weit (weg)

listen to the pronunciation of weit (weg)
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف weit (weg) في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.


İnsanlığı sevmek için uzaktan izlenebilir olmalıdır. - To love humanity, it must be viewed from afar.

Adacık uzaktan bir kaplumbağaya benziyordu. - The islet resembled a tortoise from afar.


Gezgin uzaktan bir ışık gördü ve sevindi. - The traveler saw a light from afar and rejoiced.

Onu zaten uzaktan görmüştüm. - I had already spotted him from afar.


Gezgin uzaktan bir ışık gördü ve sevindi. - The traveler saw a light from afar and rejoiced.

Uzaktan bakıldığında pek çok şey hoş görünecektir. - If you look from afar, most things will look nice.

ألمانية - الإنجليزية
At, to, or from a great distance; far away; — often used with from preceding, or off following; as, he was seen from afar; I saw him afar off
{a} at, to or from, a great distance, remotely
(old-fashioned) at or from or to a great distance; far; "we traveled afar"; "we could see the ship afar off"; "the Magi came from afar
At, to, or from a great distance; far away; often used with from preceding, or off following; as, he was seen from afar; I saw him afar off
Afar means a long way away. Seen from afar, its towering buildings beckon the visitor in. from afar from a long distance away (a- + far)
from far off; from a distance
At, to, or from a great distance; far away; - often used with from preceding, or off following; as, he was seen from afar; I saw him afar off
die, die nicht zu weit weg/abseits wohnen
those not living too far afield
nicht weit ab vom Weg
not far (away) from the path
weit weg
weit weg
far away
weit weg
a long way off
weit weg von
way off