vücuda zararlı, toksik

listen to the pronunciation of vücuda zararlı, toksik
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) deleterious
Harmful or noxious to physical, mental, or moral health

Or might it suffice him, that every wholesome growth should be converted into something deleterious and malignant at his touch?.

{a} deadly, destractive
hurtful, morally or physically
{s} harmful
harmful or hurtful, to physical, mental or moral health
Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it. Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life. = detrimental. damaging or harmful (deleterius, from deleisthai )
harmful to living things; "deleterious chemical additives"
harmful to living things; "deleterious chemical additives
Hurtful; noxious; destructive; pernicious; as, a deleterious plant or quality; a deleterious example
vücuda zararlı, toksik