
listen to the pronunciation of verwenden
ألمانية - التركية
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف verwenden في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} faydalanma

Şirketimiz internetten faydalanmaktadır. - Our company makes use of the Internet.

Atom enerjisinden faydalanmalıyız. - We should make use of atomic energy.

{i} fayda

Renk koordinasyonu ile ilgili Kelly'nin raporunda sunulan bilginin alternatif bir teori oluşturmada faydalı olacağı anlaşilmaktadır. - The information presented in Kelly's paper on color coordination is seen to be of use in building up an alternative theory.

Bu kitap sana epey faydalı olabilir. - This book may well be useful to you.

{i} menfaat
(Kanun) istimal
kulanım hakkı

Su yasası bir kaynak olarak suya sahip olma, kontrolü ve kullanımı ile ilgili hukuk alanıdır. - Water law is the field of law dealing with the ownership, control, and use of water as a resource.

Bilişimsel dil bilimi eğitimi yapmak için çeşitli dilleri bilmek gerekli, ancak, insan bilgisayarların kullanımı da bilmelidir. - In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers.

kullanma yetisi
(to ile) (eskiden) -erdi
yararlanma hakkı

Bu bisikleti kullanmalıyım. - I must use this bike.

Bu kitabı okurken sözlük kullanmak zorunda değilsin. - You don't have to use a dictionary when you read this book.


Bıçak o kadar kördü ki onunla eti kesemedim ve benim çakımı kullanmak zorunda kaldım. - The knife was so dull that I couldn't cut the meat with it and I had to use my pocketknife.

Gitmeden önce tuvaleti kullanmak istemediğinden emin misin? - Are you sure you don't want to use the toilet before you go?

{f} davranmak
{f} muamele etmek
{f} kullanmak: He used the money to buy a new car. Parayı yeni bir otomobil almak için kullandı
{f} faydalanmak

Şirketimiz internetten faydalanmaktadır. - Our company makes use of the Internet.

{i} kullnım hakkı
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
to utilise something
to appropriate (for)
to use
to utilize
Verwenden Sie für Ihren Antrag das dafür vorgesehene Formular.
Use the appropriate form for your application
(Material) verbauen (zum Bauen verwenden)
to consume (material) for building purposes
(Material) verbauen (zum Bauen verwenden)
to use up (material) in building
B statt A verwenden
to substitute B for A
B statt A verwenden
to substitute A with B
Dabei empfiehlt es sich, einfach handhabbare Werkzeuge zu verwenden.
In doing so, it is desirable to use easily manageable tools
Du kannst auch Illustrationen verwenden, wo es sich anbietet, aber übertreib's n
You may use illustrations where appropriate but don't overdo it
Für unsere Kuchen verwenden wir nur die erlesensten Äpfel.
We select only the choicest apples for our pies
Nicht großflächig für Wohn- und Aufenthaltsräume verwenden. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas. (safety note)
Nur in geschlossenen Räumen verwenden! (Sicherheitshinweis)
For indoor use only! (safety note)
Nur in gut belüfteten Bereichen verwenden. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Use only in well-ventilated areas. (safety note)
Zeit verwenden auf
to spend time on
Zum Löschen Trockenpulver oder Schaum verwenden. Kein Wasser verwenden. (Sicherh
In case of fire use dry chemical or foam. Never use water. (safety note)
Zur Vermeidung einer Kontamination der Umwelt geeigneten Behälter verwenden. (Si
Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. (safety note)
als Nomen verwenden
to nominalise
als Nomen verwenden
to nominalize
ein Stilmittel verwenden
to employ a stylistic device
etw. missbräuchlich verwenden
to misuse something
etw. mit etwas spicken (zahlreiche bestimmte Ausdrücke in einem Text verwenden)
to lard something with something (to use many particular expressions in a text)
etw. synonymisch verwenden
to use something synonymously
etw. verwenden
to employ something
etw. verwenden
to use something
etw. widmungsgemäß/zweckentsprechend verwenden
to use something appropriately
etw. übergangsweise verwenden
to use something pro tem
falsch verwenden
falsch verwenden
to misspend {misspent
jdn./etw. anrühren (verwenden/konsumieren) (meist in verneinten Aussagen)
to touch somebody/sth. (use/consume) (usually used in negative statements)
seine Energie auf etwas verwenden
to devote one's energy to something
sich bei jemandem/etw. für jemanden verwenden
to intercede with somebody on somebody's behalf /for somebody
viel Fleiß verwenden auf
to take great pains over
viel von etwas verwenden (Person) / verbrauchen, beinhalten (Sache)
to be/go heavy on something
wieder verwenden
to re-use
wieder verwenden
to reclaim
zu wenig verwenden
to underuse