
listen to the pronunciation of wali
الإنجليزية - التركية
Veli. Hayatını mücadelelerle ve azimet ve fevkalâde bir zühd ve takva ile ibadet ve taata sarfederek kendisinden Allah'ın (C.C.) izniyle gaybdan haber vermek ve gaybı ahvali keşfetmek gibi ilmî ve kevnî hârikalar zuhura gelen zât. Allah'a (C.C.) manevî yakınlık kesbetmiş olan şerif zât
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Man close to God, holy man, saint, person who is considered to have a special relationship with Allah
Governor general of a vilayet (q v )
Legal guardian of protector
An Islamic term for saint
Shah Wali Allah
born 1702/03, Delhi died 1762, Delhi Indian Islamic theologian. He received a traditional Islamic education, and after a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1732 he remained in the Hejaz to study theology. Living in a time of disillusionment following the death of Aurangzeb, he believed that Muslim polity could be restored only through religious reform that would harmonize Islam with India's changing social and economic conditions. He was steadfastly monotheistic but otherwise much more liberal than most Islamic theologians that had preceded him. His best-known work is The Secrets of Belief. His synthesis of theology, philosophy, and mysticism so reinvigorated Islam that it became prevalent among Islamic scholars in India until the 20th century