
listen to the pronunciation of voluntary
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} gönüllü

Bu organizasyon gönüllü katkılara bağlıdır. - That organization depends on voluntary contributions.

ENERGY STAR, işletmelerin ve bireylerin tasarruf yapmasına ve üstün enerji verimliliği ile iklimimizi korumasına yardımcı olan bir ABD Çevre Koruma Ajansı gönüllü programıdır. - ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency.

{s} isteyerek yapılan
{s} fahri
{i} isteyerek yapılan şey
{s} 1. isteyerek yapılan, isteğe bağlı, kendiliğinden yapılan; ihtiyari: He made a voluntary confession of his crime. Suçunu kendiliğinden
{i} istemli hareket
(Kanun) karşılıksız
kendiliğinden yapılan
{s} istemli
(Kanun) ivazsız
isteğe bağlı

Bağışlar isteğe bağlıdır. - Donations are voluntary.

(Tıp) volonter
{s} kasıtlı
kilisede ayin başlamadan önce veya bittikten sonra org solosu
(Tıp) İradi, ihtiyari, istemli gönüllü
ihtiyari hareket
gönülden kopan
isteyerek yapılan, isteğe bağlı, kendiliğinden yapılan; ihtiyari: He made a voluntary confession of his crime. Suçunu kendiliğinden
kendi isteğiyle hareket eden
{s} özgür iradeli
bile bile yapılan
(Hukuk) gönüllü olarak
voluntary changes
ihtiyari değişiklikler
voluntary muscle
istemli kas
voluntary jurisdiction
ihtilafsiz yargı
voluntary saving
ihtiyari tasarruf
Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement
(Askeri) Gönüllü Deniz Nakliye Anlaşması
voluntary agency
gönüllü kuruluş
voluntary appellate petition
(Kanun) ihtiyari temyiz layihası
voluntary application
(Ticaret) gönüllü uygulama
voluntary arbitration
(Kanun) isteğe bağlı tahkim
voluntary area
(Ticaret) gönüllü alan
voluntary assignment
(Kanun) rızai temlik
voluntary association
(Kanun) gönüllü dernek
voluntary association
gönüllü kurumlar
voluntary association
hayır kurumları
voluntary ataxia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) iradi ataksi
voluntary ataxia
(Tıp) istemli ataksi
voluntary auction
(Kanun) ihtiyari müzayede
voluntary auction sale
(Ticaret) açık satış
voluntary certification
(Ticaret) ihtiyari belgelendirme
voluntary check off
(Ticaret) gönüllü kesintiler
voluntary checkoff
(Ticaret) ihtiyari kesinti
voluntary civic guards
(Askeri) gönüllü muhafızlar
voluntary confession
(Kanun) ihtiyari itiraf
voluntary control
(Tıp) istemli kontrol
voluntary control
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) iradi kontrol
voluntary debts
(Ticaret) ihtiyari borçlar
voluntary drunkenness
(Kanun) ihtiyari sarhoşluk
voluntary effort
isteyerek gösterilen çaba
voluntary employment
(Ticaret) iradi
voluntary evacuation
gönüllü tahliye
voluntary expenditure
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu masrafları
voluntary expenditure
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu harcamaları
voluntary implementation
(Ticaret) ihtiyari uygulama
voluntary insurance
isteğe bağlı sigortalılık
voluntary insurance
(Ticaret) ihtiyari sigorta
voluntary jurisdiction
(Kanun) ihtilafsız yargılama
voluntary liquidation
(Kanun,Ticaret) ihtiyari tasfiye
voluntary loans
(Ticaret) isteğe bağlı borçlar
voluntary man slaughter
(Kanun) bilerek adam öldürme
voluntary manslaughter
(Kanun) taammüden cana kast
voluntary manslaughter
kasten adam öldürme
voluntary manslaughter
(Kanun) kasten cinayet işleme
voluntary marking
ihtiyari standart
voluntary marking
(Ticaret) ihtiyari işaretleme
voluntary muscle
(Diş Hekimliği) kontrolu ve kullanımı irade ile mümkün olan, çoğunlukla çizgili olan kas
voluntary oath
(Kanun) gönüllü yemin
voluntary outlay
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu harcamaları
voluntary outlay
(Kanun) ihtiyari kamu masrafları
voluntary partition
(Kanun) sulhen taksim
voluntary partition
(Kanun) barış yoluyla bölüşme
voluntary payment
(Kanun) bilihtiyar ödeme
voluntary payment
(Kanun) isteğe bağlı ödeme
voluntary payment
(Kanun) ihtiyari ödeme
voluntary petition
(Kanun) ihtiyari dilekçe
voluntary quits
(Ticaret) iradi ayrılmalar
voluntary reserves
(Ticaret) ihtiyari yedek akçe
voluntary reserves
(Ticaret) akdi yedek akçe
voluntary restriction
(Ticaret) ihtiyari kısıtlama
voluntary sale
(Ticaret) isteyerek yapılan satış
voluntary sale
(Ticaret) gönül rızasıyla satış
voluntary sale
(Ticaret) gönüllü satış
voluntary sale by auction
(Ticaret) isteğe bağlı artırma
voluntary sale by auction
(Ticaret) ihtiyari artırma
voluntary saving
(Ticaret) ihtiyarı tasarruf
voluntary service
gönüllü hizmet
voluntary standardisation
(Ticaret) ihtiyari standardizasyon
voluntary standards
(Ticaret) ihtiyari standartlar
voluntary tanker agreement
(Askeri) gönüllü tanker anlaşması
voluntary training
(Askeri) GÖNÜLLÜ EĞİTİM: Ücretsiz bireysel hazır ihtiyatlar ve faal durumdaki hazır ihtiyatlar için yapılan eğitim. gönüllü eğitime, katılım ancak emeklilik veya terhis aşamasında mümkündür; ve seçilmiş ihtiyatlar veya gönüllü eğitim için faal bir görevde bulunarak; resmi askeri tekamül kurslarını tamamlayarak tayin edilmiş talimat kurslarına devam edecek, bunlara denk bir görev yaparak, askeri teşkilatlar tarafından tayin edilen özel askeri ve mesleki faaliyetlere katılarak; veya yetki verilmiş sivil savunma faaliyetlerine iştirakle başarılabilir
voluntary training unit
(Askeri) gönüllü eğitim birliği
voluntary training unit
(Askeri) GÖNÜLLÜ EĞİTİM BİRLİĞİ: Ücretsiz bireysel hazır ihtiyatlar ve faal durumundaki hazır ihtiyatlara gayri faal görev eğitimi vermek amacıyla oluşturulan yetkili amirlere bağlı ve emeklilik veya terhis aşamasındaki birlik
voluntary unemployment
ihtiyari işsizlik
voluntary unempolyment
(Ticaret) gönüllü işsizlik
voluntary verification
(Ticaret) ihtiyari doğrulama
(zarf) kendi isteğiyle
z. isteyerek, kendi iradesiyle, gönüllü olarak
kendi isteğiyle

Tom itirafı kendi isteğiyle imzalamadı. - Tom didn't sign the confession voluntarily.


Gönüllü olarak mı buradasın? - Are you here voluntarily?

Ben gönüllü olarak askere yazıldım. - I enlisted voluntarily.

gönüllü olarak

Gönüllü olarak mı buradasın? - Are you here voluntarily?

O, gönüllü olarak annesinin temizlik yapmasına yardımcı oldu. - He voluntarily helped his mum clean.

compelled; forced; not voluntary
zorlanamaz; zorla, gönüllü değil
council for voluntary service
Gönüllü hizmet için belediye
individual voluntary arrangement (iva)
gönüllü düzenleme (iva) bireysel
American Council for Voluntary International Action
(Askeri) Amerikan Gönüllü Uluslar Arası Faaliyetler Konseyi
International Council of Voluntary Agencies
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Gönüllü Dernekleri Konseyi
isteyerek yapma
iradeli oluş
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A volunteer
Done, given, or acting of one's own free will
A short piece of music, often having improvisation, played on a solo instrument
Working or done without payment
{s} done by free choice; unpaid; having free will; functioning with the help of volunteers, supported by donations; intentional, deliberate (Law)
Voluntary work is done by people who are not paid for it, but who do it because they want to do it. He'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis
Voluntary actions or activities are done because someone chooses to do them and not because they have been forced to do them. Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French The scheme, due to begin next month, will be voluntary. compulsory + voluntarily vol·un·tar·ily I would only leave here voluntarily if there was a big chance to work abroad
{a} acting by choice, willing, ready
{n} music played at will, a volunteer
{i} improvised piece of organ music played throughout a religious service; short piece of music which introduces a longer composition; volunteer
(military) a person who freely enlists for service
The only type of law even reluctantly allowed by DREGs They fight bitterly to prevent any law with criteria or enforceable teeth
That form of electricity which is developed by the chemical action between metals and different liquids; voltaic electricity; also, the science which treats of this form of electricity; called also galvanism, from Galvani, on account of his experiments showing the remarkable influence of this agent on animals
voluntary actions are things that people do without being made to do them, or without being paid to do them Volunteering to walk or bike to the store on an Ozone Action! Day is a good example of this The benefit you get from doing this is not money or toys, but something better - clean air and exercise (Back to Ozone Action! Days)
Endowed with the power of willing; as, man is a voluntary agent
A voluntary worker is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. Apna Arts has achieved more with voluntary workers in three years than most organisations with paid workers have achieved in ten We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers
One who advocates voluntaryism
composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a service or performance of your own free will or design; not forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social workers"; "a voluntary confession"
Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
A voluntary organization is controlled and organized by the people who have chosen to work for it, often without being paid, rather than receiving help or money from the government. Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people. voluntaries a piece of music played in church, usually by the organ
composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a service or performance
A piece played by a musician, often extemporarily, according to his fancy; specifically, an organ solo played before, during, or after divine service
The theories or practice of Voltaire
An instrument for m
Voluntary means relating or acting in obedience to the will; not obligatory
Preceding from one's own choice or consent
Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author
controlled by individual volition; "voluntary motions"; "voluntary muscles"
Free of coercion, duress or undue inducement Used in the research context to refer to a subject's decision to participate (or to continue to participate) in a research activity
Of or pertaining to voluntaryism; as, a voluntary church, in distinction from an established or state church
Proceeding from the will; produced in or by an act of choice
Of or pertaining to the will; subject to, or regulated by, the will; as, the voluntary motions of an animal, such as the movements of the leg or arm (in distinction from involuntary motions, such as the movements of the heart); the voluntary muscle fibers, which are the agents in voluntary motion
One who engages in any affair of his own free will; a volunteer
Free of coercion, including any sanctions for not taking part
Comply or go to jail The IRS says paying Income Tax is voluntary
Done, given, or acting of ones own free will
of your own free will or design; not forced or compelled; "man is a voluntary agent"; "participation was voluntary"; "voluntary manslaughter"; "voluntary generosity in times of disaster"; "voluntary social workers"; "a voluntary confession"
A flush far removed from the dog and handler
Free; without compulsion; according to the will, consent, or agreement, of a party; without consideration; gratuitous; without valuable consideration
Usually refers to the item the organist plays at the end of the service Should be considered as part of the service - listen, don't chat!
Unconstrained by the interference of another; unimpelled by the influence of another; not prompted or persuaded by another; done of his or its own accord; spontaneous; acting of one's self, or of itself; free
Done by design or intention; intentional; purposed; intended; not accidental; as, if a man kills another by lopping a tree, it is not voluntary manslaughter
voluntary muscle
Muscle that is normally controlled by individual volition; skeletal muscle
voluntary muscles
plural form of voluntary muscle
voluntary waste
Any structural change made to an estate in land that intentionally or negligently causes harm to the estate or depletes its resources, unless this depletion is a continuation of a pre-existing use
voluntary work
Work done voluntarily
Voluntary Arbitration Institute
{i} VAI, institute that parties voluntary approach for conflict resolution services
Voluntary Euthanasia Society
an organization in the UK which aims to change the law that forbids helping seriously ill people to die if they wish to. There is a similar organization in the US called the Hemlock Society
Voluntary Service Overseas
the full name of VSO
voluntary active euthanasia
euthanasia in which one willingly participates
voluntary association
figure which operates for a specific purpose without receiving payment
voluntary bankruptcy
declaration of bankruptcy according to the request of the person in debt
voluntary liquidation
{i} liquidation of a company according to the request of the company's shareholders
voluntary loan
loan that is given or taken by one's own free will
voluntary muscle
striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily
voluntary muscle
Muscle, such as striated muscle, normally controlled by individual volition
voluntary muscles
drawn muscles, muscles whose activities can be controlled, skeletal muscles
voluntary mutism
elective mutism, mutism caused by psychogenic reasons, mutism that is voluntary on the part of a patient
voluntary purchaser
one who purchases an asset willingly
voluntary savings
savings that is made by free choice
voluntary seller
one who sells an asset willingly
individual voluntary arrangement
A formal alternative to bankruptcy involving a flexible contract with creditors
individual voluntary arrangements
plural form of individual voluntary arrangement
in a voluntary manner, not by force, done or given by free will
At will; of one's own accord; on one's own responsibility; by choice; purposely; intentionally; with personal volition Topic areas: Governance, Volunteer Management
{a} of one's own accord, kindly
{a} in many volumes, very largely
{n} willingness, readiness
{n} spontaneousness
{n} spontaneity
non voluntary
not of one's own free will; automatic
non-voluntary conduct
uncontrolled behavior, uncontrolled actions
on a voluntary basis
without pay, of one's own free will, willingly
out of your own free will; "he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting"
at will; of one's own accord; on one's own responsibility; by choice; purposely; intentionally; with personal volition
Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author
In a voluntary manner; of one's own will; spontaneously
out of your own free will; "he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting" Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
The theories or practice of Voltaire
Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
In a voluntary manner
That form of electricity which is developed by the chemical action between metals and different liquids; voltaic electricity; also, the science which treats of this form of electricity; called also galvanism, from Galvani, on account of his experiments showing the remarkable influence of this agent on animals
An instrument for m
That form of electricity which is developed by the chemical action between metals and different liquids; voltaic electricity; also, the science which treats of this form of electricity; called also galvanism, from Galvani, on account of his experiments showing the remarkable influence of this agent on animals
The theories or practice of Voltaire
Of or relating to Voltaire, the French author
Of or pertaining to voltaism, or voltaic electricity; as, voltaic induction; the voltaic arc
An instrument for m
The quality or state of being voluntary; spontaneousness; specifically, the quality or state of being free in the exercise of one's will