
listen to the pronunciation of vertical
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu direk oldukça dikey değil. - That pole is not quite vertical.

Tango, yatay arzuların dikey anlatımıdır. - Tango is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire.


Kağıt üzerinde bazı dikey çizgiler çizdi. - He drew some vertical lines on the paper.

Uçurum neredeyse diktir. - The cliff is almost vertical.

{s} tepede olan
{i} dikey düzlem
(Tıp) vertlkal
dikey düzlcm
{i} dikey çizgi

Mary dikey çizgili giysiler giymekten hoşlanır çünkü onların daha ince gösterdiğini duymuş. - Mary likes to wear clothes with vertical stripes, because she heard they make you look thinner.

Kağıt üzerinde bazı dikey çizgiler çizdi. - He drew some vertical lines on the paper.

ufuk düzlemine dikey olan büyük daire
tam tepede olan
{i} düşey doğru
{i} düşey düzlem
(Tıp) kafa tepesi ile ilgili
dikey düzlem/dikey çizgi
(Tıp) Dikey, verticalis
vertical circle astr
dikey kiriş
vertical load
düşey yük
vertical scale
düşey ölçek
vertical section
vertical tail
(Askeri) istikamet dümeni
vertical plane
dik düzlem
vertical redundancy check
düşey artıklık denetimi
vertical stabilizer
dikey stabilizator
vertical surface
dik yüzey
vertical tail
dik kuyruk
vertical union
endüstri birliği
vertical (y) axis
dikey (y) ekseni
vertical angle
(Geometri) Ters Açı
vertical angles
düşey acıların
vertical angles
(Geometri) iki doğrunun kesişmesinde iç ters acılar
vertical boring mill
dikey torna tezgâhı
vertical cement kiln
dikey çimento fırınının
vertical component
düşey bileşen
vertical drain
düşey dren
vertical drainage
dikey drenaj, kuyu drenajı
vertical duct
(Teknoloji) dikey (dik) kanal
vertical erosion
derine aşındırma
vertical fan cut
düşey yelpaze kesim
vertical feed
dikey besleme
vertical fist
dikey yumruk
vertical format
dikey format
vertical frequency
düşey frekans
vertical gust
dikey savruntu
vertical height
dikey yüksekliği
vertical manufacturing
(İmalat) Dikey üretim
vertical migration
(Tekstil) Dikey migrasyon: Boya veya kimyasalın yerçekimi etkisiyle kumaş üzerinde dikey olarak göçü
vertical migration
dikey göç
vertical milling machine
dik freze makinesi
vertical motion
dikey hareket
vertical movement
düşey hareket, düşey devinim
vertical oscillator
düşey osilatör
vertical panning
tilt, düşey çevrinme
vertical polarization
düşey polarizasyon
vertical poster board
dikey poster pano
vertical pressure
düşey basınç
vertical projection
izdüşüm alanı
vertical redundancy check
düşey artiklik denetimi
vertical scanning
düşey tarama
vertical shaft
düşey mil
vertical shift
dikey değişiklik
vertical speed
dikey hız
vertical stack
yığını dikey
vertical sync
(Elektrik, Elektronik) (vertical synchronization) Dikey senkronizasyon
vertical synchronization
düşey senkronizasyon
vertical synchronization
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Dikey senkronizasyon
vertical takeoff
dikey kalkış
vertical tube boiler
yatay borulu kazan
vertical weld
düşey kaynak
vertical aerial photography
(Askeri) DÜŞEY HAVA FOTOĞRAFÇILIĞI: Bak "photography"
vertical air
(Askeri) dikey hava fotoğrafı
vertical air photograph
(Askeri) DİKEY HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Kameranın optik ekseni yeryüzüne dik olarak çekilen hava fotoğrafı. Buna kısaca "vertıcal photograph" da denir. Ayrıca bak "oblique aerial photograph" ve "pinpoint photograph". VERTICAL AND/OR SHORT TAKE OFF AND LANDING: DİKEY VE/VEYA KISA MESAFEDE KALKIŞ VE İNİŞ: Bir uçağın dikey veya kısa mesafede kalkma ve inme kabiliyeti
vertical alignment
Düşey Hizalama
vertical and/or short takeoff and landing aircraft
(Askeri) dikey ve/veya kısa iniş ve kalkış yapan uçak
vertical angle
düşey açı
vertical angle
dik açı
vertical axis
düşey aks
vertical bank
(Askeri) dikey yatış
vertical bank
(Askeri) DÜŞEY YATIŞ: Bir uçağın keskin bir dönüş yaparken kanat uçları aşağı ve yukarı gelecek şekilde diklemesine yana doğru yatışı
vertical bar
düşey çubuk
vertical base
(Askeri) düşey baz hattı
vertical base
(Askeri) DÜZEY BAZ HATTI: Bir gözetleme yerinin hedeften itibaren bilinen yüksekliği. Bu hat düşey baz hattı ile mevkii bulmada kullanılır
vertical base method
(Askeri) DÜŞEY BAZ HATTI USULÜ: İstikamet ve mesafeyi bulmak için, su seviyesindeki hedeflere karşı kıyı topçusu tarafından kullanılan usul istikamet açısı, görerek tayin edilir; mesafe ise hedefin üst tarafındaki bulunan gözcünün bilinen irtifası ile alçalış açısını kullanarak; gözcünün irtifası, yatay mesafe ve hedef mesafesinin teşkil ettiği dik üçgenin çözülmesiyle bulunur. Buna (vertical base system) de denir
vertical base system
(Askeri) DÜŞEY HATTI USULÜ: Bak "vertıcal base method"
vertical binding
Düşey ciltleme
vertical blanking
dikey karartma
vertical blanking
(Bilgisayar) düşey karartma
vertical blanking interval
dikey karartma araligi
vertical boiler
dikey kazan
vertical boiler
düşey kazan
vertical boiler
dikey ya da düşey kazan
vertical boiler
dik kazan
vertical boring mill
dikey torna tezgahı
vertical conflict
(Ticaret) düşey çatışma
vertical conflict
dikey çatışma
vertical control
(Askeri) NİVELMAN ŞEBEKESİ: Bir kara veya deniz haritasının yapılmasında kullanılan ve yükseklikleri sıhhatli olarak bilinen coğrafi noktalar sistemi
vertical control operator
(Askeri) DİKEY PLANCI: Ateş idare merkezinde bulunan ve muhtelif bataryalar için, toprak açılarını, ayrıca lüzumunda bildirilecek, toprak açısı için uygun komutları tespit eden şahıs. Dikey plancının şeması, yatay plancınınkinin aynıdır ve her an yatay plancının görevini ifaya hazır bulunur. Ayrıca bak "horizontal control operator"
vertical coverage diagram
(Askeri) DÜŞEY RADAR SAHASI ŞEMASI, DÜŞEY RADAR DİYAGRAMI: Frekans, anten boyutu ve diğer faktörlerle tespit edilmiş radar düşey tarama sahasının münasip ölçekli bir kağıt üzerinde grafik olarak gösterilmesi. Ayrıca bak "coverage diagram"
vertical creep
düşey akma
vertical curb
dik bordur
vertical curb
vertical curve
düşey eğri
vertical curve
(Havacılık) dikey kavis
vertical curve
düşey dönemeç
vertical curve
düşey kurb
vertical cutter
dikey makas
vertical damper
dikey amortisör
vertical deflection
(Askeri) DİKİNE ÖNLEME: Bak "vertical lead"
vertical deviation
(Askeri) DİKİNE SAPMA: Yan sapmasına dikey bir hat üzerinde, atış hattına dikey bir düzlemde hedef ile paralanma noktası arasındaki mesafe
vertical diagraph
(Askeri) düşey çift harf
vertical digraph
(Askeri) DÜŞEY ÇİFT HARF: Kriptografide sütunlar halinde birbirinin altına yazılan veya birbirinin altında bulunan çift harfler
vertical dimension
(Diş Hekimliği) yüzün, orta çizgiden dikey ölçüm değeri; kaslararası nokta - burun ucu uzunluğunun, burun ucu - çene alt ucu uzunluğuna eşit olması gerektiği düşünülerek tam protezlerde mumlu provada dikkat edilir
vertical drill
düşey matkap tezgahı
vertical ellipsis
(Bilgisayar) dikey üç nokta
vertical engine
dikey makine
vertical envelopment
(Askeri) DÜŞEY KUŞATMA: Düşmanın havadan kuşatılması; paraşütle atılan veya havadan indirilen birliklerin, bir düşman kuvvetini kuşatmak veya gerisiyle irtibatını kesmek amacıyla bir kuvvetin gerisine veya kanatlarına saldırdığı taktik manevra
vertical every
(Bilgisayar) dikey kılavuz aralığı
vertical feed
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dikey ilerletme
vertical firing
dikey yakma
vertical flow
(Çevre) düşey akım
vertical fold
düşey kıvrım
vertical fold
dikey kıvrım
vertical force
(Askeri) düşey kuvvet
vertical frame
(Bilgisayar) dikey çerçeve
vertical grid
(Bilgisayar) dikey kılavuz çizgisi
vertical grid
(Bilgisayar) dikey kılavuz
vertical group
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) düşey grup
vertical hair
düşey kil
vertical helicopter replenishment
vertical hold
(Teknik,Televizyon) düşey lineerlik ayarı
vertical hold
düşey tutma
vertical hold
(Teknik,Televizyon) düşey doğrusallık ayarı
vertical illusion
yatay yanılsama
vertical image
(Sinema) dikey görüntü
vertical in
(Bilgisayar) dikey içeri
vertical intensity
dikey yeginlik
vertical interval
(Askeri) YÜKSEKLİK FARKI: (ABD. Savunma Bakanlığı, ABD Savunma Kurulu) iki nokta veya yer arasındaki yükseklik farkı, Örneğin: Bir topçu bataryası veya ateş halindeki gemiyle hedef; gözetleme yeriyle hedef; daha önce ateş açılmış bir hedefle yeni bir hedef; gözcüyle, patlama noktası; bir topçu bataryası veya atış halindeki gemiyle patlama noktası arasındaki yükseklik
vertical joint
düşey eklem
vertical joint
düşey derz
vertical jump
(Askeri) DİKEY ÇIKIŞ HATASI AÇISI: Ateş edilen an ile merminin namluyu terkettiği an arasında, namlu ağzının oynaması ile ortaya çıkan dikey mesafeyi gösterir açı. Bu açının yatay karşılığına (lateral jump) denir. Ayrıca bak "angle of jump"
vertical justification
Düşey bloklama
vertical justify
(Bilgisayar) yukarı aşağı yasla
vertical kerb
dik bordür
vertical kerb
vertical labels
(Bilgisayar) dikey etiketler
vertical landing zone
(Askeri) dikey iniş bölgesi
vertical launch
(Askeri) dikine atış
vertical launch
(Askeri) DİKİNE FIRLATMA, DİKİNE ATIŞ: Bir füze veya diğer aracın dikey vaziyetten uçuşa başladığı atış (fırlatma) şekli
vertical launch
(Askeri) dikine fırlatma
vertical lead
(Askeri) DİKİNE ÖNLEME: Merminin uçuşu esnasında hedefin düşey olarak seyretmesini ve düşey tevcih düzeltmelerini göz önüne almak üzere, bir silahın harekat eden hava hedefinin yukarısına veya aşağısına tevcih edildiği açısal miktar. Buna (vertical deflection) da denir
vertical lead
(Askeri) dikine önleme
vertical limit
(Nükleer Bilimler) düşey limit (sınır)
vertical line
düşey çizgi
vertical line
düşey doğru
vertical line array; visual landing aid
(Askeri) dikey hat dizisi; görerek iniş yardımı
vertical line overlap
(Askeri) DÜŞEY FOTOĞRAF BİNDİRMESİ: Bir hat üzerinden alınan, bindirilmiş düşey fotoğraflar serisi. Ayrıca bak "oblique line overlap"
vertical lines
Düşey çizgiler
vertical list
(Bilgisayar) dikey liste
vertical loading
vertical loading
düşey yükleme
vertical logic
(Politika, Siyaset) dikey mantık
vertical market
ürün odaklı pazar
vertical market
müşteri odaklı pazar
vertical market
(Ticaret) müşteri odakli pazar
vertical member
düşey öğe
vertical member
dikey eleman
vertical mill
dik değirmen
vertical mirror
(Bilgisayar) dikey ayna
vertical mixing
(Askeri) düşey karıştırma
vertical mixing
(Denizbilim) dikey karışma
vertical movement
düşey hareket
vertical movement
düşev devinim
vertical obstacle
(Askeri) dikey engel
vertical onboard delivery
(Askeri) dikey gemide teslim
vertical only
(Bilgisayar) salt dikey
vertical optical landing system
(Askeri) dikey optik iniş sistemi
vertical origin
(Bilgisayar) dikey başlangıç
vertical out
(Bilgisayar) dikey dışarı
vertical pan
(Sinema) dikey çevrinme
vertical panning
(Sinema) dikey çevrinme
vertical panning
(Sinema) düşey çevrinme
vertical parity
(Bilgisayar) dikey eşlik
vertical parity check
dikey eslik denetimi
vertical photograph
(Askeri) DÜŞEY HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Bak "vertical aerial photograph"
vertical plan
düşey kesit
vertical plane
dikey plan
vertical plane
düşey düzlem
vertical pressure
dikey basınç
vertical probable error
(Askeri) MUHTEMEL DİKEY HATA: Muhtemel menzil hatası ile düşüş eğiminin çarpımı
vertical pump
dikey pompa veya tulumba
vertical record
(Bilgisayar) dikey kayıt
vertical redundancy check
dikey hata denetimi
vertical replenishment
(Askeri) dikey bütünleme ikmali
vertical resize
(Bilgisayar) dikey boyutlandırma
vertical rod
düşey çubuk
vertical roller
düşey çevri
vertical rule
Düşey kural
vertical saw
düşey testere
vertical scale instrument systems
(Askeri) DİKEY ENSTRÜMAN SKALA SİSTEMLERİ: Uçuş ve motorlarla ilgili bilgileri gösteren dikey skala göstergeleri sistemi
vertical scroll
Düşey kaydırma
vertical scroll bar
Düşey Kaydırma Çubuğu
vertical scroll box
yukari akitma imleci
vertical scrolling
Düşey kaydırma
vertical seismograph
dikey/düşey sismograf
vertical separation
(Askeri) DİKEY/ŞAKULİ AYRIM: (NATO) Aynı bölgede uçuş yapan uçak ve helikopterler arasında kd. olarak ifade edilen mesafe
vertical shaft
düşey şaft
vertical shaft
(Otomotiv,Teknik) el fren mili
vertical shear
düşey makaslama
vertical siding
düşey kaplama
vertical sismic profile
dikey sismik profil
vertical sismic profile
düşey sismik profil
vertical situation display
(Askeri) DİKEY DURUM GÖSTERGESİ: Uçak yüksekliği ve istikameti, uçuş idare komutları, nişan alma ve arazi takibiyle ilgili bilgilerin temsil edildiği ancak seçim hakkının pilotun kontrolünde olduğu elektronik gösterge
vertical size
Düşey boyut
vertical slip
düşey atım
vertical slip
dikey atım
vertical space
(Ticaret) dikey açıklık
vertical spacing
düşey boşuk
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A vertical geometrical figure; a perpendicular
A vertex or zenith
In a two dimensional Cartesian co-ordinate system, describing the axis oriented normal (perpendicular, at right angles) to the horizontal axis
An individual slat in a set of vertical blinds
A vertical component of a structure
along the direction of a plumbline or along a straight line that includes the center of the Earth
lying or directed perpendicularly to the horizon
{a} placed in the zenith, perpendicular
(1) an imaginary line perpendicular (at an angle of 90°) to the plane of the horizon (2) Said of a borehole which is straight Not deviated
Something that is vertical stands or points straight up. The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface. horizontal + vertically ver·ti·cal·ly Cut each bulb in half vertically
At right angles to the horizon or to a base of support Upright
The line perpendicular to the geoid at any point The direction of the force of gravity at that point Plumb line
something that is oriented vertically
At a right angle to the horizon Usually refers to the hardware orientation or mounting designation
Bar Charts use bars which extend up vertically to illustrate the value of each bar The higher a bar is, the larger the value of that bar
A vertical line, plane, or circle
Upright; perpendicular to the horizon
something that is oriented vertically at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a vertical camera angle"; "the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab"; "measure the perpendicular height
{i} upright line; upright position
at right angles to the horizontal; includes altitude and depth
A high obstacle
Upright, or standing up, like a telephone pole This is the opposite of horizontal A vertical line and a horizontal line are perpendicular
Aligned with the pull of gravity
Of or pertaining to the vertex; situated at the vertex, or highest point; directly overhead, or in the zenith; perpendicularly above one
Describing the set of directions that are perpendicular with the surface of the Earth
from top to bottom -- " the second number represents the location on the vertical ( | ) number line " (263)
refers to the harmonic aspect of music, the simultaneous playing of notes, which is expressed vertically in standard musical notation
{s} upright, perpendicular; located at the vertex; pertaining to all stages of a product from design to sale (Economics); having a multi-level structure
at right angles to the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a vertical camera angle"; "the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab"; "measure the perpendicular height"
In a spherical earth model, the direction towards or away from the center of the earth, i e parallel to a radial direction from the center; equivalent to the radial component of a spherical coordinate system centered at Earth's center of mass
Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb; as, a vertical line
The vertical top portion of a wall in a halfpipe which allows the snowboarder to fly straight up into the air; and not out of the pipe or into the pipe
A view that is straight down Actually, since all cameras have some angle of view (cone of view), there is only one point in a vertical photograph that is truly straight down All other points in the photograph are ever so slightly at an oblique angle of view
In a two dimensional cartesian co-ordinate system, describing the axis oriented mathematically normal to (perpendicular) the horizontal axis
Up-and-down; in the up-and-down direction (opposite of horizontal)
A vertical is a fence with poles ontop of eachother They are one straight line going vertically
upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; "erect flower stalks"; "for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggression"; "a column still vertical amid the ruins"; "he sat bolt upright"
The most intense band in the vibrational Franck-Condon envelope
up and down
The vertical is the direction that points straight up, at an angle of 90 degrees to a flat surface. Pluto seems to have suffered a major collision that tipped it 122 degrees from the vertical. the vertical the direction of something that is vertical
Vertical position; zenith
a vertical structural member as a post or stake; "the ball sailed between the uprights"
vertical bar
set definitions (e.g. \{x|x)
vertical bar
The ASCII character at the decimal position of 124, depicted as | or ¦
vertical bar
divisibility (e.g. a | b)
vertical bar
represents an absolute value (e.g. |x|)
vertical bar
in Unix, it is used as a pipe
vertical bar
in regular expressions, it indicates an alternation
vertical bar
conditional probability (e.g. P(X|Y))
vertical bar
norms (e.g. ||(x_1,x_2)||)
vertical bars
plural form of vertical bar
vertical blinds
A series of thin slats that hang in front of a window, which can be turned as a group close with a slight overlap to block the window
vertical integration
The integrating of successive stages in the production and marketing process under the ownership or control of a single management organization
vertical market
A market made up of similar businesses and customers with particular specialized needs

The market for point-of-sale terminals is a vertical market.

vertical publication
A publication whose editorial content deals with the interests of a specific industry, e.g., National Petroleum Magazine, Retail Banking Today, etc
vertical publications
plural form of vertical publication
vertical smile
A vagina

she lowered her hands between her knees her thighs and joined thumb to thumb and index to index forming a diamond windowframe about her smiling not-mouth her notclosed lips her ragged gaping vertical smile.

vertical smiles
plural form of vertical smile
vertical stabilizer
The fin on the tail of an aircraft; it includes the rudder on its trailing edge
vertical disintegration
(Denizcilik) A specific organizational form of industrial production as opposed to integration, in which production occurs within a singular organization, vertical disintegration means that various diseconomies of scale or scope have broken a production process into separate companies, each performing a limited subset of activities required to create a finished product
vertical integration
(Ekonomi) In microeconomics and managing management, the term vertical integration describes a style of ownership and control. The degree to which a firm owns its upstream suppliers and its downstream buyers determines how vertically integrated it is. Vertically integrated companies are united through a hierarchy and share a common owner. Usually each member of the hierarchy produces a different product or service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need. It is contrasted with horizontal integration. Vertical integration is one method of avoiding the hold-up problem. A monopoly produced through vertical integration is called a vertical monopoly, although it might be more appropriate to speak of this as some form of cartel
vertical merger
(Ekonomi) Merger in which a company that supplies a component merges with a company that uses the component in its product (ex: computer manufacturer acquires microchip company)
vertical stress
Overburden pressure, lithostatic pressure, and vertical stress are terms that denote the pressure or stress imposed on a layer of soil or rock by the weight of overlying material
vertical angle
either of two equal and opposite angles formed by the intersection of two straight lines
vertical angle
n. Either of two angles formed by two intersecting lines and lying on opposite sides of the point of intersection
vertical angles
two opposite and equal angles formed by the intersection of two lines
vertical bank
a bank so steep that the plane's lateral axis approaches the vertical
vertical circle
a great circle on the celestial sphere passing through the zenith and perpendicular to the horizon
vertical circle
A great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith and the nadir and thus is perpendicular to the horizon
vertical equity
principle that people of different economic statuses should be taxed at different rates (Economics)
vertical expansion
when a company starts to do or make some of the things that used to be done or made by companies it did business with
vertical file
a file in which records are stored upright on one edge
vertical file
A collection of resource materials, such as pamphlets, clippings from periodicals, and mounted photographs, arranged for ready reference, as in a library or an archive
vertical format
(Ticaret) A display method used for MRP or other output reports in which dates are sequenced along the left margin and horizontal headings are used for gross requirements, scheduled receipts and other information. A vertical format normally only displays data for individual days where activity occurs, and does not group days into time buckets of weeks or months as in the use of a horizontal format
vertical frequency
rate of updating, number of times in one second that the screen is scanned from top to bottom
vertical integration
Form of business organization in which all stages of production of a good, from the acquisition of raw materials to the retailing of the final product, are controlled by one company. A current example is the oil industry, in which a single firm commonly owns the oil wells, refines the oil, and sells gasoline at roadside stations. In horizontal integration, by contrast, a company attempts to control a single stage of production or a single industry completely, which lets it take advantage of economies of scale but results in reduced competition
vertical integration
merger of companies that have a similar range of activity in marketing and production in order to gain more control in that range
vertical integration
absorption into a single firm of several firms involved in all aspects of a product's manufacture from raw materials to distribution
vertical line
line which is positioned upright
vertical merger
(Economics) merger in which a company that supplies a component merges with a company that uses the component in its product (ex: computer manufacturer acquires microchip company)
vertical merger
The joining of two firms involved in different stages of related businesses
vertical merger
a merger between two firms, one of which is a supplier or distributor for the other
vertical merger
A merger in which one firm acquires another firm that is in the same industry but at another stage in the production cycle For example, the firm being acquired serves as a supplier to the firm doing the acquiring
vertical merger
When one firm acquires another firm that is in the same industry but at another stage in the production cycle For example, the firm being acquired serves as a supplier to the firm doing the acquiring
vertical merger
A merger of two firms that have previously had a buyer-seller relationship
vertical motion
movement in a straight up and down direction
vertical partitioning
Distributing the columns of a table into several separate tables See also Horizontal partitioning
vertical partitioning
(Getting to Know Oracle8i; search in this book)
vertical partitioning
Distributing the columns of a table into several separate physical records (6)
vertical section
a mechanical drawing showing the interior of an object as if made by a vertical plane passing through it
vertical section
vertical cut, lengthwise portion
vertical speed indicator
device used to measure the speed of a moving body
vertical stabilizer
stabilizer that is part of an airplane empennage
vertical stabilizer
a stabilizer that is part of the vertical tail structure of an airplane
vertical step
step or movement in a straight up and down direction
vertical surface
a surface that is vertical
vertical tail
the vertical airfoil in the tail assembly of an aircraft
vertical transmission
Transmission of a pathogen such as HIV from mother to fetus or baby during pregnancy or birth See also Perinatal Transmission
vertical transmission
Passage of an infectious agent form the mother to an unborn child
vertical transmission
transmission from a mother to a fetus or newborn Vertical transmission may occur in utero (in the womb), intrapartum (during birth) or postpartum (via breast-feeding) Contrast with horizontal transmission (perinatal transmission, mat)
vertical transmission
Transmission of a pathogen from one generation of host to the next
vertical transmission
Transmission between parent and offspring
vertical transmission
Refers to the transmission of a pathogen from an infected pregnant woman to her fetus during pregnancy or birth
vertical transmission
The transmission of an illness from the parent(s) to the offspring
vertical transmission
       see Perinatal transmission
vertical transmission
From parent to offspring See also maternal transmission
vertical transmission
There is a direct transfer of the pathogen or parasite from a parent organism to his or her progeny
vertical transmission
The transmission of genetic material from parent cells or organisms to their offspring, utilizing natural hereditary mechanisms such as mitosis, meiosis and fertilization, as contrasted with induction and infection between organisms or cells of the same generation
vertical union
An industrial union
A set of vertical blinds
plural form of vertical
{n} a vertical state, perpendicularity
{a} in the zenith, perpendicularly
Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
takeoff and landing that requires a very short runway area (by some sophisticated combat airplanes), ASTOVL
The quality or state of being vertical; verticalness
position at right angles to the horizon
{i} state of being vertical; condition of being straight up and down
uprightly, perpendicularly
in a vertical direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally
In a vertical direction or position
In a vertical manner, position, or direction; perpendicularly; as, to look down vertically; to raise a thing vertically
in a vertical direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"
plural of vertical