versteckt haltend

listen to the pronunciation of versteckt haltend
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف versteckt haltend في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} gizlenme

Benden gizlenmeye devam edemezsin, Tom. - You can't keep hiding from me, Tom.

{f} sakla

Şüpheli üç haftadır dağlarda saklanıyordu. - The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks.

Tom kapının arkasında saklanıyordu. - Tom was hiding behind the door.

{i} saklama

Tom altın paralarını koyduğu yerin mükemmel saklama yeri olduğunu düşünüyordu. Fakat, yanılıyordu. - Tom thought where he put his gold coins was the perfect hiding place. However, he was wrong.

Gerçeği saklamayı sürdüremezsin. - You can't keep hiding from the truth.

{i} dayak
{i} saklanma

Yeni bir saklanma yeri bulmam gerekiyor. - I need to find a new hiding place.

Bu mükemmel bir saklanma yeri. - This is the perfect hiding place.

{i} gizleme

Tom'un bir şey gizlemediğini nasıl biliyorsunuz? - How do you know Tom wasn't hiding something?

Kendini gizlemen işe yaramaz. - Hiding yourself won't help.

{i} dövme
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
A state of concealment
A place of concealment
A flogging
The ability of a coating to obscure the surface to which it is applied
present participle of hide
The ability of a paint to obscure the surface to which it is applied
A beating or spanking
If someone is in hiding, they have secretly gone somewhere where they cannot be seen or found. Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony
The act of hiding or concealing, or of withholding from view or knowledge; concealment
the activity of keeping something secret
emphasis If you say that someone who is trying to achieve something is on a hiding to nothing, you are emphasizing that they have absolutely no chance of being successful. As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing
using encapsulation to hide the implementation of a program or data, so that it can only be accessed through a public interface
{i} hiding place; concealment, act of hiding something; act of hiding oneself; lashing, flogging
Making a window invisible
If you give someone a hiding, you punish them by hitting them many times. = beating
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