تعريف vulnerabilities في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.
(Askeri) ZAYIF (NOKTALAR) ZAYIF TARAFLAR, HASSAS NOKTALAR: Stratejik istihbaratta, yabancı bir milletin savaşta ve barışta harp potansiyelini azaltmak veya mücadele arzusunu kırmak maksadıyla her hangi bir şekilde yapılan harekete karşı gösterdiği hassasiyet
(Askeri) HASSASİYET: Doğal olmayan (insan yapısı) düşman bir ortamdaki belirli seviyelerdeki bazı etkilere maruz kalması neticesinde bir sistemin etkinliğinde belirli bir azalmaya neden olan (tayin edilmiş olduğu görevi yapamamak) özellik
defines the extent to which climate change may damage or harm a system It depends not only a systems sensitivity but also on its ability to adapt to new climatic conditions
The susceptibility of a population to a specific type of event Vulnerability is also associated with the degree of possible or potential loss from a risk that results from a hazard at a given intensity The factors that influence vulnerability include demographics, the age and resilience of the environment, technology, social differentiation and diversity, as well as regional and global economics and politics vulnerability analysis The assessment of an exposed populations' susceptibility to the adverse health effects of a particular hazard See also hazard; vulnerability
A weakness in information resource security policy, procedure, personnel, management, administration, hardware, software, physical layout, organization, or other factors affecting security that may allow harm to an information resource
Hardware, firmware, or software flow that leaves an AIS open for potential exploitation A weakness in automated system security procedures, administrative controls, physical layout, internal controls, and so forth, that could be exploited by a threat to gain unauthorized access to information or disrupt critical processing
1) A characteristic of a critical infrastructure's design, implementation, or operation of that renders it susceptible to destruction or incapacitation by a threat 2) A flaw in security procedures, software, internal system controls, or implementation of an IS that may affect the integrity, confidentiality, accountability, and/or availability of data or services Vulnerabilities include flaws that may be deliberately exploited and those that may cause failure due to inadvertent human actions or natural disasters
Short and precise definitions are given by [Schultz Jr et al 1990]: "A vulnerability is a feature or bug in a system or program which enables an attacker to bypass security measures " or [CERT 1993]: "an aspect of a system or network that leaves it open to attack"
A vulnerability is the existence of a weakness, design, or implementation error that can lead to an unexpected, undesirable event compromising the security of the system, network, application, or protocol involved
A design, implementation, or operation flaw that may be exploited by a threat; the flaw causes the computer system or application to operate in a fashion different from its published specifications, and to result in destruction or misuse of equipment or data
Any characteristic of a computer system that allows an individual to keep it from correctly operating, or that will allow unauthorized users take control of the system A design, administrative, or implementation weakness or flaw in hardware, firmware, or software If exploited, a vulnerability could lead to an unacceptable impact in the form of unauthorized access to information or disruption of critical processing
The extent to which climate change may damage or harm a system It depends not only on a system's sensitivity but also on its ability to adapt to new climatic conditions