
listen to the pronunciation of v-formation
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف v-formation في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} oluşum

Günümüz teknolojisiyle bile kasırgaların oluşum ve hareketleri kaprislidir. - The formation and movement of hurricanes are capricious, even with our present-day technology.

Çeşitli bulut oluşum türleri vardır. - There are several kinds of cloud formations.

{i} biçimlenme
compromise formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uzlaşma oluşumu
dipole formation
(İnşaat) kutuplaşma
biçim verme
(Kanun) ihdas
(Ticaret) şirket kuruluşu
formation heat
(Kimya) oluşum ısısı
impression formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) izlenim oluşumu
lump formation
topak oluşması
lump formation
substitute formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikame oluşumu
back formation
sözcük üretme
coal formation
kömür oluşumu
formation expenses
kuruluş giderleri
geological formation
jeolojik formasyon
geological formation
jeolojik oluşum
heat of formation
oluşum sıcaklığı
ice formation
buz oluşumu
ball formation
fixed capital formation
sabit sermaye teşekkülü
formation level
formasyonu seviyesi
formation of substances
maddenin oluşumu
gross fixed capital formation
gayri safi sabit sermaye oluşumu
habit formation
Alışkanlık oluşturma
in formation
reaction formation
reaksiyon oluşumu
reticular formation
retiküler formasyonu
shotgun formation
(Spor) Amerikan futbolunda atağa kalkan tarafın kullandığı bir taktik oyunu
algae formation
yosun oluşması
approach formation
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA DÜZENİ: Bir muhabere bölgesine yaklaşan ve düşmanla temas halinde bulunan bir birliğin almış olduğu düzen. Bak. "approach march formation"
approach formation
(Askeri) yaklaşma düzeni
approach march formation
(Askeri) YAKLAŞMA YÜRÜYÜŞ DÜZEN: Bak. "approach march"
approach march formation
(Askeri) Yaklaşma yürüyüş düzeni
attack formation
(Askeri) TAARRUZ DÜZENİ: Bir taarruz kuvvetinin taarruz maksadıyla aldığı düzen
attack formation
(Askeri) Taarruz düzeni
back formation
kökten türetilen kelime
banded iron formation
bantlı demir formasyonu (bdf)
box formation harassing ambush
(Askeri) Kutu düzeni taciz pususu
closed triangle formation
(Askeri) Kapalı üçgen düzeni
cloud formation
(Meteoroloji) bulut oluşumu
column formation
column formation
(Askeri) Kol düzeni
combat formation
(Askeri) Muharebe düzeni
crack formation
(Nükleer Bilimler) çatlak oluşumu
crack formation
çatlak oluşması
crease formation
(Tekstil) kırışık oluşumu
danger of ice formation
buzlanma tehlikesi
defensive formation
(Askeri) Savunma düzeni
diamond formation
(Askeri) MAİN DÜZENİ, BAKLAVA NİZAMI (DZ.): Manevra kabiliyetini arttırmak maksadıyla, bir birliğin dört veya beş kısmı ile alınan, eşkenar dörtgen biçiminde tertip. Beş kısım kullanıldığı zaman, beşinci kısım düzenin merkezinde bulunur. Main düzeni, özellikle, mekanize birlikler tarafından kullanılır
dispersed formation
(Askeri) DAĞINIK ŞEKİL, DAĞINIK NİZAM (DZ.): Birliklerin, düşman ateş tesirini azaltmak üzere aldıkları şekil. Bu terim; birliklerin muharebe maksadıyla yayılmasında kullanılan "extended formation" dağınık düzen terimi ile karıştırılmamalıdır
echelon formation
(Askeri) Kademe düzeni
echelon formation
(Askeri) KADEMELİ DÜZEN: Bak. "echelon"
extended formation
(Askeri) DAĞINIK DÜZEN: Kıta ve birliklerce, özellikle muharebede kullanılan ve unsurları birbirinden oldukça ayrılmakla beraber, yine de görüş mesafesi içinde ve yekdiğerini ateşle destekleyecek durumda kalmasını sağlayan düzen. Buna "extended order" da denir
file formation
(Askeri) Birerle kol
flight formation
(Askeri) KOL/UÇUŞ DÜZENİ: Belirli bir tertipte uçan iki veya daha çok uçak. Buna kısaca "formation" da denir
foam formation
(Otomotiv) köpük oluşumu
{i} oluşma; oluşturma, teşkil
(Askeri) DÜZEN, NİZAM (DZ.): Bir birlik unsurlarının saf, kol veya emredilen diğer bir şekilde tertiplenmesi. 2. 2 veya daha fazla birliğin, uçağın veya geminin bir komuta altında tertiplenmesi
{i} ask. düzen
şekil verme
(Tıp) Oluşum, teşekkül, formatio
{i} formasyon
{i} oluşturma
(İnşaat) oluşum, yapılaşma
{i} yapım
(Askeri) Grup, düzen, birlik
{i} düzen
formation bombing
(Askeri) kıtaca bombardıman
formation bombing
(Askeri) kol halinde bombardıman
formation bombing
(Askeri) KOL HALİNDE BOMBARDIMAN, KITACA BOMBARDIMAN: Verilen bir nokta veya saha hedefine, bir bombardıman düzenindeki uçakların herbiri tarafından, bir veya birkaç bomba atılması
formation conductivity
formasyon iletkenliği
formation damage
formasyon hasarı
formation factor
formasyon faktörü
formation in depth
(Askeri) DERİNLİĞİNE DÜZEN: İleriden geriye doğru derinliği genişliğinden çok olan muharebe düzeni
formation in depth
(Askeri) derinliğine düzen
formation in width
(Askeri) genişliğine düzen
formation in width
(Askeri) GENİŞLİĞİNE DÜZEN: Yana doğru olan genişliği derinliğinden daha çok olan muharebe düzeni
formation level
(İnşaat) formasyon seviyesi
formation level
(İnşaat) proje bitmiş düzeyi
formation water
formasyon suyu
frost formation
(Meteoroloji,Teknik) buz oluşumu
frost formation
(Meteoroloji,Teknik) don oluşumu
geologic formation
jeolojik formasyon
gradual formation
(Ticaret) tedrici kuruluş
group formation
(Askeri) GRUP DÜZENİ: Çeşitli uçuş düzenlerinden herhangi birinde uçuş yapan iki veya ikiden çok filo. Örneğin; V düzeni (V formation), kademeli dağınık düzen (stagger formation) ve kademeli düzen (echelon formation) gibi
hail formation
(Meteoroloji) dolu oluşumu
hypothesis formation
(Dilbilim) varsayım oluşturma
instantaneous formation
(Ticaret) ani kuruluş
intermediate formation
ara oluşum
intermediate formation
ara formasyon
interverted wedge formation
(Askeri) Geniş kama düzeni
inverted wedge formation
(Askeri) ters kama düzeni
inverted wedge formation
(Askeri) TERS KAMA DÜZENİ: Ters çevrilmiş bir üçgeni andıran düzen. Bu düzende iki birlik bir hizada önden gider, üçüncü birlik geriden onları takip eder. Bu düzene yanlış olarak, geniş kama düzeni denilmektedir
iron formation
demir formasyonu
javelin formation
(Askeri) KADEMELİ DİZİ DÜZENİ: İki veya daha çok uçak grupları halinde yapılan uçuş şekli. Önden giden uçağı diğerleri, yakın bir mesafeden ve uçağın altında veya üzerinden, kademeler halinde takip ederler
lead formation
(Askeri) ÖN BİRLİK: Taarruz, hücum gibi taktik harekat safhalarında en önde giden kara, hava veya deniz birlikleri
line formation
(Askeri) Hat düzeni
line formation
(Askeri) HAT DÜZENİ: Bak. "line"
lot formation
parti olusumu
mass formation
(Askeri) TOPLU DÜZEN: ABD Ordusunda, manga kollarının yan yana bulundukları bölük ve daha büyük bir birlik düzeni. Buna, kısaca (mass) da denir
mixture formation
(Otomotiv) karışım teşkili
native formation
(Biyokimya) doğal biçim
onion bulb formation
(Tıp) yumru şeklinde oluşum
onion bulb formation
(Tıp) soğan başı şekillenmesi
open column formation
(Askeri) Yürüyüş kolu düzeni
open formation
(Askeri) AÇIK DÜZEN: Uçak, kıta veya mekanize birliklerin, serbestçe hareket edebilmek için ya da düşmanın hava veya topçu taarruz tesirini azaltmak maksadıyla, aralarında yeteri kadar aralık ve mesafe bırakmak suretiyle tertiplenmesi
parade formation
(Askeri) Tören düzeni
parade formation
(Askeri) TÖREN DÜZENİ: Bir tören duruşu veya geçit resmi için alınan düzen
personality formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) karakter oluşumu
personality formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kişilik oluşumu
porous formation
gözenekli oluşum
porous formation
poroz formasyon
reactive formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) tepki oluşumu
route formation
(Askeri) seyahat kol uçuşu
secondary formation
(Biyoloji) ikincil oluşum
shore formation
kıyı formasyonu
shore formation
göl tortusu
sludge formation
çamur formasyon
sludge formation
çamur oluşumu
social formation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) toplumsal formasyon
soot formation
kurum oluşumu
stagger formation
(Askeri) KADEMELİ DAĞINIK DÜZEN: Bir birlikteki kıta, araç veya uçakların, bir emniyet tedbiri olmak üzere, gelişigüzel bir şekilde dağıtılmış olması
stagger formation
(Askeri) kademeli dağınık düzen
staggered column formation
(Askeri) dağınık kol düzeni
substitutive formation
(Biyoloji) ikame oluşum
successive formation
(Askeri) ARD ARDA SAFA GEÇME DÜZENİ, BİRBİRİ ARDINCA SAFA GEÇME DÜZENİ: Bir resmi geçit için, muhtelif birliklerin birbiri ardından yerlerine geçtikleri düzen
successive formation
(Askeri) art arda safa geçme düzeni
symptom formation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) semptom oluşumu
trail formation
(Askeri) ARAÇ KOL DÜZENİ: Emredilen mesafede birbiri gerisinden hareket eden araçlar. Ayrıca bakınız: "column formation"
underlying formation
(Jeoloji) altlayan formasyon
vee formation
(Askeri) V DÜZENİ: Bak "formation"
wedge formation
(Askeri) Kama düzeni
wedge formation
(Askeri) KAMA DÜZENİ: Ucu düşmana çevrilmiş ters V şeklindeki taktik düzen. Sağ ve sol gerilere doğru kademelendirilmiş birlikleri bulunan düzen. Buna kısaca (wedge) de denir
word formation
sözcük yapımı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
if birds or planes fly in a V-formation, they form the shape of the letter V as they fly
back formation
Alternative spelling of backformation
The process by which a new word is formed by removing a morpheme (real or perceived) of an older word, such as the verb burgle, formed by removing -ar (perceived as a suffix forming an agent noun) from burglar
A word created in this way

Back-formations, such as tambour (for play the tambourine), are a staple of comedic wordplay.

The act of assembling a group or structure
The process of influencing or guiding a person to a deeper understanding of a particular vocation
A rock or face of a mountain
An arrangement of moving troops, ships, or aircraft, such as a wedge, line abreast, or echelon. Often "in formation"
Something possessing structure or form
A grouping of military units or smaller formations under a command, such as a brigade, division, wing, etc
illegal formation
A formation of players not permitted by the rules of the game
reticular formation
Part of the brain that is involved in actions such as awaking/sleeping cycle, and filtering incoming stimuli to discriminate irrelevant background stimuli
relative disposition of parts
{n} the act or manner of forming
identity formation
Identity formation is the process of the development of the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity (known as personal continuity) in a particular stage of life in which individual characteristics are possessed by which a person is recognized or known (such as the establishment of a reputation). This process defines an individual to others and themselves. Pieces of the entity's actual identity include a sense of continuity, a sense of uniqueness from others, and a sense of affiliation. Identity formation leads to a number issues of personal identity and an identity where the individual has some sort of comprehension of him or herself as a discrete, separate entity. This may be through individuation whereby the undifferentiated individual tends to become unique, or undergoes stages through which differentiated facets of a person's life tend toward becoming a more indivisible whole
I formation
An offensive formation in which the running backs line up in single file behind the center and the quarterback
T formation
An offensive formation in which the fullback lines up directly behind the center and the quarterback with a halfback on either side or in which two running backs line up behind the quarterback in a line parallel to the line of scrimmage
back formation
a new word formed from an older word, for example 'televise', which is formed from 'television'
{i} (Linguistics) word formed from its derivative (e.g.: "greed" from "greedy; "edit" from "editor"); process of forming words in this manner
a word invented (usually unwittingly by subtracting an affix) on the assumption that a familiar word derives from it
battle formation
way that troops are arranged for battle
capital formation
{i} transfer of savings from private people and governments to the business sector for investment
capital formation statement
itemization of changes in a business' property
concept formation
Process of developing abstract rules or mental constructs based on sensory experience. Concept formation figures prominently in cognitive development and was a subject of great importance to Jean Piaget, who argued that learning entails an understanding of a phenomenon's characteristics and how they are logically linked. Noam Chomsky later argued that certain cognitive structures (such as basic grammatical rules) are innate in human beings. Both scholars held that, as a concept emerges, it becomes subject to testing: a child's concept of "bird," for example, will be tested against specific instances of birds. The human capacity for play contributes importantly to this process by allowing for consideration of a wide range of possibilities
flight formation
group of airplanes flying in a particular arrangement
natural process that causes something to form; "the formation of gas in the intestine"; "the formation of crystals"; "the formation of pseudopods
Rock or face of a mountain
The formation of something is the starting or creation of it. the formation of a new government. = creation
A rock or cloud formation is rock or cloud of a particular shape or structure. a vast rock formation shaped like a pillar Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass
the act of forming something; "the constitution of a PTA group last year"; "it was the establishment of his reputation"; "he still remembers the organization of the club"
The formation of a special district This change is analogous to a city incorporation Special Districts come into exsistence because people identify the need for a specific service and decide that a special district would be the most effective provider Dissolution of a special district parallels the disincorporation of a city and no longer has corporate powers
A body of rock identified by physical characteristics and stratigraphic position and mappable at the earth's surface or traceable in the subsurface The formation is the fundamental unit in lithostratigraphic classification Formations can be subdivided into members or lumped together into groups
A body of rock both large enough to be mapped and distinct from surrounding rock Usually takes its name from a geographic feature in the area where it is exposed on the surface (the Saganaga Batholith, for example)
(geology) the geological features of the earth
an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"
the ordinary unit of geologic mapping consisting of a large and persistent stratum of rock
In geology, the fundamental unit in rock stratigraphic classification, consisting of a distinctive mappable body of rock Geology Ref WM
Mineral deposits and rock masses designated with reference to their origin; as, the siliceous formation about geysers; alluvial formations; marine formations
a formation is a being which is produced by an Emanation, by means of the matter is can dispose of It may happen that an Emanator uses the best of its matter to divert itself from the hostile, without succeeding to do this: the Tradition offers many examples (see notably the chapters 3 and 9) The formation is an individual being independent of its Maker
The arrangement of a body of troops, as in a square, column, etc
A body of consolidated or unconsolidated rock with similar lithologic characteristics which is prevailingly, but not necessarily, laterally continuous and is mappable on the earth's surface or traceable in the subsurface
A level in the National Vegetation Classification Standard hierarchy below subgroup which represents vegetation types that share a definite physiognomy or structure within broadly defined environmental factors, relative landscape positions, or hydrologic regimes (Grossman et al 1998) See table under USNVC
The manner in which a thing is formed; structure; construction; conformation; form; as, the peculiar formation of the heart
The act of giving form or shape to anything; a forming; a shaping
1) A freefall skydiving formation of more than one jumper 2) A flight of more than one jump plane
larger vegetation units, such as forest, forest-step (prairie), arctic or alpine dwarf scrub etc The term goes back to Grisebach (1839), a pioneer in the science of plant geography
A group of beds of the same age or period; as, the Eocene formation
A defined unit of rock within a stratigraphic section at the given locality
a particular spatial arrangement
In football, the arrangement of players on either team at the start of play
When referring to RW a formation is a group of skydivers forming particular pattern by taking grips on each others arms and legs The formations that will be done on a jump are determined and practiced (Dirt Dived) before the jump When referring to CRW it is a formation of Canopies flying together in a predetermined configuration
If people or things are in formation, they are arranged in a particular pattern as they move. He was flying in formation with seven other jets
a unit of geological mapping, consisting of a large and persistent stratum of rock
The dispersion of fibers in a sheet of paper The more uniform and tightly bound the fibers, the better the sheet will print and look
the arrangement of players on the offensive team just prior to the beginning of a play
the fabrication of something in a particular shape creation by mental activity; "the formation of sentences"; "the formation of memories"
a particular spatial arrangement an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"
– Any assemblage of rocks which have some character in common, whether of origin, age, or composition Often, the word is loosely used to indicate anything that has been formed or brought into its present shape
natural process that causes something to form; "the formation of gas in the intestine"; "the formation of crystals"; "the formation of pseudopods"
the fabrication of something in a particular shape
A substance formed or deposited
the arrangement into positions of players on the field; for example, a 4-3-3 formation places 4 defenders, 3 midfielders and 3 forwards on the field
{i} forming, making; structure, arrangement; configuration; configuration of troops (Military); creation, establishment
creation by mental activity; "the formation of sentences"; "the formation of memories"
A term used to describe or map large geological features which have the same general distinctive makeup
The basic unit of lithostratigraphic classification A formation must be identifiable on the basis of easily recognized physical properties and widespread enough to be mapped at a regional scale A formation can be divided into smaller units (called members) where these, too, are recognizable and mappable Formations can also be combined into groups when useful and appropriate
The term for the primary unit in stratigraphy consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping or description which possesses certain distinctive lithologic and other features, i e the Mississauga Formation
The arrangement of fibers in a sheet of paper; can be seen by holding it up to a light source
The formation is what connects the sleepers with the ground, the tracks foundations As our track runs over heavy clay, we have clay, sand, a non-perminable membrane and finally balast
the fabrication of something in a particular shape creation by mental activity; "the formation of sentences"; "the formation of memories" a particular spatial arrangement an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes" natural process that causes something to form; "the formation of gas in the intestine"; "the formation of crystals"; "the formation of pseudopods
(geologic) The ordinary unit of geologic mapping recognized by field criteria consisting of a larger, persistent, and mappable strata of predominantly one kind of rock or sediment type
The formation of an idea, habit, relationship, or character is the process of developing and establishing it. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament. = development
multiple spacecraft with a desired position and/or orientation relative to each other or to a common target
formation leader
airplane which flies at the head of a group of airplanes (to lead and direct)
formation of a government
making or creation of a ruling body, establishing of an administration or ministry
geological formation
(geology) the geological features of the earth
heat of formation
the heat evolved or absorbed during the formation of one mole of a substance from its component elements
ice formation
Any mass of ice that occurs on the Earth's continents or surface waters. Such masses form wherever substantial amounts of liquid water freeze and remain in the solid state for some period of time. Examples include glaciers, icebergs, sea ice, and ground ice associated with permafrost
joining formation
participation by aircraft in a joint flight in a particular formation (for battle or performance in an air show)
military formation
a formation of troops
forming again (especially with improvements or removal of defects); renewing and reconstituting
reaction formation
A psychological defense mechanism by which an objectionable impulse is expressed in an opposite or contrasting behavior
reaction formation
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which a person unconsciously develops attitudes and behavior that are the opposite of unacceptable repressed desires and impulses and serve to conceal them; "his strict morality is just a reaction formation to hide his sexual drive
reticular formation
a complex neural network in the central core of the brainstem; monitors the state of the body and functions in such processes as arousal and sleep and attention and muscle tone
reticular formation
A diffuse network of nerve fibers and cells in parts of the brainstem, important in regulating consciousness or wakefulness
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف v-formation في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

organik külte mineral formation largely formed
from organic material



    ... to the formation of Earth and its first creatures and the rise of man, ...
    ... leading to the formation of the first states in West Africa. ...