
listen to the pronunciation of x-axis
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Bilgisayar) yatay eksen
x koordinatı
x ekseni

Dünya kendi ekseninde döndüğü için Güneş gökyüzü boyunca hareket ediyor gibi görünüyor. - The Sun appears to move across the sky because the Earth rotates on its axis.

Satürn kendi ekseni üzerinde çok hızlı dönen çok büyük bir gaz gezegendir. - Saturn is a very large gas planet which spins very rapidly on its axis.

{i} mihver

2. Dünya Savaşı'nda hangi ülkeler Mihver Güçlerini kurdular? - What countries formed the Axis Powers in World War II?

spin axis
Dönüş ekseni
(Tıp) İkinci boyun fıkrası, aks kemiği, eksen kemik (ikinci omur), aksis
y axis
y ekseni
(Denizbilim) kon
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sap ya da filiz
(Tıp) aksis
(Bilgisayar) dal
orta çizgi
axis of attack
(Askeri) taarruz mihveri
axis of bore
(Askeri) namlu ekseni
bond axis
(Kimya) bağ ekseni
child axis
(Bilgisayar) alt dal
flood axis
(Tarım) taşkın ekseni
fold axis
(Jeoloji) kıvrım ekseni
major axis
büyük eksen
number axis
(Matematik) sayı ekseni
offset dam axis
baraj aksında oynama
offset dam axis
baraj aksında sapma
plot on x axis
(Bilgisayar) x ekseni üzerinde çiz
real axis
(Matematik) gerçel eksen
reference axis
referans hattı
shell axis
kabuk ekseni
signal axis
(Askeri) muhabere mihveri
transverse axis
(Matematik) asal eksen
wheel axis
(Otomotiv) tekerlek ekseni
axis bearing
dingil yatağı
axis of abscissa
apsis ekseni
axis of equator
ekvator ekseni
axis of inertia
atalet ekseni
axis of revolution
dönme ekseni
axis of rotation
dönüş ekseni
axis of rotation
dönme ekseni
axis of symmetry
simetri ekseni
axis of the bore
namlu ekseni
axis of the earth
yer ekseni
axis of the ordinate
ordinat ekseni
axis of trunnions
muylu ekseni
axis pressure
dingil basıncı
body axis
vücut ekseni
cerebrospinal axis
beyin-omurilik ekseni
conjugate axis
eşlenik eksen
coordinate axis
koordinat ekseni
crystallographic axis
kristal ekseni
earth's axis
yer ekseni
electrical axis
elektrik ekseni
imaginary axis
sanal eksen
magnetic axis
manyetik eksen
major axis
ana eksen
neutral axis
nötr eksen
optic axis
optik eksen
optic axis
ışık ekseni
polar axis
kutup ekseni
principal axis
asal eksen
radical axis
kuvvet ekseni
radical axis
köklü ekseni
rotation axis
dönme ekseni
twin axis
ikiz eksen
visual axis
görme ekseni
x axis
x ekseni
z axis
z ekseni
zonal axis
bölgesel eksen
axis deer
eksen geyik
axis friction
dingil sürtünmesi
axis of abscissas
apsis ekseni, yatay konaç ekseni
axis of evil
(Politika Siyaset) Şer ekseni
axis of evil
ekseni kötü
axis power
eksen güç
axis powers
Mihver Devletleri
axis shift
Eksen kayması

Maybe this means an axis shift in “European values.”.

axis to
axis translation line
eksen kaydırma çizgisi
centre of gravity axis
ağırlık eksen merkezi
crystal axis
kristal ekseni
minor axis
küçük eksen
off axis
eksen off
off-axis point
eksen dışında kalan nokta
pitch axis
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Yunuslama ekseni, uçağın bir kanat ucundan diğer kanat ucuna doğru olan ekseni
power axis
(Politika Siyaset) Güç ekseni

The new power axis will affect many Middle Eastern countries within 20 years.

rake axis
(Mühendislik) Yatım ekseni
roll axis
tono ekseni, yatış ekseni
rotational axis
dönme ekseni
semantic axis
anlam ekseni
semi axis
yarı ekseni
semimajor axis
semimajor eksen
strike axis
(Mühendislik) Dalım ekseni
transverse axis
enine mihver
vertical (y) axis
dikey (y) ekseni
yaw axis
yaw eksen
anticlinal axis
antiklinal ekseni
{ç} ax.es (äk'siz)

Uranüs, ekseninde çok fazla yana yatar öyle ki yan tarafı etrafında döner. Bu yüzden, kutupları bazen neredeyse direk güneşi işaret eder. - Uranus tilts over so far on its axis that it rotates on its side. Because of this, its poles are sometimes pointed almost directly at the Sun.

Dünya kutup ekseninde döner. - Earth rotates on its polar axis.

{i} uyuşma
axis friction mihver sürtünmesi
(Anatomi) (epistropheus) eksen; ikinci boyun omuru
axis bearing dingil yatağı
(Askeri) EKSEN; MİHVER: Üzerinde hareket ve intikallerin, muharebe vesairenin cereyan ettiği belli başlı hat. Bir muharebe sisteminin merkezinden geçen istikamet, o sistemin eksenidir
(Tekstil) aks ( mil )
axis pressure dingil basıncı
dönüm ekseni magneti
{i} anlaşma
axis of rotation deveran mihveri
axis actions
(Bilgisayar) eksen eylemleri
axis armies
(Askeri) mihver orduları
axis calendar
(Bilgisayar) geometrik tasarımlı takvim
axis catalog
(Bilgisayar) geometrik tasarımlı katalog
axis envelope
(Bilgisayar) geometrik tasarımlı zarf
axis grid line
eksen izgara cizgileri
axis grid lines
eksen ızgara çizgileri
axis gridlines
Eksen Kılavuz Çizgileri
axis of advance
(Askeri) İLERLEME EKSENİ (MİHVERİ): Kontrol amacıyla tayin edilmiş, düşman yönünde uzanan ve genellikle bir yol veya yollar grubundan ya da belirli bir mevkiler dizisinden oluşan bir ilerleme hattı
axis of advance
(Askeri) İlerleme mihveri
axis of bore
(Askeri) NAMLU EKSENİ: Bir namlu boşluğunun tam merkezinden geçtiği kabul edilen hayali hat
axis of control
(Askeri) KONTROL EKSENİ: Bir otomatik uçuş kontrol sisteminde, sistemin uçağı belirli bir uçuş düzleminde tutan kısmı
axis of dam
baraj ekseni
axis of evacuation
(Askeri) TAHLİYE EKSENİ; TAHLİYE MİHVERİ: Üzerinde personel veya malzemenin geriye tahliye olunduğu yol veya yollar
axis of folding
kıvrımlanma ekseni
axis of movement
(Askeri) HAREKET EKSENİ; HAREKET MİHVERİ: Kıtaların cephe istikametinde veya geriye doğru hareket ettikleri hat
axis of sighting
(Askeri) OPTİK EKSEN; NİŞAN EKSENİ: Bir silahın nişangahından veya bir dürbünlü aletteki merceklerin optik merkezinden ve dışbükey merkezinden geçen hat
axis of signal communication
(Askeri) MUHABERE EKSENİ; MUHABERE MİHVERİ: Kıta intikalleri sırasında, bir birliğe ait komuta yerinin ilk bulunduğu yer ile daha sonra intikal edeceği yerlerin üzerinde bulundukları yol veya hat. Muhabere mihveri, muharebe sahasında bulunan birliklere gönderilen ve bunlardan gelen haberlerin gidip geldiği esas yol
axis of supply
(Askeri) İkmal mihveri
axis of supply
(Askeri) İKMAL MİHVERİ: İkmal maddelerinin ileriye gönderildikleri yol veya istikamet
axis of supply and evacuation
(Askeri) ikmal ve tahliye mihveri
axis of supply and evacuation
(Askeri) İKMAL VE TAHLİYE MİHVERİ: Muharebe sahasında ikmal maddelerinin ileriye gönderildikleri ve ilerdeki malzeme ve personelin geriye tahliye edildikleri yol veya yollar
axis of trunnions
(Askeri) MUYLU EKSENİ: Atış menzilini küçültmek veya büyültmek maksadıyla, bir silahın, üzerinde yüksekliğine hareket ettirildiği eksen
axis policy
(Politika, Siyaset) mihver politikası
axis range
eksen yayılma alanı
axis refund
(Bilgisayar) geometrik tasarımlı iadesi
axis statement
(Bilgisayar) geometrik tasarımlı ekstresi
axis title
eksen başlığı
beam axis
(Nükleer Bilimler) demet ekseni
bending axis
eğilme aksı
bending axis
eğilme mihveri
camera axis
(Askeri) KAMERA EKSENİ: Merceklerin optik merkezlerinden negatif fotoğraf düzlemine dikey olarak çizilen hayali bir hat
camera axis direction
(Askeri) KAMERA EKSENİ YÖNÜ: Poz zamanında kameranın optik ekseninin yatay düzey üzerindeki yönü. Bu yön, doğru/manyetik kuzeyde ilişkili derecelerle ifade olunan onun azimutlarıyla tanımlanmaktadır
category axis
Kategori Ekseni
category axis scale
Kategori Ekseni Ölçeği
category x axis
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni
category x axis labels
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni etiketleri
category x axis scale
(Bilgisayar) x kategori ekseni ölçeği
command axis
(Askeri) EMİR VE KOMUTA MİHVERİ: Bir karargahın üzerinde hareket ve intikal ettiği hat
conjugate axis
(Matematik) yedek eksen
coordinate axis
(Matematik) konaç ekseni
crossing axis
(Bilgisayar) kesişen eksenler
definite axis
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sınırlı eksen
dial axis
kadran eksen
fabric axis
(Jeoloji) fabrik ekseni
format axis
(Bilgisayar) eksenleri biçimlendir
format axis
(Bilgisayar) ekseni biçimlendir
format axis
(Bilgisayar) ekseni biçimle
fuselage axis
(Havacılık) gövde ekseni
grain axis
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) eksenel tohum
gyro axis
(Havacılık) cayro ekseni
horizontal axis
yatay mihver
horizontal axis
yatay aks
indefinite axis
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sınırsız eksen
input axis
(Havacılık) veri ekseni
lentil axis
(Fotoğrafçılık) mercek ekseni
longitudinal axis
boyuna aks
main axis
ana eksen
main chart axis
Ana Grafik Ekseni
major axis of ellipse
elipsin büyük ekseni
major axis of ellipse
elipsin büyük çapı
minor axis ol ellipse
elipsin küçük çapı
minor axis ol ellipse
elipsin küçük ekseni
moment axis
moment ekseni
multiple axis chart
çok eksenli çizim
neutral axis
yansız eksen
neutral axis
(isim)tr eksen, sıfır çizgisi
neutral axis
sıfır çizgisi
neutral axis
tarafsız eksen
next to axis
(Bilgisayar) eksen yanında
next to axis
Eksen bitişik
oblique axis
verev aks
oblique axis
verev eksen
optic axis
(Fizik) görüş ekseni
optic axis
(Anatomi) görme ekseni
optical axis
(Askeri) OPTİK EKSEN: Bir mercekte mercek yüzeylerinin eğiklik merkezlerinden geçen doğru hat. Bir optik sistemde bir dizi optik unsurun ana eksenlerinin birleşmesiyle oluşan doğru
overlay chart axis
Yardımcı Grafik Ekseni
pitch axis
yunuslama ekseni
polar axis
ucay ekseni
primary axis
birincil eksen
principal axis
(Kimya) baş eksen
principal axis
esas eksen
principal axis of inertia
eylemsizlik asal ekseni
principal axis of inertia
atalet asal eksenleri
principal axis of inertia
eylemsizlik asal eksenleri
principal axis of inertia
atalet asal ekseni
propeller axis
(Havacılık) pervane ekseni
radical axis
(Matematik) radikal ekseni
roll axis
(Havacılık) yatış ekseni
roll axis
(Havacılık) tono ekseni
secondary axis
ikincil eksen
secondary axis
(Fotoğrafçılık) tali eksen
selected axis
(Bilgisayar) seçili eksen
selected axis title
(Bilgisayar) seçili eksen başlığı
series axis
(Bilgisayar) seri ekseni
series y axis
(Bilgisayar) y seri ekseni
series y axis
(Bilgisayar) seri y ekseni
signal axis
(Askeri) MUHABERE MİHVERİ: Üzerinde, kıta intikali süresince bir birliğin ilk ve muhtemel müteakip komuta yerlerinin bulunduğu hat veya yol. Arazide, muharebe birliklerini ve muharebe birliklerinden geriye mesajların gönderildiği ana yol
split axis
(Bilgisayar) eksenleri bölme
split axis
(Bilgisayar) eksenleri böl
symmetric axis
simetrik eksen
symmetry axis
bakışım ekseni
synclinal axis
senklinal ekseni
target axis
(Bilgisayar) hedef akslar
text axis
(Bilgisayar) metin ekseni
text axis
(Bilgisayar) metinekseni
turning axis
rotasyon ekseni
turning axis
dönme ekseni
twin axis
ikiz ekseni
value axis
Değer Ekseni
التركية - التركية

تعريف x-axis في التركية التركية القاموس.

Uzunluğu ölçümü veya konumların tesbiti için başvurulan sabit bir hat
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The axis on a graph that is usually drawn left to right and usually shows the range of values of an independent variable
the horizontal number line
A co-ordinate relating to the orientation and movement of a symbol on a conveyor or transport system The x-axis is parallel to and in the same direction as the movement of the conveyor or transport system The deviation from the x-axis is referred to as pitch, or roll
The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane
the horizontal axis of a line (or bar) graph
the horizontal axis in a plane coordinate system
contains markers denoting category values
Horixontal axis of a chart See sample graph
(n ) The horizontal axis in the Cartesian coordinates system Although coordinate systems can be moved and their orientations altered, the x-axis is always perpendicular to the y-axis See also z-axis
In composite laminates, an axis in the plane of the laminate which is used as the 0 degree reference for designating the angle of a lamina
The longitudinal axis around which a vehicle structure rolls from side to side
Usually, the axis in the plane of the laminate used as 0° reference Typically, the y-axis is the axis in the plane of the laminate perpendicular to the x-axis, and the z-axis is the reference axis normal to the laminate plane in the composite laminate (See also laminate coordinate axes, off-axis laminate and principal axis ) back to top
horizontal axis (Mathematics)
The axis in the plane of the laminate used as 0° reference The Y-Axis is the axis in the plane of the laminate perpendicular to the X-Axis The Z-Axis is the reference axis normal to the laminate plane in composite laminates
The first axis of registration on the PRECO punch press This is the feed direction of the material
The alliance group before and during World War II consisting of Germany, Italy, Japan, and allied countries. "Axis" itself refers to a straight line around which something rotates. For instance the imaginary line from Germany to Italy, or the imaginary line around which the earth rotates
Axis Powers
The fascist alliance between mainly Germany, Italy, Japan, and a few other countries, during World War II, against the Allies
The second cervical vertebra of the spine
A fixed one-dimensional figure, such as a line or arc, with an origin and orientation and such that its points are in one-to-one correspondence with a set of numbers; an axis forms part of the basis of a space or is used to position and locate data in a graph (a coordinate axis)
Axis axis, a deer native to Asia
An imaginary line around which an object spins (an axis of rotation) or is symmetrically arranged (an axis of symmetry)

The Earth rotates once a day on its axis.

axis of evil
A preferential axis which may have shaped the development of the universe, sometimes abbreviated AOE
axis of evil
A group of states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction, originally defined as including Iran, Iraq, and North Korea
axis of rotation
the axis about which any body rotates
axis of rotation
the line joining the North Pole and South Pole about which the Earth rotates daily
axis of symmetry
Any of one or more lines about which a geometric figure is symmetric
imaginary axis
The vertical line in the complex plane, every point on which corresponds to a complex number having zero real component
major axis
The diameter of a circle
major axis
The longest diameter of an ellipse, running through the center and foci, with its ends being the widest points of the shape
radical axis
The line containing the locus of points from which the segments respectively tangent to two given circles have equal length
real axis
The horizontal line in the complex plane, every point on which corresponds to a real number
semimajor axis
Half of the major axis of a circle or ellipse
semimajor axis
Half of the distances between the two branches of a hyperbola
The axis on a graph that is usually drawn from bottom to top and usually shows the range of values of variable dependent on one other variable, or the second of two independent variables
: The axis on a graph that is usually drawn as if vertical and usually shows the range of values of a variable dependent on two other variables
An axis is an imaginary line through the middle of something
{n} the line on which any thing revolves
axis of evil
(Politika Siyaset) "Axis of evil" is a term initially used by the former United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 and often repeated throughout his presidency, describing governments that he accused of helping terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. Bush labeled Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the axis of evil
axis of evil
The term Axis of evil was used by United States President George W. Bush in his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002 to describe governments that he accused of sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. Bush named Iraq, Iran, and North Korea in his speech
long axis
(Tıp, İlaç) A line parallel to an object lengthwise, as in the body the imaginary line that runs vertically through the head down to the space between the feet
The alliance group before and during World War II consisting of Germany, Italy, Japan, and allied countries
{i} Axis Powers, military forces that fought against the Allies during World War II (Japan, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania)
Axis Powers
Coalition headed by Germany, Italy, and Japan that opposed the Allied Powers in World War II. The alliance originated in a series of agreements between Germany and Italy, followed in 1936 by the Rome-Berlin Axis declaration and the German-Japanese Anti-Comintern Pact. The connection was strengthened by the formal Pact of Steel (1939) between Germany and Italy and by the Tripartite Pact signed by all three powers in 1940. Several other countries, including Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Slovakia, later allied themselves with the original Axis Powers
Axis Powers
{i} military forces that fought against the Allies during World War II (Japan, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania)
The x-axis
(1) a straight line, real or imaginary that passes through a body and about which the body may or actually does rotate; (2) geometric guidelines used to place a coordinate that determines knife or tool paths for plotters and routers
(plural = axes) In astronomy, the imaginary line through the poles about which a body (planet, star, moon, etc ) rotates
An imaginary line around which the elements of a painting, sculpture or building are organized; the direction and focus of these elements establishes the axis
is an implied line which runs through a work, usually the center, to which other elements in the work refer; an implied division of space producing balance and movement of pictorial elements
central lobe running the length of the trilobite body; the glabella is the main expression of the cephalic axis
n a straight line about which an object rotates
(gen) An imaginary line passing through the center of a body, about which the body rotates (Plural: axes)
An imaginary line about which the Earth spins every 24 hours
An imaginary line running through the center of a shaft on which a bearing is mounted
The stem; the central part, or longitudinal support, on which organs or parts are arranged; the central line of any body
the center around which something rotates the 2nd cervical vertebra; serves as a pivot for turning the head a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936 which later included Japan and other nations; "the Axis opposed the Allies in World War II"
a line through the center of an object, around which it rotates when spinning
An imaginary line through the centre of a planet or satellite around which it rotates
An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates
The axis is an imaginary alignment line upon which a fraction line is centered Often, operators as well as characters that can stretch, such as parentheses, brackets, braces, summation signs etc, are centered on the axis, and are symmetric with respect to it
in World War II the alliance of Germany and Italy in 1936 which later included Japan and other nations; "the Axis opposed the Allies in World War II"
A straight line (in the case of a pendulum, the centre line)
The second vertebra of the neck, or vertebra dentata
The real or imaginary straight line on which a letterform rotates
Also used of the body only of the vertebra, which is prolonged anteriorly within the foramen of the first vertebra or atlas, so as to form the odontoid process or peg which serves as a pivot for the atlas and head to turn upon
The imaginary line on which a planet seems to rotate
(1) A line about which a figure is symmetrical (2) One of the fixed reference lines used in a graph or a coordinate system (3) A line about which a curve or body rotates or revolves (4) The line of intersection of two or more coaxial planes
The spotted deer (Cervus axis or Axis maculata) of India, where it is called hog deer and parrah (Moorish name)
the main stem or central part about which plant organs or plant parts such as branches are arranged
the axis of a cone, that is, the straight line joining the vertex and the center of the base; the axis of a circle, any straight line passing through the center
Also known as the poles, this is an imaginary line through the center of rotation of an object
a straight line through a body or figure that satisfies certain conditions
A straight line through the center of a plane figure or solid, around which the parts are symmetrically arranged The plural form of axis is axes and is pronounced ak-seez
a group of countries in special alliance
(1) A line about which the Earth or a globe rotates (2) In respect to a spherical coordinate system, the line to which directions are related and from which angles are measured (3) Also, a line along which measurements are made in order to determine the coordinates of a location
the 2nd cervical vertebra; serves as a pivot for turning the head
A straight line with respect to which the different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged; as, the axis of a cylinder, i
the center around which something rotates
A straight line around which a body, such as the Earth or Moon, rotates
One of several imaginary lines, assumed in describing the position of the planes by which a crystal is bounded
A line around which a device operates Example: In a microphone, this would be an imaginary line coming out from the front of the microphone in the direction of motion of the diaphragm
a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate; a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical -- called also axis of symmetry; one of the reference lines of a coordinate system
The line around which a body rotates
{i} straight line around which an object turns
A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body, on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line passing through a body or system around which the parts are symmetrically arranged
The straight line, through the poles about which a body rotates
An axis of a graph is one of the two lines on which the scales of measurement are marked. the countries, including Germany, Italy, and Japan, who fought together during World War II against the allies
The primary or secondary central line of any design
axis deer
A deer (Axis axis) of central Asia, having a brown coat with white spots
axis of advance
route by which military forces move forward
axis of attack
route by which military forces attack the enemy
axis of evacuation
route of withdrawal or departure
axis of rotation
straight line around which something turns
axis of supply
route by which equipment and supplies are transported to an army
axis of symmetry
imaginary line which divides a figure into two equal parts
centroidal axis
central axis
coordinate axis
one of the fixed reference lines of a coordinate system
lateral axis
(Military) route running parallel to the front by which troops are transported from one location to another
longitudinal axis
route connecting friendly forces and enemy forces (runs perpendicular to the front)
major axis
The longer of the two lines about which an ellipse is symmetrical; the axis that passes through both focuses of an ellipse
major axis
the longest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid; passes through the two foci
minor axis
the shorter or shortest axis of an ellipse or ellipsoid
neutral axis
An axis of a figure, a circle or a sphere, which is indistinct from any other axis of the figure; an imaginary line in the cross section of a beam, shaft, or the like along which no stresses occur
neutral axis
the internal axis of a member in bending along which the strain is zero; on one side of the neutral axis the fibers are in tension, on the other side the fibers are in compression
neutral axis
The axis along which stress = 0
neutral axis
The surface in a member where the stresses change from compression to tension, i e , represents zero strain and therefore zero stress The neutral axis is perpendicular to the line of applied force
Any direction in space that does not correspond to an antenna's boresight direction
Refers to an audio source that is not directly in front of a transducer, especially a microphone This results in off-axis coloration; a distortion or change in the frequency response of the reproduced audio signal Often this coloration is put to good use For example, many engineers intentionally set up mics on guitar amps so that they are slightly off axis to control the amount of high frequencies captured A microphone will generally produce the "truest" results if it is used on-axis (oriented directly in front of the sound source)
- Off center or not directly in the path of In loudspeaker terms, a speaker is off axis when the center of the loudspeaker is not aimed directly at the listener Most factory automotive speaker locations are off axis and due to this fact, MB Quart automotive loudspeakers are designed for off axis applications
oil axis
way that the oil flows, direction of oil flow
optic axis
An optical path through a crystal along which a ray of light can pass without undergoing double refraction
polar axis
The fixed reference axis from which the polar angle is measured in a polar coordinate system
principal axis
main axis, chief axis
principal axis
(1) A line drawn through the center of curvature and the vertex of a curved mirror (2) A line drawn through the center of curvature and the optical center of a lens
principal axis
Line connecting center of curvature of spherical mirror with its geometric vertex Line perpendicular to plane of lens passing through its center
principal axis
a line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted
semimajor axis
one-half the major axis of an ellipse; the distance from the center of an ellipse to one end
semimajor axis
One half of the major axis of an ellipse
semimajor axis
One-half of the longest dimension of an ellipse
semimajor axis
The semimajor axis of an ellipse is half of the maximum diameter
semimajor axis
semi = [Latin] half; maior = [Latin] great; axis = [Latin] axis The semimajor axis is one of the orbital elements that determine the shape and orientation of a simple orbit in space It is a measure for the size of the orbit of a celestial object For an ellipse, it is equal to one half of the length of the longest axis of the ellipse For a circle, it is equal to the radius of the circle For an object orbiting around a much heavier object (such as a planet or spacecraft around the Sun, or a moon or spacecraft around a planet), the semimajor axis of the orbit is equal to the average of the smallest and the largest distance between the light and the heavy objects
semimajor axis
half of the longest axis of an ellipse
semimajor axis
semi = [Latin] half The semimajor axis is one of the orbital elements that determine the shape and orientation of a simple orbit in space It is a measure for the size of the orbit of a celestial object For an ellipse, it is equal to one half of the length of the longest axis of the ellipse For a circle, it is equal to the radius of the circle For an object orbiting around a much heavier object (such as a planet or spacecraft around the Sun, or a moon or spacecraft around a planet), the semimajor axis of the orbit is equal to the average of the smallest and the largest distance between the light and the heavy objects
semimajor axis
a property of an ellipse, giving its width measured along the line connecting its two foci The semi-major axis of an orbital ellipse is one of the "orbital elements" characterizing it, and is directly related to the energy of the motion
semimajor axis
a property of an ellipse, equal to half its greatest width, as measured along the line connecting its two foci The semi-major axis of an orbital ellipse is one of the "orbital elements" characterizing it, and is directly related to the energy of the motion
semimajor axis
One-half of the major axis or an ellipse
semimajor axis
One-half the longest diameter of an ellipse
semimajor axis
Half the major axis of an ellipse For a planetary orbit, it represents the body's average distance from the Sun
semiminor axis
one-half the minor axis of an ellipse
steering-axis inclination
(Otomotiv) An alignment adjustment that allows the steering wheel to return to the straight-ahead position when the car comes out of a turn
In composite laminates, the axis in the plane of the laminate which is perpendicular to the x-axis
the vertical axis of a line or bar graph
The left vertical axis of a chart Used to plot values against corresponding X-axis (Horizontal) values See sample graph
The second axis of registration on the PRECO punch press This is the axis that runs across the web or strip - 90 degrees to the X-Axis
The axis that points directly up from an object
the vertical number line
Conventionally, the axis perpendicular to and in the horizontal plane through the x-axis of any type of graph
the vertical axis in a plane coordinate system
A co-ordinate relating to the orientation and movement of a symbol on a conveyor or transport system The y-axis is perpendicular to the movement and plane of the conveyor or transport system The deviation from the y-axis is referred to as skew, or yaw
contains the value of data being plotted
The vertical axis in a coordinate plane
vertical axis (Mathematics)
the third axis in a 3-dimensional coordinate system
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف x-axis في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

mihver Devletleri the Axis Powers
(during the Second World War)



    ... And the collision that formed the moon leaves Earth tilted on its axis, ...
    ... tells you how many people there are and the vertical axis correspondence to age group. ...