A corrupt form of "dey-ery," Middle English deierie and deyyerye, from deye, a dairymaid "The dey or farm-woman entered with her pitchers, to deliver the milk for the family " - Scott: Fair Maid of Perth, chap xxxii Dais The raised floor at the head of a dining-room, designed for guests of distinction (French, dais, a canopy) So called because it used to be decorated with a canopy The (Atasözü) "Sous le dais" means "in the midst of grandeur "
Dairy is used to refer to the use of cattle to produce milk rather than meat. a small vegetable and dairy farm. the feeding of dairy cows
having to do with milk and milk products, as in: Our best customer sells dairy products
A dairy is a shop or company that sells milk and food made from milk, such as butter, cream, and cheese