(Askeri) VANTİLASYONLU SIĞINAK, HAVALANDIRMA TERTİBATLI SIĞINAK: Personeli harp gazlarına karşı koruyacak şekilde yapılmış hava geçirmez sığınak. Bu sığınaklar, içeriye girecek havayı temizleyen bir havalandırma cihazı ile teçhiz edilir
If you ventilate a room or building, you allow fresh air to get into it. Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping badly ventilated rooms. + ventilation ven·ti·la·tion The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding windows
furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape; "The architect did not thnk about ventilating the storage space" circulate through and freshen; "The gust of air ventilated the room" expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage; "Wheat should be well ventilated
To open and expose to the free passage of air; to supply with fresh air, and remove impure air from; to air; as, to ventilate a room; to ventilate a cellar; to ventilate a mine