?
can you fill in this form
bu formu doldururmusunuz
can you hear me
beni duyabiliyor musun
can't take my eyes off you
gözlerimi senden alamıyorum
can't you see
don't bite off more than you can chew
(deyim) boyundan büyük işlere kalkışma
if you can
if you can
Can you drop by tonight?
Bu gece bize uğrar misin?
Don't bite off more than you can chew
(Atasözü) Çiğneyebileceğinden fazlasını ısırma
If you don´t like it you can lump it
k. dili Beğensen de bir, beğenmesen de
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
(Atasözü) Bugünün işini yarına bırakma
They both talk so much you can´t get a word in edgewise
k. dili Her ikisi o kadar çok konuşuyor ki senin konuşmana hiç fırsat kalmıyor
can i help you?
sana yardımcı olabilirim?
can you
-ebilmek sen
can you please
mutlu muşun
can you replace the battery
Pili değiştirebilirsiniz
can you spell it
Heceler muşun
can ı help you
Sana yardım edebilirim
how can i help you
size nasıl yardımcı olabilirim?
now can you move right to the beat
şimdi ritme göre hareket edebilir mısın
what can I do for you
sizin için ne yapabilirim
Can you drop by
Bu gece bize uğrar mısın?
can you check it for me
benim için kontrol eder misiniz
can you check my size
benim boyum var mı
can you cut a little more off the back
arkamı biraz daha kısaltır mısınız
can you cut a little more off the front
önümü biraz daha kısaltır mısınız
can you cut a little more off the neck
ensemi biraz daha kısaltır mısınız
can you cut a little more off the sides
yanları biraz daha kısaltır mısınız
can you cut a little more off the top
tepemi biraz daha kısaltır mısınız
can you dial for me
benim için arar mısınız
can you drop me off downtown
beni şehir merkezine bırakabilir misiniz
can you fix my dentures
protezlerimi onarabilir misiniz
can you fix the zipper
fermuar tamir edebilir misiniz
can you fix this
tamir edebilir misiniz
can you get this stain out
bu lekeyi çıkartabilir misiniz
can you give me a better price
daha uygun bir fiyat verebilir misiniz
can you give me a cash discount
nakit indirimi verebilir misiniz
can you give me a cash discount
(isim)kit indirimi verebilir misiniz
can you give me a hand
yardımcı olur musunuz
can you give me a receipt
fiş verebilir misiniz
can you give me change for five pounds
beş pound için bozuk para verir misiniz
can you give me something to stop the pain
ağrımı dindirecek bir şey verebilir misiniz
can you heat this up
bunu ısıtır mısınız
can you keep this baggage for me
bu valizi benim için saklar mısınız
can you leave your e mail address please
e mail adresinizi bırakır mısınız
can you lend me a bolt
cıvata ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a bulb
ampul ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a dime
siz bana bozuk para borç verebilir misiniz
can you lend me a flashlight
fener ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a hammer
çekiç ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a jack
kriko ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a screwdriver
tornavida ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me a wrench
İngiliz anahtarı ödünç verir misiniz
can you lend me pliers
kerpeten ödünç verir misiniz
can you lengthen this
bunu uzatabilir misiniz
can you make a new setting
yeni çerçeve yapabilir misiniz
can you make reservations for me
benim için rezervasyon yaptırabilir misiniz
can you make up this prescription for me
bu reçeteyi benim için hazırlar mısınız
can you measure my neck
yakamı ölçer misiniz
can you measure my shoe size
ayakkabı numaramı ölçer misiniz
can you measure my sleeve length
kol boyumu ölçer misiniz
can you order my size for me
benim boyum sipariş edebilir misiniz
can you patch this hole
bu deliğe yama yapabilir misiniz
can you please gift wrap this for me
bunu hediye paketi yapar mısınız
can you please let my family know
aileme haber verir misiniz
can you press these pants while i wait
ben beklerken bu pantolonları ütüler misiniz
can you recommend a ballet
bale tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a boat trip
boat turu tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a concert
konser tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good bar
İyi bir bar tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good beer
İyi bir bira tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good brandy
İyi bir brendi tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good camera
İyi bir kamera tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good cognac
İyi bir konyak tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good dvd player
İyi bir dvd player tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good place to eat
yemek yiyecek güzel bir yer tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good restaurant
İyi bir restoran tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good sherry
İyi bir şeri tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good video recorder
İyi bir video teyp tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good vodka
İyi bir votka tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a good wine
İyi bir şarap tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a guide
rehber tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a movie
sinema tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend a sightseeing tour
gezi turu tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend an excursion
gezinti tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend an opera
opera tavsiye edebilir misiniz
can you recommend another hotel
başka bir otel tavsiye eder misiniz
can you remove this stain
bu lekeyi çıkartabilir misiniz
can you repair the car
arabayı tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair these boots
bu botları tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair these shoes
bu ayakkabıyı tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair this camera
bu fotoğraf makinesini tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair this clock
bu saati tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair this watch
bu kol saatini tamir edebilir misiniz
can you repair this while i wait
ben beklerken tamir edebilir misiniz
can you replace the battery
pilini değiştirir misiniz
can you send a mechanic
tamirci yollar mısınız
can you send a tow truck
kurtarıcı yollar mısınız
can you send it
gönderebilir misiniz
can you send it to this address in the usa
bunu amerika'daki bu adrese gönderir misiniz
can you sew it back on
yeniden dikebilir misiniz
can you sew these buttons on
bu düğmeleri diker misiniz
can you shorten this
bunu kısaltabilir misiniz
can you show me where i am on the map
bu haritada nerede olduğumu gösterir misiniz
can you swim
yüzebiliyor musunuz
can you talk for me
benim için konuşur musunuz
can you translate it into english
bunu İngilizce'ye çevirir misiniz
can you wait
bekleyebilir misiniz
hi, can i help you
how can i help you
size nasıl yardım edebilirim
i can not see you
seni göremiyorum
let me see if you can.!
hodri meydan
we can fix it while you wait
siz beklerken tamir edebiliriz
we can order it for you
sizin için sipariş edebiliriz
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف you can في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
You can show someone how to do something, but you can't make them do it
you can say that again
That is very true
you can talk
used when someone receives criticism for something by someone else who is guilty of the same thing
you can't always get what you want
It is not always possible to get what is wanted
you can't fight city hall
Nothing can be done to change the situation, because it is a governmental decision

I see they're going to build the airport after all. I suppose you can't fight city hall.

you can't get a quart into a pint pot
Expression said to indicate that what is being discussed is not possible

They've asked me to get to New York by five o'clock, but you can't get a quart into a pint pot!.

you can't judge a book by its cover
It is not possible to make reliable judgments about things or people by considering external appearances alone
you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
It is not possible to produce something refined, admirable, or valuable from something which is unrefined, unpleasant, or of little or no value
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
In order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that something should be destroyed
you can't polish a turd
Something inherently bad cannot be improved
you can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
You can't have it both ways
you can't say fairer than that
That is good, reasonable, or fair; one cannot hope for a better decision or outcome
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
It is almost impossible to change people's habits or traits or mindset
you can't tell a book by its cover
Alternative form of you can't judge a book by its cover
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
(Atasözü) You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuasion and flattery than by hostile confrontation
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
(deyim) you can give someone the opportunity to do something, but you cannot force them to do it
you can say that again
Very true; I agree entirely
you can say that again
Used to show that you completely agree with what someone has said
you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have or do two things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time

You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.

you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have in one's possession something and be able to use or exploit it; to have it both ways. (Usually stated in the negative)
you can never know
one never knows what the future holds him, life certainly holds a lot of surprises
you can see for yourself
you can see with your own two eyes, you can see the truth for yourself, you understand, it's obvious, there is no doubt
you can't always get what you want
one must make a distinction between what one desires and what one already has
you can't fit a round peg in a square hole
you can't force a person into roles for which he/she is not suited
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
it is difficult to gain something significant without causing any unpleasant impacts, you must give up something to achieve something
you can't miss it
you will find it easily
you can't say a without saying b
of course, its clear that, it is understood that
Offering unlimited service for a fixed price per time period

Nokia has unveiled its all-you-can-eat Comes With Music package for the United Kingdom.

Offering unlimited food to a diner at a restaurant for a fixed price for as long as he or she continues to eat

JT's serves all-you-can-eat prime rib on Wednesday nights for $18.99.

before you can say Jack Robinson
Very quickly. Quicker than you expect

You have to be careful in that area. They'll have your wallet before you can say Jack Robinson.

can I buy you a drink
Indicates the speaker wishes to buy the interlocutor a drink, in a bar
can you tell us
A prefix indicating a polite request

Can you tell us how you will motivate your students to learn?.

how can you sleep at night
A rhetorical question, used to tell someone that they should feel guilty about something
if you can't beat them, join them
If your adversaries are stronger than yourself, it is better to join the adversaries
if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen
If you cannot handle the pressure, you should not be in a position where you have to deal with it
more than you can shake a stick at
Alternative form of more than one can shake a stick at
can I help you
may I assist you, can I do something to help
how i can help you
see: how can i help you
Brother can you spare a dime
the title of a song written about the Great Depression of the 1930s in the US. In the song, a man who had been rich and respected before the Depression asks people to give him money, as he is now poor
Fast As you Can
F.A.C., term used in trade and shipping (relating to a delivery to be shipped quickly)
if you can't beat 'em join 'em
if you are unable to defeat them then work with them
if you can't beat them join them
if you are unable to defeat them then work with them
you never can tell
it's impossible to know for sure
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف you can في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

inan olmaz. You can't have any faith
in (someone, something): Mücteba'nın laflarına inan olmaz. You can't have any faith in what Mücteba says
naneye bak! Just look at what he's done!/Can you believe he's done this?
(said of someone who's committed a big gaffe, done something quite brazen, botched something up, etc.)
you can


    you Can

    التركية النطق

    yu kın


    /ˈyo͞o kən/ /ˈjuː kən/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'yü, y& also y ] (pronoun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English Eow, dat. & accus. of gE you; akin to Old High German iu, dative of ir you, Sanskrit yuyam you.


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